#!/usr/bin/python ## ## Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## from past.utils import old_div import sys import time import requests from rapid_log import RapidLog from rapid_test import RapidTest class IrqTest(RapidTest): """ Class to manage the irq testing """ def __init__(self, test_param, runtime, testname, environment_file, machines): super().__init__(test_param, runtime, testname, environment_file) self.machines = machines def run(self): RapidLog.info("+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") RapidLog.info("| Measuring time probably spent dealing with an interrupt. Interrupting DPDK cores for more than 50us might be problematic ") RapidLog.info("| and result in packet loss. The first row shows the interrupted time buckets: first number is the bucket between 0us and ") RapidLog.info("| that number expressed in us and so on. The numbers in the other rows show how many times per second, the program was ") RapidLog.info("| interrupted for a time as specified by its bucket. '0' is printed when there are no interrupts in this bucket throughout ") RapidLog.info("| the duration of the test. 0.00 means there were interrupts in this bucket but very few. Due to rounding this shows as 0.00 ") RapidLog.info("+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") sys.stdout.flush() for machine in self.machines: buckets=machine.socket.show_irq_buckets(1) print('Measurement ongoing ... ',end='\r') machine.start() # PROX cores will be started within 0 to 1 seconds # That is why we sleep a bit over 1 second to make sure all cores # are started time.sleep(1.2) old_irq = [[0 for x in range(len(buckets))] for y in range(len(machine.get_cores()))] irq = [[0 for x in range(len(buckets))] for y in range(len(machine.get_cores()))] column_names = [] for bucket in buckets: column_names.append('<{}'.format(bucket)) column_names[-1] = '>{}'.format(buckets[-2]) for j,bucket in enumerate(buckets): for i,irqcore in enumerate(machine.get_cores()): old_irq[i][j] = machine.socket.irq_stats(irqcore,j) # Measurements in the loop above, are updated by PROX every second # This means that taking the same measurement 0.5 second later # might results in the same data or data from the next 1s window time.sleep(float(self.test['runtime'])) row_names = [] for i,irqcore in enumerate(machine.get_cores()): row_names.append(irqcore) for j,bucket in enumerate(buckets): diff = machine.socket.irq_stats(irqcore,j) - old_irq[i][j] if diff == 0: irq[i][j] = '0' else: irq[i][j] = str(round(old_div(diff,float(self.test['runtime'])), 2)) # Measurements in the loop above, are updated by PROX every second # This means that taking the same measurement 0.5 second later # might results in the same data or data from the next 1s window # Conclusion: we don't know the exact window size. # Real measurement windows might be wrong by 1 second # This could be fixed in this script by checking this data every # 0.5 seconds Not implemented since we can also run this test for # a longer time and decrease the error. The absolute number of # interrupts is not so important. machine.stop() RapidLog.info('Results for PROX instance %s'%machine.name) RapidLog.info('{:>12}'.format('bucket us') + ''.join(['{:>12}'.format(item) for item in column_names])) for j, row in enumerate(irq): RapidLog.info('Core {:>7}'.format(row_names[j]) + ''.join(['{:>12}'.format(item) for item in row])) variables = {} variables['test'] = self.test['test'] variables['environment_file'] = self.test['environment_file'] variables['Machine'] = machine.name for i,irqcore in enumerate(machine.get_cores()): variables['Core'] = '{}'.format(row_names[i]) for j,bucket in enumerate(buckets): variables['B{}'.format(column_names[j].replace(">","M").replace("<","").replace(" ",""))] = irq[i][j] self.post_data('rapid_irqtest', variables) return (True, None)