#!/usr/bin/python ## ## Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Intel Corporation ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## from __future__ import print_function import os import stat import sys import time import subprocess import getopt import re import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from logging import handlers import ConfigParser version="19.11.21" stack = "rapid" #Default string for stack. This is not an OpenStack Heat stack, just a group of VMs vms = "rapid.vms" #Default string for vms file key = "prox" # default name for key image = "rapidVM" # default name for the image image_file = "rapidVM.qcow2" dataplane_network = "dataplane-network" # default name for the dataplane network subnet = "dpdk-subnet" #subnet for dataplane subnet_cidr="" # cidr for dataplane internal_network="admin_internal_net" floating_network="admin_floating_net" loglevel="DEBUG" # sets log level for writing to file def usage(): print("usage: createrapid [--version] [-v]") print(" [--stack STACK_NAME]") print(" [--vms VMS_FILE]") print(" [--key KEY_NAME]") print(" [--image IMAGE_NAME]") print(" [--image_file IMAGE_FILE]") print(" [--dataplane_network DP_NETWORK]") print(" [--subnet DP_SUBNET]") print(" [--subnet_cidr SUBNET_CIDR]") print(" [--internal_network ADMIN_NETWORK]") print(" [--floating_network FLOATING_NETWORK]") print(" [--log DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL]") print(" [-h] [--help]") print("") print("Command-line interface to createrapid") print("") print("optional arguments:") print(" -v, --version Show program's version number and exit") print(" --stack STACK_NAME Specify a name for the stack. Default is %s."%stack) print(" --vms VMS_FILE Specify the vms file to be used. Default is %s."%vms) print(" --key KEY_NAME Specify the key to be used. Default is %s."%key) print(" --image IMAGE_NAME Specify the image to be used. Default is %s."%image) print(" --image_file IMAGE_FILE Specify the image qcow2 file to be used. Default is %s."%image_file) print(" --dataplane_network NETWORK Specify the network name to be used for the dataplane. Default is %s."%dataplane_network) print(" --subnet DP_SUBNET Specify the subnet name to be used for the dataplane. Default is %s."%subnet) print(" --subnet_cidr SUBNET_CIDR Specify the subnet CIDR to be used for the dataplane. Default is %s."%subnet_cidr) print(" --internal_network NETWORK Specify the network name to be used for the control plane. Default is %s."%internal_network) print(" --floating_network NETWORK Specify the external floating ip network name. Default is %s. NO if no floating ip used."%floating_network) print(" --log Specify logging level for log file output, screen output level is hard coded") print(" -h, --help Show help message and exit.") print("") try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh", ["version","help", "vms=","stack=","key=","image=","image_file=","dataplane_network=","subnet=","subnet_cidr=","internal_network=","floating_network=","log="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print("===========================================") print(str(err)) print("===========================================") usage() sys.exit(2) if args: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ["-h", "--help"]: usage() sys.exit() if opt in ["-v", "--version"]: print("Rapid Automated Performance Indication for Dataplane "+version) sys.exit() if opt in ["--stack"]: stack = arg print ("Using '"+stack+"' as name for the stack") elif opt in ["--vms"]: vms = arg print ("Using Virtual Machines Description: "+vms) elif opt in ["--key"]: key = arg print ("Using key: "+key) elif opt in ["--image"]: image = arg print ("Using image: "+image) elif opt in ["--image_file"]: image_file = arg print ("Using qcow2 file: "+image_file) elif opt in ["--dataplane_network"]: dataplane_network = arg print ("Using dataplane network: "+ dataplane_network) elif opt in ["--subnet"]: subnet = arg print ("Using dataplane subnet: "+ subnet) elif opt in ["--subnet_cidr"]: subnet_cidr = arg print ("Using dataplane subnet: "+ subnet_cidr) elif opt in ["--internal_network"]: internal_network = arg print ("Using control plane network: "+ internal_network) elif opt in ["--floating_network"]: floating_network = arg print ("Using floating ip network: "+ floating_network) elif opt in ["--log"]: loglevel = arg print ("Log level: "+ loglevel) # create formatters screen_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") file_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") # get a top-level logger, # set its log level, # BUT PREVENT IT from propagating messages to the root logger # log = logging.getLogger() numeric_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel) log.setLevel(numeric_level) log.propagate = 0 # create a console handler # and set its log level to the command-line option # console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) console_handler.setFormatter(screen_formatter) # create a file handler # and set its log level to DEBUG # log_file = 'CREATE' +stack +'.log' file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, backupCount=10) #file_handler = log.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(log_file, 'D', 1, 5) file_handler.setLevel(numeric_level) file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) # add handlers to the logger # log.addHandler(file_handler) log.addHandler(console_handler) # Check if log exists and should therefore be rolled needRoll = os.path.isfile(log_file) # This is a stale log, so roll it if needRoll: # Add timestamp log.debug('\n---------\nLog closed on %s.\n---------\n' % time.asctime()) # Roll over on application start log.handlers[0].doRollover() # Add timestamp log.debug('\n---------\nLog started on %s.\n---------\n' % time.asctime()) log.debug("createrapid.py version: "+version) # Checking if the control network already exists, if not, stop the script log.debug("Checking control plane network: " + internal_network) cmd = 'openstack network list -f value -c Name' log.debug (cmd) Networks = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if internal_network in Networks: log.info("Control plane network (" + internal_network+") already active") else: log.exception("Control plane network " + internal_network + " not existing") raise Exception("Control plane network " + internal_network + " not existing") # Checking if the floating ip network should be used. If yes, check if it exists and stop the script if it doesn't if floating_network !='NO': log.debug("Checking floating ip network: " + floating_network) if floating_network in Networks: log.info("Floating ip network (" + floating_network + ") already active") else: log.exception("Floating ip network " + floating_network + " not existing") raise Exception("Floating ip network " + floating_network + " not existing") # Checking if the dataplane network already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking dataplane network: " + dataplane_network) if dataplane_network in Networks: # If the dataplane already exists, we are assuming that this network is already created before with the proper configuration, hence we do not check if the subnet is created etc... log.info("Dataplane network (" + dataplane_network + ") already active") subnet = "n/a: was already existing" subnet_cidr = "n/a, was already existing" else: log.info('Creating dataplane network ...') cmd = 'openstack network create '+dataplane_network+' -f value -c status' log.debug(cmd) NetworkExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if 'ACTIVE' in NetworkExist: log.info("Dataplane network created") # Checking if the dataplane subnet already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking subnet: "+subnet) cmd = 'openstack subnet list -f value -c Name' log.debug (cmd) Subnets = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if subnet in Subnets: log.info("Subnet (" +subnet+ ") already exists") subnet = "n/a, was already existing" subnet_cidr = "n/a, was already existing" else: log.info('Creating subnet ...') cmd = 'openstack subnet create --network ' + dataplane_network + ' --subnet-range ' + subnet_cidr +' --gateway none ' + subnet+' -f value -c name' log.debug(cmd) Subnets = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if subnet in Subnets: log.info("Subnet created") else : log.exception("Failed to create subnet: " + subnet) raise Exception("Failed to create subnet: " + subnet) else : log.exception("Failed to create dataplane network: " + dataplane_network) raise Exception("Failed to create dataplane network: " + dataplane_network) # Checking if the image already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking image: " + image) cmd = 'openstack image list -f value -c Name' log.debug(cmd) Images = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if image in Images: log.info("Image (" + image + ") already available") image_file="Don't know, was already existing" else: log.info('Creating image ...') cmd = 'openstack image create -f value -c status --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public --file ./'+image_file+ ' ' +image log.debug(cmd) ImageExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if 'active' in ImageExist: log.info('Image created and active') # cmd = 'openstack image set --property hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled="true" ' +image # subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True) else : log.exception("Failed to create image") raise Exception("Failed to create image") # Checking if the key already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking key: "+key) cmd = 'openstack keypair list -f value -c Name' log.debug (cmd) KeyExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if key in KeyExist: log.info("Key (" + key + ") already installed") else: log.info('Creating key ...') cmd = 'openstack keypair create ' + key + '>' + key + '.pem' log.debug(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True) cmd = 'chmod 600 ' + key + '.pem' subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) cmd = 'openstack keypair list -f value -c Name' log.debug(cmd) KeyExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if key in KeyExist: log.info("Key created") else : log.exception("Failed to create key: " + key) raise Exception("Failed to create key: " + key) ServerToBeCreated=[] ServerName=[] config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() vmconfig = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() vmname = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/' + vms #vmconfig.read_file(open(vmname)) vmconfig.readfp(open(vmname)) total_number_of_VMs = vmconfig.get('DEFAULT', 'total_number_of_vms') cmd = 'openstack server list -f value -c Name' log.debug (cmd) Servers = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() cmd = 'openstack flavor list -f value -c Name' log.debug (cmd) Flavors = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() for vm in range(1, int(total_number_of_VMs)+1): flavor_info = vmconfig.get('VM%d'%vm, 'flavor_info') flavor_meta_data = vmconfig.get('VM%d'%vm, 'flavor_meta_data') boot_info = vmconfig.get('VM%d'%vm, 'boot_info') SRIOV_port = vmconfig.get('VM%d'%vm, 'SRIOV_port') SRIOV_mgmt_port = vmconfig.get('VM%d'%vm, 'SRIOV_mgmt_port') ServerName.append('%s-VM%d'%(stack,vm)) flavor_name = '%s-VM%d-flavor'%(stack,vm) log.debug("Checking server: " + ServerName[-1]) if ServerName[-1] in Servers: log.info("Server (" + ServerName[-1] + ") already active") ServerToBeCreated.append("no") else: ServerToBeCreated.append("yes") # Checking if the flavor already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking flavor: " + flavor_name) if flavor_name in Flavors: log.info("Flavor (" + flavor_name+") already installed") else: log.info('Creating flavor ...') cmd = 'openstack flavor create %s %s -f value -c name'%(flavor_name,flavor_info) log.debug(cmd) NewFlavor = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if flavor_name in NewFlavor: cmd = 'openstack flavor set %s %s'%(flavor_name, flavor_meta_data) log.debug(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True) log.info("Flavor created") else : log.exception("Failed to create flavor: " + flavor_name) raise Exception("Failed to create flavor: " + flavor_name) if SRIOV_mgmt_port == 'NO': nic_info = '--nic net-id=%s'%(internal_network) else: nic_info = '--nic port-id=%s'%(SRIOV_mgmt_port) if SRIOV_port == 'NO': nic_info = nic_info + ' --nic net-id=%s'%(dataplane_network) else: for port in SRIOV_port.split(','): nic_info = nic_info + ' --nic port-id=%s'%(port) if vm==int(total_number_of_VMs): # For the last server, we want to wait for the server creation to complete, so the next operations will succeeed (e.g. IP allocation) # Note that this waiting is not bullet proof. Imagine, we loop through all the VMs, and the last VM was already running, while the previous # VMs still needed to be created. Or the previous server creations take much longer than the last one. # In that case, we might be too fast when we query for the IP & MAC addresses. wait = '--wait' else: wait = '' log.info("Creating server...") cmd = 'openstack server create --flavor %s --key-name %s --image %s %s %s %s %s'%(flavor_name,key,image,nic_info,boot_info,wait,ServerName[-1]) log.debug(cmd) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() if floating_network != 'NO': for vm in range(0, int(total_number_of_VMs)): if ServerToBeCreated[vm] =="yes": log.info('Creating & Associating floating IP for ('+ServerName[vm]+')...') cmd = 'openstack server show %s -c addresses -f value |grep -Eo "%s=[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | cut -d"=" -f2'%(ServerName[vm],internal_network) log.debug(cmd) vmportIP = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() cmd = 'openstack port list -c ID -c "Fixed IP Addresses" | grep %s | cut -d" " -f 2 ' %(vmportIP) log.debug(cmd) vmportID = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() cmd = 'openstack floating ip create --port %s %s'%(vmportID,floating_network) log.debug(cmd) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() config.add_section('rapid') config.set('rapid', 'loglevel', loglevel) config.set('rapid', 'version', version) config.set('rapid', 'total_number_of_machines', total_number_of_VMs) for vm in range(1, int(total_number_of_VMs)+1): cmd = 'openstack server show %s'%(ServerName[vm-1]) log.debug(cmd) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() searchString = '.*%s=([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)' %(dataplane_network) matchObj = re.search(searchString, output, re.DOTALL) vmDPIP = matchObj.group(1) searchString = '.*%s=([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+),*\s*([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)*' %(internal_network) matchObj = re.search(searchString, output, re.DOTALL) vmAdminIP = matchObj.group(2) if vmAdminIP == None: vmAdminIP = matchObj.group(1) cmd = 'openstack port list |egrep "\\b%s\\b" | tr -s " " | cut -d"|" -f 4'%(vmDPIP) log.debug(cmd) vmDPmac = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).decode().strip() config.add_section('M%d'%vm) config.set('M%d'%vm, 'name', ServerName[vm-1]) config.set('M%d'%vm, 'admin_ip', vmAdminIP) config.set('M%d'%vm, 'dp_ip', vmDPIP) config.set('M%d'%vm, 'dp_mac', vmDPmac) log.info('%s: (admin IP: %s), (dataplane IP: %s), (dataplane MAC: %s)' % (ServerName[vm-1],vmAdminIP,vmDPIP,vmDPmac)) config.add_section('ssh') config.set('ssh', 'key', key + '.pem') config.set('ssh', 'user', 'centos') config.add_section('Varia') config.set('Varia', 'VIM', 'OpenStack') config.set('Varia', 'stack', stack) config.set('Varia', 'VMs', vms) config.set('Varia', 'image', image) config.set('Varia', 'image_file', image_file) config.set('Varia', 'dataplane_network', dataplane_network) config.set('Varia', 'subnet', subnet) config.set('Varia', 'subnet_cidr', subnet_cidr) config.set('Varia', 'internal_network', internal_network) config.set('Varia', 'floating_network', floating_network) # Writing the environment file with open(stack+'.env', 'wb') as envfile: config.write(envfile)