#!/usr/bin/python ## ## Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## from __future__ import print_function import os import stat import sys import time import subprocess import getopt import re import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from logging import handlers from prox_ctrl import prox_ctrl import ConfigParser version="17.12.15" stack = "rapid" #Default string for stack yaml = "rapid.yaml" #Default string for yaml file key = "prox" # This is also the default in the yaml file.... flavor = "prox_flavor" # This is also the default in the yaml file.... image = "rapidVM" # This is also the default in the yaml file.... image_file = "rapidVM.qcow2" dataplane_network = "dataplane-network" # This is also the default in the yaml file.... subnet = "dpdk-subnet" #Hardcoded at this moment subnet_cidr="" # cidr for dataplane internal_network="admin_internal_net" floating_network="admin_floating_net" loglevel="DEBUG" # sets log level for writing to file runtime=10 # time in seconds for 1 test run def usage(): print("usage: createrapid [--version] [-v]") print(" [--stack STACK_NAME]") print(" [--yaml YAML_FILE]") print(" [--key KEY_NAME]") print(" [--flavor FLAVOR_NAME]") print(" [--image IMAGE_NAME]") print(" [--image_file IMAGE_FILE]") print(" [--dataplane_network DP_NETWORK]") print(" [--subnet DP_SUBNET]") print(" [--subnet_cidr SUBNET_CIDR]") print(" [--internal_network ADMIN_NETWORK]") print(" [--floating_network ADMIN_NETWORK]") print(" [--log DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL") print(" [-h] [--help]") print("") print("Command-line interface to createrapid") print("") print("optional arguments:") print(" -v, --version Show program's version number and exit") print(" --stack STACK_NAME Specify a name for the heat stack. Default is %s."%stack) print(" --yaml YAML_FILE Specify the yaml file to be used. Default is %s."%yaml) print(" --key KEY_NAME Specify the key to be used. Default is %s."%key) print(" --flavor FLAVOR_NAME Specify the flavor to be used. Default is %s."%flavor) print(" --image IMAGE_NAME Specify the image to be used. Default is %s."%image) print(" --image_file IMAGE_FILE Specify the image qcow2 file to be used. Default is %s."%image_file) print(" --dataplane_network NETWORK Specify the network name to be used for the dataplane. Default is %s."%dataplane_network) print(" --subnet DP_SUBNET Specify the subnet name to be used for the dataplane. Default is %s."%subnet) print(" --subnet_cidr SUBNET_CIDR Specify the subnet CIDR to be used for the dataplane. Default is %s."%subnet_cidr) print(" --internal_network NETWORK Specify the network name to be used for the control plane. Default is %s."%internal_network) print(" --floating_network NETWORK Specify the external floating ip network name. Default is %s."%floating_network) print(" --log Specify logging level for log file output, screen output level is hard coded") print(" -h, --help Show help message and exit.") print("") print("To delete the rapid stack, type the following command") print(" openstack stack delete --yes --wait %s"%stack) print("Note that %s is the default stack name. Replace with STACK_NAME if needed"%stack) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh", ["version","help", "yaml=","stack=","key=","flavor=","image=","image_file=","dataplane_network=","subnet=","subnet_cidr=","internal_network=","floating_network=","log="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print("===========================================") print(str(err)) print("===========================================") usage() sys.exit(2) if args: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() if opt in ("-v", "--version"): print("Rapid Automated Performance Indication for Dataplane "+version) sys.exit() if opt in ("--stack"): stack = arg print ("Using '"+stack+"' as name for the stack") elif opt in ("--yaml"): yaml = arg print ("Using stack: "+yaml) elif opt in ("--key"): key = arg print ("Using key: "+key) elif opt in ("--flavor"): flavor = arg print ("Using flavor: "+flavor) elif opt in ("--image"): image = arg print ("Using image: "+image) elif opt in ("--image_file"): image_file = arg print ("Using qcow2 file: "+image_file) elif opt in ("--dataplane_network"): dataplane_network = arg print ("Using dataplane network: "+ dataplane_network) elif opt in ("--subnet"): subnet = arg print ("Using dataplane subnet: "+ subnet) elif opt in ("--subnet_cidr"): subnet_cidr = arg print ("Using dataplane subnet: "+ subnet_cidr) elif opt in ("--internal_network"): internal_network = arg print ("Using controle plane network: "+ internal_network) elif opt in ("--floating_network"): floating_network = arg print ("Using floating ip network: "+ floating_network) elif opt in ("--log"): loglevel = arg print ("Log level: "+ loglevel) # create formatters screen_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") file_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") # get a top-level logger, # set its log level, # BUT PREVENT IT from propagating messages to the root logger # log = logging.getLogger() numeric_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel) log.setLevel(numeric_level) log.propagate = 0 # create a console handler # and set its log level to the command-line option # console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) console_handler.setFormatter(screen_formatter) # create a file handler # and set its log level to DEBUG # log_file = 'CREATE' +stack +'.log' file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, backupCount=10) #file_handler = log.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(log_file, 'D', 1, 5) file_handler.setLevel(numeric_level) file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) # add handlers to the logger # log.addHandler(file_handler) log.addHandler(console_handler) # Check if log exists and should therefore be rolled needRoll = os.path.isfile(log_file) # This is a stale log, so roll it if needRoll: # Add timestamp log.debug('\n---------\nLog closed on %s.\n---------\n' % time.asctime()) # Roll over on application start log.handlers[0].doRollover() # Add timestamp log.debug('\n---------\nLog started on %s.\n---------\n' % time.asctime()) log.debug("createrapid.py version: "+version) # Checking if the control network already exists, if not, stop the script log.debug("Checking control plane network: "+internal_network) cmd = 'openstack network show '+internal_network log.debug (cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' NetworkExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if NetworkExist == 'ACTIVE': log.info("Control plane network ("+internal_network+") already active") else: log.exception("Control plane network " + internal_network + " not existing") raise Exception("Control plane network " + internal_network + " not existing") # Checking if the floating ip network already exists, if not, stop the script log.debug("Checking floating ip network: "+floating_network) cmd = 'openstack network show '+floating_network log.debug (cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' NetworkExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if NetworkExist == 'ACTIVE': log.info("Floating ip network ("+floating_network+") already active") else: log.exception("Floating ip network " + floating_network + " not existing") raise Exception("Floating ip network " + floating_network + " not existing") # Checking if the image already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking image: "+image) cmd = 'openstack image show '+image log.debug(cmd) cmd = cmd +' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' ImageExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if ImageExist == 'active': log.info("Image ("+image+") already available") else: log.info('Creating image ...') cmd = 'openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public --file ./'+image_file+ ' ' +image log.debug(cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' ImageExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if ImageExist == 'active': log.info('Image created and active') cmd = 'openstack image set --property hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled="true" ' +image # subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True) else : log.exception("Failed to create image") raise Exception("Failed to create image") # Checking if the key already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking key: "+key) cmd = 'openstack keypair show '+key log.debug (cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' KeyExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if KeyExist == key: log.info("Key ("+key+") already installed") else: log.info('Creating key ...') cmd = 'openstack keypair create '+ key + '>' +key+'.pem' log.debug(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True) cmd = 'chmod 600 ' +key+'.pem' subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True) cmd = 'openstack keypair show '+key log.debug(cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' KeyExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if KeyExist == key: log.info("Key created") else : log.exception("Failed to create key: " + key) raise Exception("Failed to create key: " + key) # Checking if the flavor already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking flavor: "+flavor) cmd = 'openstack flavor show '+flavor log.debug (cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' FlavorExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if FlavorExist == flavor: log.info("Flavor ("+flavor+") already installed") else: log.info('Creating flavor ...') cmd = 'openstack flavor create '+flavor+' --ram 8192 --disk 20 --vcpus 4' log.debug(cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' FlavorExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if FlavorExist == flavor: cmd = 'openstack flavor set '+ flavor +' --property hw:mem_page_size="large" --property hw:cpu_policy="dedicated" --property hw:cpu_threads_policy="isolate"' log.debug(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True) log.info("Flavor created") else : log.exception("Failed to create flavor: " + flavor) raise Exception("Failed to create flavor: " + flavor) # Checking if the dataplane network already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking dataplane network: "+dataplane_network) cmd = 'openstack network show '+dataplane_network log.debug (cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' NetworkExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if NetworkExist == 'ACTIVE': log.info("Dataplane network ("+dataplane_network+") already active") else: log.info('Creating dataplane network ...') cmd = 'openstack network create '+dataplane_network log.debug(cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4' NetworkExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if NetworkExist == 'ACTIVE': log.info("Dataplane network created") else : log.exception("Failed to create dataplane network: " + dataplane_network) raise Exception("Failed to create dataplane network: " + dataplane_network) # Checking if the dataplane subnet already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking subnet: "+subnet) cmd = 'openstack subnet show '+ subnet log.debug (cmd) cmd = cmd +' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d"|" -f 3' SubnetExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if SubnetExist == subnet: log.info("Subnet (" +subnet+ ") already exists") else: log.info('Creating subnet ...') cmd = 'openstack subnet create --network ' + dataplane_network + ' --subnet-range ' + subnet_cidr +' --gateway none ' + subnet log.debug(cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d"|" -f 3' SubnetExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if SubnetExist == subnet: log.info("Subnet created") else : log.exception("Failed to create subnet: " + subnet) raise Exception("Failed to create subnet: " + subnet) # Checking if the stack already exists, if not create it log.debug("Checking Stack: "+stack) cmd = 'openstack stack show '+stack log.debug (cmd) cmd = cmd+' |grep "stack_status " | tr -s " " | cut -d"|" -f 3' StackRunning = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if StackRunning == '': log.info('Creating Stack ...') cmd = 'openstack stack create -t '+ yaml + ' --parameter flavor="'+flavor +'" --parameter key="'+ key + '" --parameter image="'+image + '" --parameter dataplane_network="'+dataplane_network+ '" --parameter internal_network="'+internal_network+'" --parameter floating_network="'+floating_network+'" --wait '+stack log.debug(cmd) cmd = cmd + ' |grep "stack_status " | tr -s " " | cut -d"|" -f 3' StackRunning = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() if StackRunning != 'CREATE_COMPLETE': log.exception("Failed to create stack") raise Exception("Failed to create stack") # Obtaining IP & MAC addresses for the VMs created in the stack log.info("Stack ("+stack+") running") cmd='openstack stack show -f yaml -c outputs ' + stack log.debug(cmd) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip() matchObj = re.search('.*total_number_of_VMs.*?([0-9])', output, re.DOTALL) total_number_of_VMs = matchObj.group(1) vmDPIP =[] vmAdminIP =[] vmDPmac =[] config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() for vm in range(1, int(total_number_of_VMs)+1): searchString = '.*vm%d_dataplane_ip.*?([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)' % vm matchObj = re.search(searchString, output, re.DOTALL) vmDPIP.append(matchObj.group(1)) searchString = '.*vm%d_public_ip.*?([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)' % vm matchObj = re.search(searchString, output, re.DOTALL) vmAdminIP.append(matchObj.group(1)) searchString = '.*vm%d_dataplane_mac.*?([a-fA-F0-9:]{17})' % vm matchObj = re.search(searchString, output, re.DOTALL) vmDPmac.append(matchObj.group(1)) log.info('VM%d: (admin IP: %s), (dataplane IP: %s), (dataplane MAC: %s)' % (vm,vmAdminIP[-1],vmDPIP[-1],vmDPmac[-1])) config.add_section('VM%d'%vm) config.set('VM%d'%vm, 'admin_ip', vmAdminIP[-1]) config.set('VM%d'%vm, 'dp_ip', vmDPIP[-1]) config.set('VM%d'%vm, 'dp_mac', vmDPmac[-1]) config.add_section('OpenStack') config.set('OpenStack', 'stack', stack) config.set('OpenStack', 'yaml', yaml) config.set('OpenStack', 'key', key) config.set('OpenStack', 'flavor', flavor) config.set('OpenStack', 'image', image) config.set('OpenStack', 'image_file', image_file) config.set('OpenStack', 'dataplane_network', dataplane_network) config.set('OpenStack', 'subnet', subnet) config.set('OpenStack', 'subnet_cidr', subnet_cidr) config.set('OpenStack', 'internal_network', internal_network) config.set('OpenStack', 'floating_network', floating_network) config.add_section('rapid') config.set('rapid', 'loglevel', loglevel) config.set('rapid', 'version', version) config.set('rapid', 'total_number_of_VMs', total_number_of_VMs) config.set('DEFAULT', 'admin_ip', 'none') # Writing the environment file with open(stack+'.env', 'wb') as envfile: config.write(envfile)