#!/usr/bin/perl ## ## Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## use strict vars; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Net::Pcap; use Net::Frame::Layer; use Net::Frame::Layer::ETH qw(:consts); use Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6 qw(:consts); use Net::Frame::Layer::IPv4 qw(:consts); use Net::Frame::Layer::UDP; use Socket qw(AF_INET AF_INET6 inet_ntop inet_pton); use constant NUM_PACKETS => 30000; use constant ETHER_ADDR_LEN => 6; use constant ETHER_TYPE_LEN => 2; use constant ETHER_HDR_LEN => ( 2 * ETHER_ADDR_LEN ) + ETHER_TYPE_LEN; use constant ETHER_STATIC_MAC => "78acdddddddd"; use constant UDP_HDR_LEN => 8; use constant UDP_STATIC_PORT => 0x6666; use constant IPv6_HOP_LIMIT => 4; use constant IPv6_STATIC_IP => "2222:2222:2222:2222:2222:2222:2222:2222"; use constant IPv4_TIME_TO_LIVE => 32; use constant IPv4_STATIC_IP => ""; srand; my $type = 'tun'; my $pkt_count = NUM_PACKETS; GetOptions( 'inet' => sub { $type = 'inet'}, 'tun' => sub { $type = 'tun'}, 'count=i' => \$pkt_count, 'in=s' => \(my $in = 'ip6_tun_bind.lua'), 'out=s' => \(my $out = 'output.pcap'), 'size=s' => \(my $size = 0) ) or exit; my $pcap = pcap_open_dead( DLT_EN10MB, 65535 ); my $dumper = pcap_dump_open($pcap, $out ) or die 'Could not create output file: ' . $out; if( $type eq 'inet' ) { gen_inet_pcap( $in, $pkt_count ); } if( $type eq 'tun' ) { gen_tun_pcap( $in, $pkt_count ); } pcap_close( $pcap ); # Trim string sub trim { my ( $str ) = @_; $str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $str; } # Generate random port based on $port and $port_mask sub rand_port { my ( $port, $port_mask ) = @_; return ( $port | int( rand( 0xFFFF ) & $port_mask ) ); } # Generate packet originating from CPE sub gen_tun_packet { my ( $sz, $ether, $ipv6, $ipv4, $udp ) = @_; my $hdr_ether = Net::Frame::Layer::ETH->new( src => $ether->{'src'}, dst => $ether->{'dst'}, type => NF_ETH_TYPE_IPv6 )->pack; my $hdr_ipv6 = Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6->new( nextHeader => NF_IPv6_PROTOCOL_IPIP, hopLimit => IPv6_HOP_LIMIT, src => $ipv6->{'src'}, dst => $ipv6->{'dst'}, payloadLength => $sz + NF_IPv4_HDR_LEN + UDP_HDR_LEN )->pack; my $hdr_ipv4 = Net::Frame::Layer::IPv4->new( length => $sz + UDP_HDR_LEN + NF_IPv4_HDR_LEN, ttl => IPv4_TIME_TO_LIVE, protocol => NF_IPv4_PROTOCOL_UDP, src => $ipv4->{'src'}, dst => $ipv4->{'dst'} )->pack; my $hdr_udp = Net::Frame::Layer::UDP->new( src => $udp->{'src'}, dst => $udp->{'dst'}, length => $sz + UDP_HDR_LEN )->pack; my $pkt = pack( "H*", "de" x $sz ); $pkt = $hdr_ether . $hdr_ipv6 . $hdr_ipv4 . $hdr_udp . $pkt; my $pkt_size = length( $pkt ); my $hdr = { tv_sec => 0, tv_usec => 0, len => $pkt_size, caplen => $pkt_size }; return ( $hdr, $pkt ); } # Generate packet originating from the internet sub gen_inet_packet { my ( $sz, $ether, $ipv4, $udp ) = @_; my $hdr_ether = Net::Frame::Layer::ETH->new( src => $ether->{'src'}, dst => $ether->{'dst'}, type => NF_ETH_TYPE_IPv4 )->pack; my $hdr_ipv4 = Net::Frame::Layer::IPv4->new( length => $sz + UDP_HDR_LEN + NF_IPv4_HDR_LEN, ttl => IPv4_TIME_TO_LIVE, protocol => NF_IPv4_PROTOCOL_UDP, src => $ipv4->{'src'}, dst => $ipv4->{'dst'} )->pack; my $hdr_udp = Net::Frame::Layer::UDP->new( src => $udp->{'src'}, dst => $udp->{'dst'}, length => $sz + UDP_HDR_LEN )->pack; my $pkt = pack( "H*", "de" x $sz ); $pkt = $hdr_ether . $hdr_ipv4 . $hdr_udp . $pkt; my $pkt_size = length( $pkt ); my $hdr = { tv_sec => 0, tv_usec => 0, len => $pkt_size, caplen => $pkt_size }; return ( $hdr, $pkt ); } # Read bindings file sub read_bindings { my ( $file ) = @_; print "Reading bindings file...\n"; my @rows; open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", $file or die $file . ": $!"; LINE: while ( my $line = <$fh> ) { next if ($line =~ /^--.*/); # Skip comments my ($ip6, $mac, $ip4, $port); if ($line =~ /\s*\{.*\},\s*$/) { # Weak check for a data line... $line =~ /ip6\s*=\s*ip6\("([^\)]*)"\)/ && do { $ip6 = trim($1); }; unless ( inet_pton( AF_INET6, $ip6 ) ) { print "ERROR - Invalid ipv6: $ip6\n"; next LINE; } $line =~ /ip\s*=\s*ip\("([^\)]*)"\)/ && do { $ip4 = trim($1); }; unless ( inet_pton( AF_INET, $ip4 ) ) { print "ERROR - Invalid ipv4: $ip4\n"; next LINE; } $line =~ /mac\s*=\s*mac\("([^\)]*)"\)/ && do { $mac = trim($1); }; unless ( $mac =~ /^([0-9a-f]{2}([:-]|$)){6}$/i ) { print "ERROR - Invalid mac: $mac\n"; next LINE; } $line =~ /port\s*=\s*([0-9]*)/ && do { $port = trim($1); }; unless ( int($port) ) { print "ERROR - Invalid port number: $port\n"; next LINE; } push @rows, { ipv6 => $ip6, mac => $mac, ipv4 => $ip4, port => $port } } } close $fh; return @rows; } # Generate packets originating from CPE sub gen_tun_pcap { my ( $binding_file, $pkt_count ) = @_; my @bind = read_bindings($binding_file); my $idx = 0; my $row; my $public_port = 0; print "Generating $pkt_count Tunnel packets...\n"; my $max = @bind; for( my $i=0; $i<$pkt_count; $i++ ) { $idx = rand $max; $row = @bind[$idx]; $public_port = rand_port( $row->{port}, 0x3f ); my ( $hdr, $pkt ) = gen_tun_packet( $size, { src => $row->{mac}, dst => ETHER_STATIC_MAC }, { src => $row->{ipv6}, dst => IPv6_STATIC_IP }, { src => $row->{ipv4}, dst => IPv4_STATIC_IP }, { src => $public_port, dst => UDP_STATIC_PORT } ); pcap_dump( $dumper, $hdr, $pkt ); } } # Generate packets originating from the internet sub gen_inet_pcap { my ( $binding_file, $pkt_count ) = @_; my @bind = read_bindings($binding_file); my $idx = 0; my $row; my $public_port = 0; print "Generating $pkt_count Internet packets...\n"; my $max = @bind; for( my $i=0; $i<$pkt_count; $i++ ) { $idx = rand $max; $row = @bind[$idx]; $public_port = rand_port( $row->{port}, 0x3f ); my ( $hdr, $pkt ) = gen_inet_packet( $size, { src => ETHER_STATIC_MAC, dst => $row->{mac} }, { src => IPv4_STATIC_IP, dst => $row->{ipv4} }, { src => UDP_STATIC_PORT, dst => $public_port } ); pcap_dump( $dumper, $hdr, $pkt ); } }