/* // Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include <rte_cycles.h> #include "lconf.h" #include "task_base.h" #include "task_init.h" #include "handle_irq.h" #include "stats_irq.h" #include "log.h" #include "unistd.h" #include "input.h" #define MAX_INTERRUPT_LENGTH 500000 /* Maximum length of an interrupt is (1 / MAX_INTERRUPT_LENGTH) seconds */ uint64_t irq_bucket_maxtime_micro[] = {1,5,10,50,100,500,1000,5000,10000,50000,100000,500000,UINT64_MAX}; /* * This module is not handling any packets. * It loops on rdtsc() and checks whether it has been interrupted * for more than (1 / MAX_INTERRUPT_LENGTH) sec. * This is a debugging only task, useful to check if the system h * as been properly configured. */ static void update_irq_stats(struct task_irq *task, uint64_t irq) { if (irq > task->stats.max_irq) task->stats.max_irq = irq; for (uint i = 0; i < IRQ_BUCKETS_COUNT; ++i) { if (irq < irq_bucket_maxtime_cycles[i]) { task->stats.irq[i]++; break; } } } void task_irq_show_stats(struct task_irq *task_irq, struct input *input) { struct irq_bucket *bucket = &task_irq->buffer[!task_irq->task_use_lt]; if (input->reply) { char buf[8192] = {0}; if (bucket->index == 0) { sprintf(buf, "\n"); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); buf[0] = 0; } for (uint64_t i = 0; i < bucket->index; i++) { sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%d; %"PRIu64"""; %ld; %ld; %ld; %ld ;", task_irq->lcore_id, i, bucket->info[i].lat, bucket->info[i].lat * 1000000 / rte_get_tsc_hz(), bucket->info[i].tsc - task_irq->start_tsc, (bucket->info[i].tsc - task_irq->start_tsc) * 1000 / rte_get_tsc_hz()); sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "\n"); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); buf[0] = 0; } } else { for (uint64_t i = 0; i < bucket->index; i++) if (bucket->info[i].lat) plog_info("[%d]; Interrupt %"PRIu64": %ld cycles (%ld micro-sec) at %ld cycles (%ld msec)\n", task_irq->lcore_id, i, bucket->info[i].lat, bucket->info[i].lat * 1000000 / rte_get_tsc_hz(), bucket->info[i].tsc - task_irq->start_tsc, (bucket->info[i].tsc - task_irq->start_tsc) * 1000 / rte_get_tsc_hz()); } task_irq->stats_use_lt = !task_irq->task_use_lt; bucket->index = 0; } static void irq_stop(struct task_base *tbase) { struct task_irq *task = (struct task_irq *)tbase; uint32_t i; uint32_t lcore_id = rte_lcore_id(); uint64_t lat, max_lat = 0, tot_lat = 0; int bucket_id; int n_lat = 0; if (task->irq_debug) { plog_info("Stopping core %u\n", lcore_id); sleep(2); // Make sure all cores are stopped before starting to write plog_info("Core ID; Interrupt (nanosec); Time (msec)\n"); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { // Start dumping the oldest bucket first if (task->buffer[0].info[0].tsc < task->buffer[1].info[0].tsc) bucket_id = j; else bucket_id = !j; struct irq_bucket *bucket = &task->buffer[bucket_id]; for (i=0; i< bucket->index;i++) { if (bucket->info[i].lat != 0) { lat = bucket->info[i].lat * 1000000000 / rte_get_tsc_hz(); if (max_lat < lat) max_lat = lat; n_lat++; tot_lat += lat; plog_info("%d; %ld; %ld\n", lcore_id, lat, (bucket->info[i].tsc - task->start_tsc) * 1000 / rte_get_tsc_hz()); } } } if (n_lat) tot_lat = tot_lat / n_lat; plog_info("Core %u stopped. max lat is %ld and average is %ld\n", lcore_id, max_lat, tot_lat); } } static inline int handle_irq_bulk(struct task_base *tbase, struct rte_mbuf **mbufs, uint16_t n_pkts) { struct task_irq *task = (struct task_irq *)tbase; uint64_t tsc1; uint64_t index; if (task->stats_use_lt != task->task_use_lt) task->task_use_lt = task->stats_use_lt; struct irq_bucket *bucket = &task->buffer[task->task_use_lt]; tsc1 = rte_rdtsc(); if ((tsc1 > task->first_tsc) && (task->tsc != 0)) { update_irq_stats(task, tsc1 - task->tsc); if (((tsc1 - task->tsc) > task->max_irq) && (bucket->index < MAX_INDEX)) { bucket->info[bucket->index].tsc = tsc1; bucket->info[bucket->index++].lat = tsc1 - task->tsc; } } task->tsc = tsc1; return 0; } static void init_task_irq(struct task_base *tbase, __attribute__((unused)) struct task_args *targ) { struct task_irq *task = (struct task_irq *)tbase; task->start_tsc = rte_rdtsc(); task->first_tsc = task->start_tsc + 2 * rte_get_tsc_hz(); task->lcore_id = targ->lconf->id; task->irq_debug = targ->irq_debug; // max_irq expressed in cycles task->max_irq = rte_get_tsc_hz() / MAX_INTERRUPT_LENGTH; plog_info("\tusing irq mode with max irq set to %ld cycles\n", task->max_irq); for (uint bucket_id = 0; bucket_id < IRQ_BUCKETS_COUNT - 1; bucket_id++) irq_bucket_maxtime_cycles[bucket_id] = rte_get_tsc_hz() * irq_bucket_maxtime_micro[bucket_id] / 1000000; irq_bucket_maxtime_cycles[IRQ_BUCKETS_COUNT - 1] = UINT64_MAX; } static struct task_init task_init_irq = { .mode_str = "irq", .init = init_task_irq, .handle = handle_irq_bulk, .stop = irq_stop, .flag_features = TASK_FEATURE_NO_RX, .size = sizeof(struct task_irq) }; static struct task_init task_init_none; __attribute__((constructor)) static void reg_task_irq(void) { reg_task(&task_init_irq); }