/* // Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include <dlfcn.h> #include <rte_ip.h> #include <rte_udp.h> #include <rte_tcp.h> #include <rte_cycles.h> #include <rte_ether.h> #include <rte_eth_ctrl.h> #include "log.h" #include "quit.h" #include "lconf.h" #include "task_init.h" #include "task_base.h" #include "kv_store_expire.h" #include "stats.h" #include "prox_shared.h" #include "etypes.h" #include "prox_cfg.h" #include "dpi/dpi.h" struct task_dpi_per_core { void *dpi_opaque; }; struct task_fm { struct task_base base; /* FM related fields */ struct kv_store_expire *kv_store_expire; void *dpi_opaque; struct dpi_engine dpi_engine; struct task_dpi_per_core *dpi_shared; /* Used only during init */ }; struct eth_ip4_udp { struct ether_hdr l2; struct ipv4_hdr l3; union { struct udp_hdr udp; struct tcp_hdr tcp; } l4; } __attribute__((packed)); union pkt_type { struct { uint16_t etype; uint8_t ip_byte; uint8_t next_proto; } __attribute__((packed)); uint32_t val; }; static union pkt_type pkt_type_udp = { .next_proto = IPPROTO_UDP, .ip_byte = 0x45, .etype = ETYPE_IPv4, }; static union pkt_type pkt_type_tcp = { .next_proto = IPPROTO_TCP, .ip_byte = 0x45, .etype = ETYPE_IPv4, }; static int extract_flow_info(struct eth_ip4_udp *p, struct flow_info *fi, struct flow_info *fi_flipped, uint32_t *len, uint8_t **payload) { union pkt_type pkt_type = { .next_proto = p->l3.next_proto_id, .ip_byte = p->l3.version_ihl, .etype = p->l2.ether_type, }; memset(fi->reservered, 0, sizeof(fi->reservered)); memset(fi_flipped->reservered, 0, sizeof(fi_flipped->reservered)); if (pkt_type.val == pkt_type_udp.val) { fi->ip_src = p->l3.src_addr; fi->ip_dst = p->l3.dst_addr; fi->ip_proto = p->l3.next_proto_id; fi->port_src = p->l4.udp.src_port; fi->port_dst = p->l4.udp.dst_port; fi_flipped->ip_src = p->l3.dst_addr; fi_flipped->ip_dst = p->l3.src_addr; fi_flipped->ip_proto = p->l3.next_proto_id; fi_flipped->port_src = p->l4.udp.dst_port; fi_flipped->port_dst = p->l4.udp.src_port; *len = rte_be_to_cpu_16(p->l4.udp.dgram_len) - sizeof(struct udp_hdr); *payload = (uint8_t*)(&p->l4.udp) + sizeof(struct udp_hdr); return 0; } else if (pkt_type.val == pkt_type_tcp.val) { fi->ip_src = p->l3.src_addr; fi->ip_dst = p->l3.dst_addr; fi->ip_proto = p->l3.next_proto_id; fi->port_src = p->l4.tcp.src_port; fi->port_dst = p->l4.tcp.dst_port; fi_flipped->ip_src = p->l3.dst_addr; fi_flipped->ip_dst = p->l3.src_addr; fi_flipped->ip_proto = p->l3.next_proto_id; fi_flipped->port_src = p->l4.tcp.dst_port; fi_flipped->port_dst = p->l4.tcp.src_port; *len = rte_be_to_cpu_16(p->l3.total_length) - sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) - ((p->l4.tcp.data_off >> 4)*4); *payload = ((uint8_t*)&p->l4.tcp) + ((p->l4.tcp.data_off >> 4)*4); return 0; } return -1; } static int is_flow_beg(const struct flow_info *fi, const struct eth_ip4_udp *p) { return fi->ip_proto == IPPROTO_UDP || (fi->ip_proto == IPPROTO_TCP && p->l4.tcp.tcp_flags & TCP_SYN_FLAG); } static void *lookup_flow(struct task_fm *task, struct flow_info *fi, uint64_t now_tsc) { struct kv_store_expire_entry *entry; entry = kv_store_expire_get(task->kv_store_expire, fi, now_tsc); return entry ? entry_value(task->kv_store_expire, entry) : NULL; } static void *lookup_or_insert_flow(struct task_fm *task, struct flow_info *fi, uint64_t now_tsc) { struct kv_store_expire_entry *entry; entry = kv_store_expire_get_or_put(task->kv_store_expire, fi, now_tsc); return entry ? entry_value(task->kv_store_expire, entry) : NULL; } static int handle_fm(struct task_fm *task, struct rte_mbuf *mbuf, uint64_t now_tsc) { struct eth_ip4_udp *p; struct flow_info fi, fi_flipped; void *flow_data; uint32_t len; uint8_t *payload; uint32_t res[2]; size_t res_len = 2; int flow_beg; struct dpi_payload dpi_payload; int is_upstream = 0; p = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(mbuf, struct eth_ip4_udp *); if (0 != extract_flow_info(p, &fi, &fi_flipped, &len, &payload)) { plogx_err("Unknown packet type\n"); return OUT_DISCARD; } /* First, try to see if the flow already exists where the current packet is sent by the server. */ if (!(flow_data = lookup_flow(task, &fi_flipped, now_tsc))) { /* Insert a new flow, only if this is the first packet in the flow. */ is_upstream = 1; if (is_flow_beg(&fi, p)) flow_data = lookup_or_insert_flow(task, &fi, now_tsc); else flow_data = lookup_flow(task, &fi, now_tsc); } if (!flow_data) return OUT_DISCARD; else if (!len) return 0; dpi_payload.payload = payload; dpi_payload.len = len; dpi_payload.client_to_server = is_upstream; gettimeofday(&dpi_payload.tv, NULL); task->dpi_engine.dpi_process(task->dpi_opaque, is_upstream? &fi : &fi_flipped, flow_data, &dpi_payload, res, &res_len); return OUT_HANDLED; } static int handle_fm_bulk(struct task_base *tbase, struct rte_mbuf **mbufs, uint16_t n_pkts) { struct task_fm *task = (struct task_fm *)tbase; uint64_t now_tsc = rte_rdtsc(); uint16_t handled = 0; uint16_t discard = 0; int ret; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n_pkts; ++i) { ret = handle_fm(task, mbufs[i], now_tsc); if (ret == OUT_DISCARD) discard++; else if (ret == OUT_HANDLED) handled++; } for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n_pkts; ++i) rte_pktmbuf_free(mbufs[i]); TASK_STATS_ADD_DROP_HANDLED(&tbase->aux->stats, handled); TASK_STATS_ADD_DROP_DISCARD(&tbase->aux->stats, discard); return 0; } static void load_dpi_engine(const char *dpi_engine_path, struct dpi_engine *dst) { void *handle = prox_sh_find_system(dpi_engine_path); if (handle == NULL) { plogx_info("Loading DPI engine from '%s'\n", dpi_engine_path); handle = dlopen(dpi_engine_path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); PROX_PANIC(handle == NULL, "Failed to load dpi engine from '%s' with error:\n\t\t%s\n", dpi_engine_path, dlerror()); prox_sh_add_system(dpi_engine_path, handle); } struct dpi_engine *(*get_dpi_engine)(void) = dlsym(handle, "get_dpi_engine"); PROX_PANIC(get_dpi_engine == NULL, "Failed to find get_dpi_engine function from '%s'\n", dpi_engine_path); struct dpi_engine *dpi_engine = get_dpi_engine(); dpi_engine->dpi_print = plog_info; rte_memcpy(dst, dpi_engine, sizeof(*dst)); } static uint32_t count_fm_cores(void) { uint32_t n_cores = 0; uint32_t lcore_id = -1; struct lcore_cfg *lconf; while(prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 0) == 0) { lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; for (uint8_t task_id = 0; task_id < lconf->n_tasks_all; ++task_id) { if (!strcmp(lconf->targs[task_id].task_init->mode_str, "fm")) { n_cores++; /* Only intersted in number of cores so break here. */ break; } } } return n_cores; } static struct kv_store_expire *get_shared_flow_table(struct task_args *targ, struct dpi_engine *de) { struct kv_store_expire *ret = prox_sh_find_core(targ->lconf->id, "flow_table"); const int socket_id = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(targ->lconf->id); if (!ret) { ret = kv_store_expire_create(rte_align32pow2(targ->flow_table_size) * 4, sizeof(struct flow_info), de->dpi_get_flow_entry_size(), socket_id, de->dpi_flow_expire, rte_get_tsc_hz() * 60); PROX_PANIC(ret == NULL, "Failed to allocate KV store\n"); prox_sh_add_core(targ->lconf->id, "flow_table", ret); } return ret; } static struct task_dpi_per_core *get_shared_dpi_shared(struct task_args *targ) { static const char *name = "dpi_shared"; struct task_dpi_per_core *ret = prox_sh_find_core(targ->lconf->id, name); const int socket_id = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(targ->lconf->id); if (!ret) { ret = prox_zmalloc(sizeof(*ret), socket_id); prox_sh_add_core(targ->lconf->id, name, ret); } return ret; } static void init_task_fm(struct task_base *tbase, struct task_args *targ) { struct task_fm *task = (struct task_fm *)tbase; static int dpi_inited = 0; load_dpi_engine(targ->dpi_engine_path, &task->dpi_engine); task->kv_store_expire = get_shared_flow_table(targ, &task->dpi_engine); task->dpi_shared = get_shared_dpi_shared(targ); if (!dpi_inited) { uint32_t n_threads = count_fm_cores(); const char *dpi_params[16]; plogx_info("Initializing DPI with %u threads\n", n_threads); dpi_inited = 1; PROX_PANIC(targ->n_dpi_engine_args > 16, "Too many DPI arguments"); for (size_t i = 0; i < targ->n_dpi_engine_args && i < 16; ++i) dpi_params[i] = targ->dpi_engine_args[i]; int ret = task->dpi_engine.dpi_init(n_threads, targ->n_dpi_engine_args, dpi_params); PROX_PANIC(ret, "Failed to initialize DPI engine\n"); } } static void start_first(struct task_base *tbase) { struct task_fm *task = (struct task_fm *)tbase; void *ret = task->dpi_engine.dpi_thread_start(); task->dpi_shared->dpi_opaque = ret; PROX_PANIC(ret == NULL, "dpi_thread_init failed\n"); } static void start(struct task_base *tbase) { struct task_fm *task = (struct task_fm *)tbase; task->dpi_opaque = task->dpi_shared->dpi_opaque; PROX_PANIC(task->dpi_opaque == NULL, "dpi_opaque == NULL"); } static void stop(struct task_base *tbase) { struct task_fm *task = (struct task_fm *)tbase; size_t expired = kv_store_expire_expire_all(task->kv_store_expire); size_t size = kv_store_expire_size(task->kv_store_expire); plogx_info("%zu/%zu\n", expired, size); } static void stop_last(struct task_base *tbase) { struct task_fm *task = (struct task_fm *)tbase; task->dpi_engine.dpi_thread_stop(task->dpi_shared->dpi_opaque); task->dpi_shared->dpi_opaque = NULL; } static struct task_init task_init_fm = { .mode_str = "fm", .init = init_task_fm, .handle = handle_fm_bulk, .start = start, .stop = stop, .start_first = start_first, .stop_last = stop_last, .size = sizeof(struct task_fm) }; __attribute__((constructor)) static void reg_task_fm(void) { reg_task(&task_init_fm); }