/* // Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include "display_tasks.h" #include "display.h" #include "prox_globals.h" #include "stats_task.h" #include "stats_core.h" #include "lconf.h" struct task_stats_disp { uint32_t lcore_id; uint32_t task_id; uint32_t lcore_stat_id; }; static int col_offset; static struct task_stats_disp task_stats_disp[RTE_MAX_LCORE * MAX_TASKS_PER_CORE]; static struct display_page display_page_tasks; static struct display_column *nb_col; static struct display_column *name_col; static struct display_column *mode_col; static struct display_column *rx_name_col; static struct display_column *tx_name_col; static struct display_column *idle_col; static struct display_column *rx_col; static struct display_column *tx_col; static struct display_column *tx_fail_col; static struct display_column *discard_col; static struct display_column *handled_col; static struct display_column *cpp_col; static struct display_column *ghz_col; static struct display_column *rx_col; static struct display_column *tx_col; static struct display_column *tx_fail_col; static struct display_column *discard_col; static struct display_column *handled_col; static struct display_column *occup_col; static struct display_column *mask_col; static struct display_column *class_col; static struct display_column *mbm_tot_col; static struct display_column *mbm_loc_col; static struct display_column *frac_col; static void stats_display_core_task_entry(struct lcore_cfg *lconf, struct task_args *targ, unsigned row) { display_column_print_core_task(nb_col, row, lconf, targ); display_column_print(name_col, row, "%s", targ->id == 0 ? lconf->name : ""); display_column_print(mode_col, row, "%s", targ->task_init->mode_str); display_column_port_ring(rx_name_col, row, targ->rx_port_queue, targ->nb_rxports, targ->rx_rings, targ->nb_rxrings); display_column_port_ring(tx_name_col, row, targ->tx_port_queue, targ->nb_txports, targ->tx_rings, targ->nb_txrings); } static void display_tasks_draw_frame(struct screen_state *state) { const uint32_t n_tasks_tot = stats_get_n_tasks_tot(); display_page_init(&display_page_tasks); struct display_table *core_task = display_page_add_table(&display_page_tasks); struct display_table *rx_tx = display_page_add_table(&display_page_tasks); display_table_init(core_task, "Core/Task"); nb_col = display_table_add_col(core_task); display_column_init(nb_col, "Nb", 4); name_col = display_table_add_col(core_task); display_column_init(name_col, "Name", 7); mode_col = display_table_add_col(core_task); display_column_init(mode_col, "Mode", 9); display_table_init(rx_tx, "Port ID/Ring Name"); rx_name_col = display_table_add_col(rx_tx); display_column_init(rx_name_col, "RX", 9); tx_name_col = display_table_add_col(rx_tx); display_column_init(tx_name_col, "TX", 9); struct display_table *stats = display_page_add_table(&display_page_tasks); if (state->toggle == 0) { display_table_init(stats, "Statistics per second"); idle_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(idle_col, "Idle (%)", 5); rx_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(rx_col, "RX (K)", 9); tx_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(tx_col, "TX (K)", 9); tx_fail_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(tx_fail_col, "TX Fail (K)", 9); discard_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(discard_col, "Discard (K)", 9); handled_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(handled_col, "Handled (K)", 9); if (stats_cpu_freq_enabled()) { struct display_table *other = display_page_add_table(&display_page_tasks); display_table_init(other, "Other"); cpp_col = display_table_add_col(other); display_column_init(cpp_col, "CPP", 9); ghz_col = display_table_add_col(other); display_column_init(ghz_col, "Clk (GHz)", 9); } if (stats_mbm_enabled()) { struct display_table *other = display_page_add_table(&display_page_tasks); mbm_tot_col = display_table_add_col(other); display_column_init(mbm_tot_col, "Tot Bdw(M)", 10); mbm_loc_col = display_table_add_col(other); display_column_init(mbm_loc_col, "Loc Bdw(M)", 10); } } else { display_table_init(stats, "Total Statistics"); rx_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(rx_col, "RX (K)", 14); tx_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(tx_col, "TX (K)", 14); tx_fail_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(tx_fail_col, "TX Fail (K)", 14); discard_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(discard_col, "Discard (K)", 14); handled_col = display_table_add_col(stats); display_column_init(handled_col, "Handled (K)", 14); if (stats_cmt_enabled()) { struct display_table *other = display_page_add_table(&display_page_tasks); display_table_init(other, "Cache QoS Monitoring"); occup_col = display_table_add_col(other); display_column_init(occup_col, "Occupancy (KB)", 15); frac_col = display_table_add_col(other); display_column_init(frac_col, "Fraction", 9); } if (stats_cat_enabled()) { struct display_table *other = display_page_add_table(&display_page_tasks); mask_col = display_table_add_col(other); display_column_init(mask_col, "Cache mask", 10); class_col = display_table_add_col(other); display_column_init(class_col, "Class", 5); } } display_page_draw_frame(&display_page_tasks, n_tasks_tot); uint16_t element_count = 0; struct lcore_cfg *lconf = NULL; struct task_args *targ; while (core_targ_next(&lconf, &targ, 0) == 0) { PROX_ASSERT(element_count < RTE_MAX_LCORE * MAX_TASKS_PER_CORE); stats_display_core_task_entry(lconf, targ, element_count); task_stats_disp[element_count].lcore_id = lconf->id; task_stats_disp[element_count].task_id = targ->id; task_stats_disp[element_count].lcore_stat_id = stats_lcore_find_stat_id(lconf->id); element_count++; } } static void print_kpps(struct display_column *col, int row, uint64_t nb_pkts, uint64_t delta_t) { nb_pkts *= tsc_hz; if (nb_pkts && nb_pkts /100 < delta_t) { uint64_t int_part = nb_pkts/delta_t; uint64_t frac_part = (nb_pkts - int_part * delta_t) * 1000 /delta_t; display_column_print(col, row, "%2lu.%03lu", int_part, frac_part); } else { display_column_print(col, row, "%9lu", nb_pkts / delta_t); } } static void display_core_task_stats_per_sec(const struct task_stats_disp *t, struct screen_state *state, int row) { struct task_stats_sample *last = stats_get_task_stats_sample(t->lcore_id, t->task_id, 1); struct task_stats_sample *prev = stats_get_task_stats_sample(t->lcore_id, t->task_id, 0); /* delta_t in units of clock ticks */ uint64_t delta_t = last->tsc - prev->tsc; uint64_t empty_cycles = last->empty_cycles - prev->empty_cycles; if (empty_cycles > delta_t) { empty_cycles = 10000; } else { empty_cycles = empty_cycles * 10000 / delta_t; } /* empty_cycles has 2 digits after point, (usefull when only a very small idle time) */ display_column_print(idle_col, row, "%3lu.%02lu", empty_cycles / 100, empty_cycles % 100); // Display per second statistics in Kpps unit delta_t *= state->pps_unit; print_kpps(rx_col, row, last->rx_pkt_count - prev->rx_pkt_count, delta_t); print_kpps(tx_col, row, last->tx_pkt_count - prev->tx_pkt_count, delta_t); print_kpps(tx_fail_col, row, last->drop_tx_fail - prev->drop_tx_fail, delta_t); print_kpps(discard_col, row, last->drop_discard - prev->drop_discard, delta_t); print_kpps(handled_col, row, last->drop_handled - prev->drop_handled, delta_t); if (stats_cpu_freq_enabled()) { uint8_t lcore_stat_id = t->lcore_stat_id; struct lcore_stats_sample *clast = stats_get_lcore_stats_sample(lcore_stat_id, 1); struct lcore_stats_sample *cprev = stats_get_lcore_stats_sample(lcore_stat_id, 0); uint64_t adiff = clast->afreq - cprev->afreq; uint64_t mdiff = clast->mfreq - cprev->mfreq; uint64_t cpp = 0; uint64_t pkt_diff_rx = last->rx_pkt_count - prev->rx_pkt_count; uint64_t pkt_diff_tx = last->tx_pkt_count - prev->tx_pkt_count; uint64_t pkt_diff = pkt_diff_tx > pkt_diff_rx? pkt_diff_tx : pkt_diff_rx; if (pkt_diff && mdiff) { cpp = delta_t/pkt_diff*adiff/mdiff/1000; } uint64_t mhz; if (mdiff) mhz = tsc_hz*adiff/mdiff/1000000; else mhz = 0; display_column_print(cpp_col, row, "%lu", cpp); display_column_print(ghz_col, row, "%lu.%03lu", mhz/1000, mhz%1000); } if (stats_mbm_enabled()) { struct lcore_stats *c = stats_get_lcore_stats(t->lcore_stat_id); uint8_t lcore_stat_id = t->lcore_stat_id; struct lcore_stats_sample *clast = stats_get_lcore_stats_sample(lcore_stat_id, 1); struct lcore_stats_sample *cprev = stats_get_lcore_stats_sample(lcore_stat_id, 0); if ((clast->mbm_tot_bytes - cprev->mbm_tot_bytes) >> 20) display_column_print(mbm_tot_col, row, "%lu", (clast->mbm_tot_bytes - cprev->mbm_tot_bytes) >> 20); else display_column_print(mbm_tot_col, row, "0.%03lu", (clast->mbm_tot_bytes - cprev->mbm_tot_bytes) >> 10); if( (clast->mbm_loc_bytes - cprev->mbm_loc_bytes) >> 20) display_column_print(mbm_loc_col, row, "%lu", (clast->mbm_loc_bytes - cprev->mbm_loc_bytes) >> 20); else display_column_print(mbm_loc_col, row, "0.%03lu", (clast->mbm_loc_bytes - cprev->mbm_loc_bytes) >> 10); } } static void display_core_task_stats_tot(const struct task_stats_disp *t, struct screen_state *state, int row) { struct task_stats *ts = stats_get_task_stats(t->lcore_id, t->task_id); display_column_print(rx_col, row, "%lu", ts->tot_rx_pkt_count); display_column_print(tx_col, row, "%lu", ts->tot_tx_pkt_count); display_column_print(tx_fail_col, row, "%lu", ts->tot_drop_tx_fail); display_column_print(discard_col, row, "%lu", ts->tot_drop_discard); display_column_print(handled_col, row, "%lu", ts->tot_drop_handled); if (stats_cmt_enabled()) { struct lcore_stats *c = stats_get_lcore_stats(t->lcore_stat_id); display_column_print(occup_col, row, "%lu", c->cmt_bytes >> 10); display_column_print(frac_col, row, "%3lu.%02lu", c->cmt_fraction/100, c->cmt_fraction%100); } if (stats_cat_enabled()) { struct lcore_stats *c = stats_get_lcore_stats(t->lcore_stat_id); display_column_print(mask_col, row, "%x", c->cat_mask); display_column_print(class_col, row, "%x", c->class); } } static void display_tasks_draw_stats(struct screen_state *state) { const uint32_t n_tasks_tot = stats_get_n_tasks_tot(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n_tasks_tot; ++i) { const struct task_stats_disp *disp = &task_stats_disp[i]; if (state->toggle == 0) { display_core_task_stats_per_sec(disp, state, i); } else { display_core_task_stats_tot(disp, state, i); } } } static int display_tasks_get_height(void) { return stats_get_n_tasks_tot(); } static struct display_screen display_screen_tasks = { .draw_frame = display_tasks_draw_frame, .draw_stats = display_tasks_draw_stats, .get_height = display_tasks_get_height, .title = "tasks", }; struct display_screen *display_tasks(void) { return &display_screen_tasks; }