/* // Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include <string.h> #include <rte_table_hash.h> #include <rte_version.h> #include <rte_malloc.h> #include "prox_malloc.h" #include "display.h" #include "commands.h" #include "log.h" #include "run.h" #include "lconf.h" #include "hash_utils.h" #include "prox_cfg.h" #include "prox_port_cfg.h" #include "defines.h" #include "handle_qos.h" #include "handle_qinq_encap4.h" #include "quit.h" #include "input.h" #include "rw_reg.h" #include "cqm.h" #include "stats_core.h" void start_core_all(int task_id) { uint32_t cores[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; uint32_t lcore_id; char tmp[256]; int cnt = 0; prox_core_to_str(tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0); plog_info("Starting cores: %s\n", tmp); lcore_id = -1; while (prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 0) == 0) { cores[cnt++] = lcore_id; } start_cores(cores, cnt, task_id); } void stop_core_all(int task_id) { uint32_t cores[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; uint32_t lcore_id; char tmp[256]; int cnt = 0; prox_core_to_str(tmp, sizeof(tmp), 0); plog_info("Stopping cores: %s\n", tmp); lcore_id = -1; while (prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 0) == 0) { cores[cnt++] = lcore_id; } stop_cores(cores, cnt, task_id); } static void warn_inactive_cores(uint32_t *cores, int count, const char *prefix) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (!prox_core_active(cores[i], 0)) { plog_warn("%s %u: core is not active\n", prefix, cores[i]); } } } static inline int wait_command_handled(struct lcore_cfg *lconf) { uint64_t t1 = rte_rdtsc(), t2; while (lconf_is_req(lconf)) { t2 = rte_rdtsc(); if (t2 - t1 > 5 * rte_get_tsc_hz()) { // Failed to handle command ... for (uint8_t task_id = 0; task_id < lconf->n_tasks_all; ++task_id) { struct task_args *targs = &lconf->targs[task_id]; if (!(targs->flags & TASK_ARG_DROP)) { plogx_err("Failed to handle command - task is in NO_DROP and might be stuck...\n"); return - 1; } } plogx_err("Failed to handle command\n"); return -1; } } return 0; } static inline void start_l3(struct task_args *targ) { if (!task_is_master(targ)) { if ((targ->nb_txrings != 0) || (targ->nb_txports != 0)) { if (targ->task_init->flag_features & TASK_FEATURE_L3) task_start_l3(targ->tbase, targ); } } } void start_cores(uint32_t *cores, int count, int task_id) { int n_started_cores = 0; uint32_t started_cores[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; struct task_args *targ; warn_inactive_cores(cores, count, "Can't start core"); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[cores[i]]; if (lconf->n_tasks_run != lconf->n_tasks_all) { if (task_id == -1) { for (uint8_t tid = 0; tid < lconf->n_tasks_all; ++tid) { targ = &lconf->targs[tid]; start_l3(targ); } } else { targ = &lconf->targs[task_id]; start_l3(targ); } lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_START; lconf->msg.task_id = task_id; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (task_id == -1) plog_info("Starting core %u (all tasks)\n", cores[i]); else plog_info("Starting core %u task %u\n", cores[i], task_id); started_cores[n_started_cores++] = cores[i]; lconf->flags |= LCONF_FLAG_RUNNING; rte_eal_remote_launch(lconf_run, NULL, cores[i]); } else { plog_warn("Core %u is already running all its tasks\n", cores[i]); } } /* This function is blocking, so detect when each core has consumed the message. */ for (int i = 0; i < n_started_cores; ++i) { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[started_cores[i]]; plog_info("Waiting for core %u to start...", started_cores[i]); if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; plog_info(" OK\n"); } } void stop_cores(uint32_t *cores, int count, int task_id) { int n_stopped_cores = 0; uint32_t stopped_cores[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; uint32_t c; warn_inactive_cores(cores, count, "Can't stop core"); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[cores[i]]; if (lconf->n_tasks_run) { if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_STOP; lconf->msg.task_id = task_id; lconf_set_req(lconf); stopped_cores[n_stopped_cores++] = cores[i]; } } for (int i = 0; i < n_stopped_cores; ++i) { c = stopped_cores[i]; struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[c]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { plog_info("All tasks stopped on core %u, waiting for core to stop...", c); rte_eal_wait_lcore(c); plog_info(" OK\n"); lconf->flags &= ~LCONF_FLAG_RUNNING; } else { plog_info("Stopped task %u on core %u\n", task_id, c); } } } struct size_unit { uint64_t val; uint64_t frac; char unit[8]; }; static struct size_unit to_size_unit(uint64_t bytes) { struct size_unit ret; if (bytes > 1 << 30) { ret.val = bytes >> 30; ret.frac = ((bytes - (ret.val << 30)) * 1000) / (1 << 30); strcpy(ret.unit, "GB"); } else if (bytes > 1 << 20) { ret.val = bytes >> 20; ret.frac = ((bytes - (ret.val << 20)) * 1000) / (1 << 20); strcpy(ret.unit, "MB"); } else if (bytes > 1 << 10) { ret.val = bytes >> 10; ret.frac = (bytes - (ret.val << 10)) * 1000 / (1 << 10); strcpy(ret.unit, "KB"); } else { ret.val = bytes; ret.frac = 0; strcpy(ret.unit, "B"); } return ret; } void cmd_mem_stats(void) { struct rte_malloc_socket_stats sock_stats; uint64_t v; struct size_unit su; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES; ++i) { if (rte_malloc_get_socket_stats(i, &sock_stats) < 0 || sock_stats.heap_totalsz_bytes == 0) continue; plogx_info("Socket %u memory stats:\n", i); su = to_size_unit(sock_stats.heap_totalsz_bytes); plogx_info("\tHeap_size: %zu.%03zu %s\n", su.val, su.frac, su.unit); su = to_size_unit(sock_stats.heap_freesz_bytes); plogx_info("\tFree_size: %zu.%03zu %s\n", su.val, su.frac, su.unit); su = to_size_unit(sock_stats.heap_allocsz_bytes); plogx_info("\tAlloc_size: %zu.%03zu %s\n", su.val, su.frac, su.unit); su = to_size_unit(sock_stats.greatest_free_size); plogx_info("\tGreatest_free_size: %zu %s\n", su.val, su.unit); plogx_info("\tAlloc_count: %u\n", sock_stats.alloc_count); plogx_info("\tFree_count: %u\n", sock_stats.free_count); } } void cmd_mem_layout(void) { const struct rte_memseg* memseg = rte_eal_get_physmem_layout(); plog_info("Memory layout:\n"); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RTE_MAX_MEMSEG; i++) { if (memseg[i].addr == NULL) break; const char *sz_str; switch (memseg[i].hugepage_sz >> 20) { case 2: sz_str = "2MB"; break; case 1024: sz_str = "1GB"; break; default: sz_str = "??"; } plog_info("Segment %u: [%#lx-%#lx] at %p using %zu pages of %s\n", i, memseg[i].phys_addr, memseg[i].phys_addr + memseg[i].len, memseg[i].addr, memseg[i].len/memseg[i].hugepage_sz, sz_str); } } void cmd_dump(uint8_t lcore_id, uint8_t task_id, uint32_t nb_packets, struct input *input, int rx, int tx) { plog_info("dump %u %u %u\n", lcore_id, task_id, nb_packets); if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if (task_id >= lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all) { plog_warn("task_id too high, should be in [0, %u]\n", lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all - 1); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; lconf->tasks_all[task_id]->aux->task_rt_dump.input = input; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; if (rx && tx) lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_DUMP; else if (rx) lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_DUMP_RX; else if (tx) lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_DUMP_TX; if (rx || tx) { lconf->msg.task_id = task_id; lconf->msg.val = nb_packets; lconf_set_req(lconf); } if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_trace(uint8_t lcore_id, uint8_t task_id, uint32_t nb_packets) { plog_info("trace %u %u %u\n", lcore_id, task_id, nb_packets); if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if (task_id >= lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all) { plog_warn("task_id too high, should be in [0, %u]\n", lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all - 1); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_TRACE; lconf->msg.task_id = task_id; lconf->msg.val = nb_packets; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_rx_bw_start(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if (lcore_cfg[lcore_id].flags & LCONF_FLAG_RX_BW_ACTIVE) { plog_warn("rx bandwidt already on core %u\n", lcore_id); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_RX_BW_START; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_tx_bw_start(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if (lcore_cfg[lcore_id].flags & LCONF_FLAG_TX_BW_ACTIVE) { plog_warn("tx bandwidth already running on core %u\n", lcore_id); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_TX_BW_START; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_rx_bw_stop(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if (!(lcore_cfg[lcore_id].flags & LCONF_FLAG_RX_BW_ACTIVE)) { plog_warn("rx bandwidth not running on core %u\n", lcore_id); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_RX_BW_STOP; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_tx_bw_stop(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if (!(lcore_cfg[lcore_id].flags & LCONF_FLAG_TX_BW_ACTIVE)) { plog_warn("tx bandwidth not running on core %u\n", lcore_id); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_TX_BW_STOP; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_rx_distr_start(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if (lcore_cfg[lcore_id].flags & LCONF_FLAG_RX_DISTR_ACTIVE) { plog_warn("rx distribution already xrunning on core %u\n", lcore_id); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_RX_DISTR_START; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_tx_distr_start(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if (lcore_cfg[lcore_id].flags & LCONF_FLAG_TX_DISTR_ACTIVE) { plog_warn("tx distribution already xrunning on core %u\n", lcore_id); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_TX_DISTR_START; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_rx_distr_stop(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if ((lcore_cfg[lcore_id].flags & LCONF_FLAG_RX_DISTR_ACTIVE) == 0) { plog_warn("rx distribution not running on core %u\n", lcore_id); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_RX_DISTR_STOP; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_tx_distr_stop(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else if ((lcore_cfg[lcore_id].flags & LCONF_FLAG_TX_DISTR_ACTIVE) == 0) { plog_warn("tx distribution not running on core %u\n", lcore_id); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_TX_DISTR_STOP; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_rx_distr_rst(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_RX_DISTR_RESET; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_tx_distr_rst(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (wait_command_handled(lconf) == -1) return; lconf->msg.type = LCONF_MSG_TX_DISTR_RESET; lconf_set_req(lconf); if (lconf->n_tasks_run == 0) { lconf_do_flags(lconf); } } } void cmd_rx_distr_show(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all; ++i) { struct task_base *t = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[i]; plog_info("t[%u]: ", i); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < sizeof(t->aux->rx_bucket)/sizeof(t->aux->rx_bucket[0]); ++j) { plog_info("%u ", t->aux->rx_bucket[j]); } plog_info("\n"); } } } void cmd_tx_distr_show(uint32_t lcore_id) { if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all; ++i) { struct task_base *t = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[i]; uint64_t tot = 0, avg = 0; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < sizeof(t->aux->tx_bucket)/sizeof(t->aux->tx_bucket[0]); ++j) { tot += t->aux->tx_bucket[j]; avg += j * t->aux->tx_bucket[j]; } if (tot) { avg = avg / tot; } plog_info("t[%u]: %lu: ", i, avg); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < sizeof(t->aux->tx_bucket)/sizeof(t->aux->tx_bucket[0]); ++j) { plog_info("%u ", t->aux->tx_bucket[j]); } plog_info("\n"); } } } void cmd_ringinfo_all(void) { struct lcore_cfg *lconf; uint32_t lcore_id = -1; while(prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 0) == 0) { lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; for (uint8_t task_id = 0; task_id < lconf->n_tasks_all; ++task_id) { cmd_ringinfo(lcore_id, task_id); } } } void cmd_ringinfo(uint8_t lcore_id, uint8_t task_id) { struct lcore_cfg *lconf; struct rte_ring *ring; struct task_args* targ; uint32_t count; if (!prox_core_active(lcore_id, 0)) { plog_info("lcore %u is not active\n", lcore_id); return; } lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; if (task_id >= lconf->n_tasks_all) { plog_warn("Invalid task index %u: lcore %u has %u tasks\n", task_id, lcore_id, lconf->n_tasks_all); return; } targ = &lconf->targs[task_id]; plog_info("Core %u task %u: %u rings\n", lcore_id, task_id, targ->nb_rxrings); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < targ->nb_rxrings; ++i) { ring = targ->rx_rings[i]; #if RTE_VERSION < RTE_VERSION_NUM(17,5,0,1) count = ring->prod.mask + 1; #else count = ring->mask + 1; #endif plog_info("\tRing %u:\n", i); plog_info("\t\tFlags: %s,%s\n", ring->flags & RING_F_SP_ENQ? "sp":"mp", ring->flags & RING_F_SC_DEQ? "sc":"mc"); plog_info("\t\tMemory size: %zu bytes\n", rte_ring_get_memsize(count)); plog_info("\t\tOccupied: %u/%u\n", rte_ring_count(ring), count); } } void cmd_port_up(uint8_t port_id) { int err; if (!port_is_active(port_id)) { return ; } if ((err = rte_eth_dev_set_link_up(port_id)) == 0) { plog_info("Bringing port %d up\n", port_id); } else { plog_warn("Failed to bring port %d up with error %d\n", port_id, err); } } void cmd_port_down(uint8_t port_id) { int err; if (!port_is_active(port_id)) { return ; } if ((err = rte_eth_dev_set_link_down(port_id)) == 0) { plog_info("Bringing port %d down\n", port_id); } else { plog_warn("Failed to bring port %d down with error %d\n", port_id, err); } } void cmd_xstats(uint8_t port_id) { #if RTE_VERSION >= RTE_VERSION_NUM(16,7,0,0) int n_xstats; struct rte_eth_xstat *eth_xstat = NULL; // id and value struct rte_eth_xstat_name *eth_xstat_name = NULL; // only names struct prox_port_cfg* port_cfg = &prox_port_cfg[port_id]; int rc; n_xstats = rte_eth_xstats_get(port_id, NULL, 0); eth_xstat_name = prox_zmalloc(n_xstats * sizeof(*eth_xstat_name), port_cfg->socket); PROX_ASSERT(eth_xstat_name); rc = rte_eth_xstats_get_names(port_id, eth_xstat_name, n_xstats); if ((rc < 0) || (rc > n_xstats)) { if (rc < 0) { plog_warn("Failed to get xstats_names on port %d with error %d\n", port_id, rc); } else if (rc > n_xstats) { plog_warn("Failed to get xstats_names on port %d: too many xstats (%d)\n", port_id, rc); } } eth_xstat = prox_zmalloc(n_xstats * sizeof(*eth_xstat), port_cfg->socket); PROX_ASSERT(eth_xstat); rc = rte_eth_xstats_get(port_id, eth_xstat, n_xstats); if ((rc < 0) || (rc > n_xstats)) { if (rc < 0) { plog_warn("Failed to get xstats on port %d with error %d\n", port_id, rc); } else if (rc > n_xstats) { plog_warn("Failed to get xstats on port %d: too many xstats (%d)\n", port_id, rc); } } else { for (int i=0;i<rc;i++) { plog_info("%s: %ld\n", eth_xstat_name[i].name, eth_xstat[i].value); } } if (eth_xstat_name) prox_free(eth_xstat_name); if (eth_xstat) prox_free(eth_xstat); #else #if RTE_VERSION >= RTE_VERSION_NUM(2,1,0,0) int n_xstats; struct rte_eth_xstats *eth_xstats; struct prox_port_cfg* port_cfg = &prox_port_cfg[port_id]; int rc; n_xstats = rte_eth_xstats_get(port_id, NULL, 0); eth_xstats = prox_zmalloc(n_xstats * sizeof(*eth_xstats), port_cfg->socket); PROX_ASSERT(eth_xstats); rc = rte_eth_xstats_get(port_id, eth_xstats, n_xstats); if ((rc < 0) || (rc > n_xstats)) { if (rc < 0) { plog_warn("Failed to get xstats on port %d with error %d\n", port_id, rc); } else if (rc > n_xstats) { plog_warn("Failed to get xstats on port %d: too many xstats (%d)\n", port_id, rc); } } else { for (int i=0;i<rc;i++) { plog_info("%s: %ld\n", eth_xstats[i].name, eth_xstats[i].value); } } if (eth_xstats) prox_free(eth_xstats); #else plog_warn("Failed to get xstats, xstats are not supported in this version of dpdk\n"); #endif #endif } void cmd_portinfo(int port_id, char *dst, size_t max_len) { char *end = dst + max_len; *dst = 0; if (port_id == -1) { uint8_t max_port_idx = prox_last_port_active() + 1; for (uint8_t port_id = 0; port_id < max_port_idx; ++port_id) { if (!prox_port_cfg[port_id].active) { continue; } struct prox_port_cfg* port_cfg = &prox_port_cfg[port_id]; dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "%2d:%10s; "MAC_BYTES_FMT"; %s\n", port_id, port_cfg->name, MAC_BYTES(port_cfg->eth_addr.addr_bytes), port_cfg->pci_addr); } return; } if (!port_is_active(port_id)) { return ; } struct prox_port_cfg* port_cfg = &prox_port_cfg[port_id]; dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "Port info for port %u\n", port_id); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tName: %s\n", port_cfg->name); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tDriver: %s\n", port_cfg->driver_name); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tMac address: "MAC_BYTES_FMT"\n", MAC_BYTES(port_cfg->eth_addr.addr_bytes)); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tLink speed: %u Mbps\n", port_cfg->link_speed); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tLink status: %s\n", port_cfg->link_up? "up" : "down"); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tSocket: %u\n", port_cfg->socket); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tPCI address: %s\n", port_cfg->pci_addr); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tPromiscuous: %s\n", port_cfg->promiscuous? "yes" : "no"); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tNumber of RX/TX descriptors: %u/%u\n", port_cfg->n_rxd, port_cfg->n_txd); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tNumber of RX/TX queues: %u/%u (max: %u/%u)\n", port_cfg->n_rxq, port_cfg->n_txq, port_cfg->max_rxq, port_cfg->max_txq); dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\tMemory pools:\n"); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if (port_cfg->pool[i]) { dst += snprintf(dst, end - dst, "\t\tname: %s (%p)\n", port_cfg->pool[i]->name, port_cfg->pool[i]); } } } void cmd_read_reg(uint8_t port_id, unsigned int id) { unsigned int val, rc; if (!port_is_active(port_id)) { return ; } rc = read_reg(port_id, id, &val); if (rc) { plog_warn("Failed to read register %d on port %d\n", id, port_id); } else { plog_info("Register 0x%08X : %08X \n", id, val); } } void cmd_reset_port(uint8_t portid) { unsigned int rc; if (!prox_port_cfg[portid].active) { plog_info("port not active \n"); return; } rte_eth_dev_stop(portid); rc = rte_eth_dev_start(portid); if (rc) { plog_warn("Failed to restart port %d\n", portid); } } void cmd_write_reg(uint8_t port_id, unsigned int id, unsigned int val) { if (!port_is_active(port_id)) { return ; } plog_info("writing 0x%08X %08X\n", id, val); write_reg(port_id, id, val); } void cmd_set_vlan_offload(uint8_t port_id, unsigned int val) { if (!port_is_active(port_id)) { return ; } plog_info("setting vlan offload to %d\n", val); if (val & ~(ETH_VLAN_STRIP_OFFLOAD | ETH_VLAN_FILTER_OFFLOAD | ETH_VLAN_EXTEND_OFFLOAD)) { plog_info("wrong vlan offload value\n"); } int ret = rte_eth_dev_set_vlan_offload(port_id, val); plog_info("rte_eth_dev_set_vlan_offload return %d\n", ret); } void cmd_set_vlan_filter(uint8_t port_id, unsigned int id, unsigned int val) { if (!port_is_active(port_id)) { return ; } plog_info("setting vln filter for vlan %d to %d\n", id, val); int ret = rte_eth_dev_vlan_filter(port_id, id, val); plog_info("rte_eth_dev_vlan_filter return %d\n", ret); } void cmd_thread_info(uint8_t lcore_id, uint8_t task_id) { plog_info("thread_info %u %u \n", lcore_id, task_id); if (lcore_id > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); } if (!prox_core_active(lcore_id, 0)) { plog_warn("lcore %u is not active\n", lcore_id); return; } if (task_id >= lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all) { plog_warn("task_id too high, should be in [0, %u]\n", lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all - 1); return; } if (strcmp(lcore_cfg[lcore_id].targs[task_id].task_init->mode_str, "qos") == 0) { struct task_base *task; task = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; plog_info("core %d, task %d: %d mbufs stored in QoS\n", lcore_id, task_id, task_qos_n_pkts_buffered(task)); #ifdef ENABLE_EXTRA_USER_STATISTICS } else if (lcore_cfg[lcore_id].targs[task_id].mode == QINQ_ENCAP4) { struct task_qinq_encap4 *task; task = (struct task_qinq_encap4 *)(lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]); for (int i=0;i<task->n_users;i++) { if (task->stats_per_user[i]) plog_info("User %d: %d packets\n", i, task->stats_per_user[i]); } #endif } else { // Only QoS thread info so far plog_err("core %d, task %d: not a qos core (%p)\n", lcore_id, task_id, lcore_cfg[lcore_id].thread_x); } } void cmd_rx_tx_info(void) { uint32_t lcore_id = -1; while(prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 0) == 0) { for (uint8_t task_id = 0; task_id < lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all; ++task_id) { struct task_args *targ = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id].targs[task_id]; plog_info("Core %u:", lcore_id); if (targ->rx_port_queue[0].port != OUT_DISCARD) { for (int i = 0; i < targ->nb_rxports; i++) { plog_info(" RX port %u (queue %u)", targ->rx_port_queue[i].port, targ->rx_port_queue[i].queue); } } else { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < targ->nb_rxrings; ++j) { plog_info(" RX ring[%u,%u] %p", task_id, j, targ->rx_rings[j]); } } plog_info(" ==>"); for (uint8_t j = 0; j < targ->nb_txports; ++j) { plog_info(" TX port %u (queue %u)", targ->tx_port_queue[j].port, targ->tx_port_queue[j].queue); } for (uint8_t j = 0; j < targ->nb_txrings; ++j) { plog_info(" TX ring %p", targ->tx_rings[j]); } plog_info("\n"); } } } void cmd_get_cache_class(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t *set) { uint64_t tmp_rmid = 0; cqm_assoc_read(lcore_id, &tmp_rmid); *set = (uint32_t)(tmp_rmid >> 32); } void cmd_get_cache_class_mask(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t set, uint32_t *val) { cat_get_class_mask(lcore_id, set, val); } void cmd_set_cache_class_mask(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t set, uint32_t val) { cat_set_class_mask(lcore_id, set, val); lcore_cfg[lcore_id].cache_set = set; uint32_t id = -1; while(prox_core_next(&id, 0) == 0) { if ((lcore_cfg[id].cache_set == set) && (rte_lcore_to_socket_id(id) == rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id))) { plog_info("Updating mask for core %d to %d\n", id, set); stats_update_cache_mask(id, val); } } } void cmd_set_cache_class(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t set) { uint64_t tmp_rmid = 0; uint32_t val = 0; cqm_assoc_read(lcore_id, &tmp_rmid); cqm_assoc(lcore_id, (tmp_rmid & 0xffffffff) | ((set * 1L) << 32)); cat_get_class_mask(lcore_id, set, &val); stats_update_cache_mask(lcore_id, val); } void cmd_cache_reset(void) { uint8_t sockets[MAX_SOCKETS] = {0}; uint8_t cores[MAX_SOCKETS] = {0}; uint32_t mask = (1 << cat_get_num_ways()) - 1; uint32_t lcore_id = -1, socket_id; while(prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 0) == 0) { cqm_assoc(lcore_id, 0); socket_id = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id); if (socket_id < MAX_SOCKETS) { sockets[socket_id] = 1; cores[socket_id] = lcore_id; } stats_update_cache_mask(lcore_id, mask); plog_info("Setting core %d to cache mask %x\n", lcore_id, mask); lcore_cfg[lcore_id].cache_set = 0; } for (uint32_t s = 0; s < MAX_SOCKETS; s++) { if (sockets[s]) cat_reset_cache(cores[s]); } stats_lcore_assoc_rmid(); } int bypass_task(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t task_id) { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; struct task_args *targ, *starg, *dtarg; struct rte_ring *ring = NULL; if (task_id >= lconf->n_tasks_all) return -1; targ = &lconf->targs[task_id]; if (targ->nb_txrings == 1) { plog_info("Task has %d receive and 1 transmmit ring and can be bypassed, %d precedent tasks\n", targ->nb_rxrings, targ->n_prev_tasks); // Find source task for (unsigned int i = 0; i < targ->n_prev_tasks; i++) { starg = targ->prev_tasks[i]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < starg->nb_txrings; j++) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < targ->nb_rxrings; k++) { if (starg->tx_rings[j] == targ->rx_rings[k]) { plog_info("bypassing ring %p and connecting it to %p\n", starg->tx_rings[j], targ->tx_rings[0]); starg->tx_rings[j] = targ->tx_rings[0]; struct task_base *tbase = starg->tbase; tbase->tx_params_sw.tx_rings[j] = starg->tx_rings[j]; } } } } } else { plog_info("Task has %d receive and %d transmit ring and cannot be bypassed\n", targ->nb_rxrings, targ->nb_txrings); return -1; } return 0; } int reconnect_task(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t task_id) { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id]; struct task_args *targ, *starg, *dtarg = NULL; struct rte_ring *ring = NULL; if (task_id >= lconf->n_tasks_all) return -1; targ = &lconf->targs[task_id]; if (targ->nb_txrings == 1) { // Find source task for (unsigned int i = 0; i < targ->n_prev_tasks; i++) { starg = targ->prev_tasks[i]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < starg->nb_txrings; j++) { if (starg->tx_rings[j] == targ->tx_rings[0]) { if (targ->n_prev_tasks == targ->nb_rxrings) { starg->tx_rings[j] = targ->rx_rings[i]; struct task_base *tbase = starg->tbase; tbase->tx_params_sw.tx_rings[j] = starg->tx_rings[j]; plog_info("Task has %d receive and 1 transmmit ring and can be reconnected, %d precedent tasks\n", targ->nb_rxrings, targ->n_prev_tasks); } else if (targ->nb_rxrings == 1) { starg->tx_rings[j] = targ->rx_rings[0]; struct task_base *tbase = starg->tbase; tbase->tx_params_sw.tx_rings[j] = starg->tx_rings[j]; plog_info("Task has %d receive and 1 transmmit ring and ring %p can be reconnected, %d precedent tasks\n", targ->nb_rxrings, starg->tx_rings[j], targ->n_prev_tasks); } else { plog_err("Unexpected configuration: %d precedent tasks, %d rx rings\n", targ->n_prev_tasks, targ->nb_rxrings); } } } } } else { plog_info("Task has %d receive and %d transmit ring and cannot be bypassed\n", targ->nb_rxrings, targ->nb_txrings); return -1; } return 0; }