/* // Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <rte_cycles.h> #include <rte_version.h> #include "input.h" #include "cmd_parser.h" #include "commands.h" #include "run.h" #include "display.h" #include "log.h" #include "prox_cfg.h" #include "prox_port_cfg.h" #include "task_base.h" #include "lconf.h" #include "main.h" #include "parse_utils.h" #include "stats_parser.h" #include "stats_port.h" #include "stats_latency.h" #include "stats_global.h" #include "stats_prio_task.h" #include "handle_routing.h" #include "handle_qinq_decap4.h" #include "handle_lat.h" #include "handle_arp.h" #include "handle_gen.h" #include "handle_acl.h" #include "handle_irq.h" #include "defines.h" #include "prox_cfg.h" #include "version.h" #include "stats_latency.h" #include "handle_cgnat.h" #include "handle_impair.h" #include "rx_pkt.h" static int core_task_is_valid(int lcore_id, int task_id) { if (lcore_id >= RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_err("Invalid core id %u (lcore ID above %d)\n", lcore_id, RTE_MAX_LCORE); return 0; } else if (!prox_core_active(lcore_id, 0)) { plog_err("Invalid core id %u (lcore is not active)\n", lcore_id); return 0; } else if (task_id >= lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all) { plog_err("Invalid task id (valid task IDs for core %u are below %u)\n", lcore_id, lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all); return 0; } return 1; } static int cores_task_are_valid(unsigned int *lcores, int task_id, unsigned int nb_cores) { unsigned int lcore_id; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if (lcore_id >= RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_err("Invalid core id %u (lcore ID above %d)\n", lcore_id, RTE_MAX_LCORE); return 0; } else if (!prox_core_active(lcore_id, 0)) { plog_err("Invalid core id %u (lcore is not active)\n", lcore_id); return 0; } else if (task_id >= lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all) { plog_err("Invalid task id (valid task IDs for core %u are below %u)\n", lcore_id, lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all); return 0; } } return 1; } static int parse_core_task(const char *str, uint32_t *lcore_id, uint32_t *task_id, unsigned int *nb_cores) { char str_lcore_id[128]; int ret; if (2 != sscanf(str, "%s %u", str_lcore_id, task_id)) return -1; if ((ret = parse_list_set(lcore_id, str_lcore_id, RTE_MAX_LCORE)) <= 0) { plog_err("Invalid core while parsing command (%s)\n", get_parse_err()); return -1; } *nb_cores = ret; return 0; } static const char *strchr_skip_twice(const char *str, int chr) { str = strchr(str, chr); if (!str) return NULL; str = str + 1; str = strchr(str, chr); if (!str) return NULL; return str + 1; } static int parse_cmd_quit(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } quit(); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_quit_force(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } abort(); } static int parse_cmd_history(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } if (input->history) { input->history(input); return 0; } plog_err("Invalid history comand "); return -1; } static int parse_cmd_echo(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") == 0) { return -1; } char resolved[2048]; if (parse_vars(resolved, sizeof(resolved), str)) { return 0; } if (input->reply) { if (strlen(resolved) + 2 < sizeof(resolved)) { resolved[strlen(resolved) + 1] = 0; resolved[strlen(resolved)] = '\n'; } else return 0; input->reply(input, resolved, strlen(resolved)); } else plog_info("%s\n", resolved); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_reset_stats(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } stats_reset(); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_reset_lat_stats(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } stats_latency_reset(); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_trace(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], task_id, nb_packets, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &nb_packets) != 1) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { cmd_trace(lcores[i], task_id, nb_packets); } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_dump_rx(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], task_id, nb_packets, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &nb_packets) != 1) { return -1; } if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { if (lcores[i] > RTE_MAX_LCORE) { plog_warn("core_id too high, maximum allowed is: %u\n", RTE_MAX_LCORE); return -1; } else if (task_id >= lcore_cfg[lcores[i]].n_tasks_all) { plog_warn("task_id too high, should be in [0, %u]\n", lcore_cfg[lcores[i]].n_tasks_all - 1); return -1; } else { struct lcore_cfg *lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcores[i]]; struct task_base *tbase = lconf->tasks_all[task_id]; int prev_count = tbase->aux->rx_prev_count; if (((prev_count) && (tbase->aux->rx_pkt_prev[prev_count - 1] == rx_pkt_dummy)) || (tbase->rx_pkt == rx_pkt_dummy)) { plog_warn("Unable to dump_rx as rx_pkt_dummy\n"); return -1; } } cmd_dump(lcores[i], task_id, nb_packets, input, 1, 0); } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_pps_unit(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t val; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &val) != 1) { return -1; } display_set_pps_unit(val); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_dump_tx(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], task_id, nb_packets, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &nb_packets) != 1) { return -1; } if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { cmd_dump(lcores[i], task_id, nb_packets, input, 0, 1); } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_rate(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned queue, port, rate; if (sscanf(str, "%u %u %u", &queue, &port, &rate) != 3) { return -1; } if (port > PROX_MAX_PORTS) { plog_err("Max port id allowed is %u (specified %u)\n", PROX_MAX_PORTS, port); } else if (!prox_port_cfg[port].active) { plog_err("Port %u not active\n", port); } else if (queue >= prox_port_cfg[port].n_txq) { plog_err("Number of active queues is %u\n", prox_port_cfg[port].n_txq); } else if (rate > prox_port_cfg[port].link_speed) { plog_err("Max rate allowed on port %u queue %u is %u Mbps\n", port, queue, prox_port_cfg[port].link_speed); } else { if (rate == 0) { plog_info("Disabling rate limiting on port %u queue %u\n", port, queue); } else { plog_info("Setting rate limiting to %u Mbps on port %u queue %u\n", rate, port, queue); } rte_eth_set_queue_rate_limit(port, queue, rate); } return 0; } int task_is_mode_and_submode(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t task_id, const char *mode, const char *sub_mode) { struct task_args *targs = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id].targs[task_id]; return !strcmp(targs->task_init->mode_str, mode) && !strcmp(targs->sub_mode_str, sub_mode); } int task_is_mode(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t task_id, const char *mode) { struct task_init *t = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].targs[task_id].task_init; return !strcmp(t->mode_str, mode); } int task_is_sub_mode(uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t task_id, const char *sub_mode) { struct task_args *targs = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id].targs[task_id]; return !strcmp(targs->sub_mode_str, sub_mode); } static void log_pkt_count(uint32_t count, uint32_t lcore_id, uint32_t task_id) { if (count == UINT32_MAX) plog_info("Core %u task %u will keep sending packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); else if (count == 0) plog_info("Core %u task %u waits for next count command\n", lcore_id, task_id); else plog_info("Core %u task %u stopping after %u packets\n", lcore_id, task_id, count); } static int parse_cmd_count(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, count, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &count) != 1) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "l3"))) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not generating packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_base *task = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; log_pkt_count(count, lcore_id, task_id); task_gen_set_pkt_count(task, count); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_set_probability(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; float probability; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%f", &probability) != 1) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "impair", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "impair", "l3"))){ plog_err("Core %u task %u is not impairing packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; task_impair_set_proba(tbase, probability); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_delay_us(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, delay_us, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%d", &delay_us) != 1) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "impair", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "impair", "l3"))){ plog_err("Core %u task %u is not impairing packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; task_impair_set_delay_us(tbase, delay_us, 0); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_random_delay_us(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, delay_us, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%d", &delay_us) != 1) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "impair", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "impair", "l3"))){ plog_err("Core %u task %u is not impairing packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; task_impair_set_delay_us(tbase, 0, delay_us); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_bypass(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, pkt_size, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if ((prox_cfg.flags & DSF_ENABLE_BYPASS) == 0) { plog_err("enable bypass not set => command not supported\n"); return -1; } if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if (bypass_task(lcore_id, task_id) != 0) return -1; } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_reconnect(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, pkt_size, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if (reconnect_task(lcore_id, task_id) != 0) return -1; } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_pkt_size(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, pkt_size, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%d", &pkt_size) != 1) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "l3"))) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not generating packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; task_gen_set_pkt_size(tbase, pkt_size); /* error printed within function */ } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_speed(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], task_id, lcore_id, nb_cores; float speed; unsigned i; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%f", &speed) != 1) { return -1; } if (!cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { return 0; } for (i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "l3"))) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not generating packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else if (speed > 1000.0f || speed < 0.0f) { // Up to 100 Gbps plog_err("Speed out of range (must be betweeen 0%% and 1000%%)\n"); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; uint64_t bps = speed * 12500000; plog_info("Setting rate to %"PRIu64" Bps\n", bps); task_gen_set_rate(tbase, bps); } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_speed_byte(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; uint64_t bps; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%"PRIu64"", &bps) != 1) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "l3"))) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not generating packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else if (bps > 12500000000) { // Up to 100Gbps plog_err("Speed out of range (must be <= 12500000000)\n"); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; plog_info("Setting rate to %"PRIu64" Bps\n", bps); task_gen_set_rate(tbase, bps); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_reset_randoms_all(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } unsigned task_id, lcore_id = -1; while (prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 0) == 0) { for (task_id = 0; task_id < lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all; task_id++) { if ((task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "")) || (task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "l3"))) { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; uint32_t n_rands = task_gen_get_n_randoms(tbase); plog_info("Resetting randoms on core %d task %d from %d randoms\n", lcore_id, task_id, n_rands); task_gen_reset_randoms(tbase); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_reset_values_all(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } unsigned task_id, lcore_id = -1; while (prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 0) == 0) { for (task_id = 0; task_id < lcore_cfg[lcore_id].n_tasks_all; task_id++) { if ((task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "")) || (task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "l3"))) { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; plog_info("Resetting values on core %d task %d\n", lcore_id, task_id); task_gen_reset_values(tbase); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_reset_values(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "l3"))) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not generating packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; plog_info("Resetting values on core %d task %d\n", lcore_id, task_id); task_gen_reset_values(tbase); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_set_value(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, value, nb_cores; unsigned short offset; uint8_t value_len; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%hu %u %hhu", &offset, &value, &value_len) != 3) { return -1; } if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "l3"))) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not generating packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else if (offset > ETHER_MAX_LEN) { plog_err("Offset out of range (must be less then %u)\n", ETHER_MAX_LEN); } else if (value_len > 4) { plog_err("Length out of range (must be less then 4)\n"); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; if (task_gen_set_value(tbase, value, offset, value_len)) plog_info("Unable to set Byte %"PRIu16" to %"PRIu8" - too many value set\n", offset, value); else plog_info("Setting Byte %"PRIu16" to %"PRIu32"\n", offset, value); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_set_random(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; unsigned short offset; uint8_t value_len; char rand_str[64]; int16_t rand_id = -1; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%hu %32s %hhu", &offset, rand_str, &value_len) != 3) { return -1; } if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if ((!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "")) && (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "gen", "l3"))) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not generating packets\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else if (offset > ETHER_MAX_LEN) { plog_err("Offset out of range (must be less then %u)\n", ETHER_MAX_LEN); } else if (value_len > 4) { plog_err("Length out of range (must be less then 4)\n"); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; if (task_gen_add_rand(tbase, rand_str, offset, rand_id)) { plog_warn("Random not added on core %u task %u\n", lcore_id, task_id); } } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_thread_info(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { cmd_thread_info(lcores[i], task_id); } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_verbose(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned id; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &id) != 1) { return -1; } if (plog_set_lvl(id) != 0) { plog_err("Cannot set log level to %u\n", id); } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_arp_add(const char *str, struct input *input) { struct arp_msg amsg; struct arp_msg *pmsg = &amsg; unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; struct rte_ring *ring; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (strcmp(str, "")) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { if (str_to_arp_msg(&amsg, str) == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; ring = ctrl_rings[lcore_id*MAX_TASKS_PER_CORE + task_id]; if (!ring) { plog_err("No ring for control messages to core %u task %u\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { #if RTE_VERSION < RTE_VERSION_NUM(17,5,0,1) while (rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk(ring, (void *const *)&pmsg, 1)); #else while (rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk(ring, (void *const *)&pmsg, 1, NULL) == 0); #endif while (!rte_ring_empty(ring)); } } return 0; } } return -1; } static int parse_cmd_rule_add(const char *str, struct input *input) { struct rte_ring *ring; unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (strcmp(str, "")) return -1; char *fields[9]; char str_cpy[255]; strncpy(str_cpy, str, 255); // example add rule command: rule add 15 0 1&0x0fff 1&0x0fff 0&0 5000-5000 5000-5000 allow int ret = rte_strsplit(str_cpy, 255, fields, 9, ' '); if (ret != 8) { return -1; } struct acl4_rule rule; struct acl4_rule *prule = &rule; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { if (str_to_rule(&rule, fields, -1, 1) == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; ring = ctrl_rings[lcore_id*MAX_TASKS_PER_CORE + task_id]; if (!ring) { plog_err("No ring for control messages to core %u task %u\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { #if RTE_VERSION < RTE_VERSION_NUM(17,5,0,1) while (rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk(ring, (void *const *)&prule, 1)); #else while (rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk(ring, (void *const *)&prule, 1, NULL) == 0); #endif while (!rte_ring_empty(ring)); } } return 0; } } return -1; } static int parse_cmd_gateway_ip(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, ip[4], nb_cores, i; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (!strcmp(str, "")) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%u.%u.%u.%u", ip, ip + 1, ip + 2, ip + 3) != 4) { return -1; } for (i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if (!task_is_sub_mode(lcore_id, task_id, "l3")) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not in l3 mode\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { uint32_t gateway_ip = ((ip[3] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((ip[2] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((ip[1] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((ip[0] & 0xFF) << 0); struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; plog_info("Setting gateway ip to %s\n", str); task_set_gateway_ip(tbase, gateway_ip); } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_local_ip(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, ip[4], nb_cores, i; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (!strcmp(str, "")) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%u.%u.%u.%u", ip, ip + 1, ip + 2, ip + 3) != 4) { return -1; } for (i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; uint32_t local_ip = ((ip[3] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((ip[2] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((ip[1] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((ip[0] & 0xFF) << 0); if (!task_is_mode_and_submode(lcore_id, task_id, "arp", "local")) { if (!task_is_sub_mode(lcore_id, task_id, "l3")) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not in l3 mode\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { plog_info("Setting local ip to %s\n", str); task_set_local_ip(tbase, local_ip); } } else { plog_info("Setting local ip to %s\n", str); task_arp_set_local_ip(tbase, local_ip); } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_route_add(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, prefix, next_hop_idx, ip[4], nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (strcmp(str, "")) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%u.%u.%u.%u/%u %u", ip, ip + 1, ip + 2, ip + 3, &prefix, &next_hop_idx) != 8) { return -1; } struct rte_ring *ring; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; ring = ctrl_rings[lcore_id*MAX_TASKS_PER_CORE + task_id]; if (!ring) { plog_err("No ring for control messages to core %u task %u\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct route_msg rmsg; struct route_msg *pmsg = &rmsg; rmsg.ip_bytes[0] = ip[0]; rmsg.ip_bytes[1] = ip[1]; rmsg.ip_bytes[2] = ip[2]; rmsg.ip_bytes[3] = ip[3]; rmsg.prefix = prefix; rmsg.nh = next_hop_idx; #if RTE_VERSION < RTE_VERSION_NUM(17,5,0,1) while (rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk(ring, (void *const *)&pmsg, 1)); #else while (rte_ring_sp_enqueue_bulk(ring, (void *const *)&pmsg, 1, NULL) == 0); #endif while (!rte_ring_empty(ring)); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_start(const char *str, struct input *input) { int task_id = -1; if (strncmp(str, "all", 3) == 0) { str += 3; sscanf(str, "%d", &task_id); start_core_all(task_id); req_refresh(); return 0; } uint32_t cores[64] = {0}; int ret; ret = parse_list_set(cores, str, 64); if (ret < 0) { return -1; } str = strchr(str, ' '); if (str) { sscanf(str, "%d", &task_id); } start_cores(cores, ret, task_id); req_refresh(); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_stop(const char *str, struct input *input) { int task_id = -1; if (strncmp(str, "all", 3) == 0) { str += 3; sscanf(str, "%d", &task_id); stop_core_all(task_id); req_refresh(); return 0; } uint32_t cores[64] = {0}; int ret; ret = parse_list_set(cores, str, 64); if (ret < 0) { return -1; } str = strchr(str, ' '); if (str) { sscanf(str, "%d", &task_id); } stop_cores(cores, ret, task_id); req_refresh(); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_rx_distr_start(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcore_id[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; int nb_cores; nb_cores = parse_list_set(lcore_id, str, sizeof(lcore_id)/sizeof(lcore_id[0])); if (nb_cores <= 0) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_cores; ++i) cmd_rx_distr_start(lcore_id[i]); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_tx_distr_start(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcore_id[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; int nb_cores; nb_cores = parse_list_set(lcore_id, str, sizeof(lcore_id)/sizeof(lcore_id[0])); if (nb_cores <= 0) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_cores; ++i) cmd_tx_distr_start(lcore_id[i]); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_rx_distr_stop(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcore_id[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; int nb_cores; nb_cores = parse_list_set(lcore_id, str, sizeof(lcore_id)/sizeof(lcore_id[0])); if (nb_cores <= 0) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_cores; ++i) cmd_rx_distr_stop(lcore_id[i]); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_tx_distr_stop(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcore_id[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; int nb_cores; nb_cores = parse_list_set(lcore_id, str, sizeof(lcore_id)/sizeof(lcore_id[0])); if (nb_cores <= 0) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_cores; ++i) cmd_tx_distr_stop(lcore_id[i]); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_rx_distr_reset(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcore_id[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; int nb_cores; nb_cores = parse_list_set(lcore_id, str, sizeof(lcore_id)/sizeof(lcore_id[0])); if (nb_cores <= 0) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_cores; ++i) cmd_rx_distr_rst(lcore_id[i]); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_tx_distr_reset(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcore_id[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; int nb_cores; nb_cores = parse_list_set(lcore_id, str, sizeof(lcore_id)/sizeof(lcore_id[0])); if (nb_cores <= 0) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_cores; ++i) cmd_tx_distr_rst(lcore_id[i]); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_rx_distr_show(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcore_id[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; int nb_cores; nb_cores = parse_list_set(lcore_id, str, sizeof(lcore_id)/sizeof(lcore_id[0])); if (nb_cores <= 0) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_cores; ++i) cmd_rx_distr_show(lcore_id[i]); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_tx_distr_show(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcore_id[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; int nb_cores; nb_cores = parse_list_set(lcore_id, str, sizeof(lcore_id)/sizeof(lcore_id[0])); if (nb_cores <= 0) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_cores; ++i) cmd_tx_distr_show(lcore_id[i]); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_tot_stats(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp("", str) != 0) { return -1; } struct global_stats_sample *gsl = stats_get_global_stats(1); uint64_t tot_rx = gsl->host_rx_packets; uint64_t tot_tx = gsl->host_tx_packets; uint64_t last_tsc = gsl->tsc; if (input->reply) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"\n", tot_rx, tot_tx, last_tsc, rte_get_tsc_hz()); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("RX: %"PRIu64", TX: %"PRIu64"\n", tot_rx, tot_tx); } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_update_interval(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned val; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &val) != 1) { return -1; } if (val == 0) { plog_err("Minimum update interval is 1 ms\n"); } else { plog_info("Setting update interval to %d ms\n", val); set_update_interval(val); } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_mem_info(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp("", str) != 0) { return -1; } cmd_mem_stats(); cmd_mem_layout(); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_tot_ierrors_tot(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } struct global_stats_sample *gsl = stats_get_global_stats(1); uint64_t tot = gsl->nics_ierrors; uint64_t last_tsc = gsl->tsc; if (input->reply) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"\n", tot, last_tsc, rte_get_tsc_hz()); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("ierrors: %"PRIu64"\n", tot); } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_tot_imissed_tot(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } struct global_stats_sample *gsl = stats_get_global_stats(1); uint64_t tot = gsl->nics_imissed; uint64_t last_tsc = gsl->tsc; if (input->reply) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"\n", tot, last_tsc, rte_get_tsc_hz()); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("imissed: %"PRIu64"\n", tot); } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_reset_port(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t port_id; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &port_id ) != 1) { return -1; } cmd_reset_port(port_id); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_write_reg(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t port_id; uint32_t id, val; if (sscanf(str, "%u %x %u", &port_id, &id, &val) != 3) { return -1; } cmd_write_reg(port_id, id, val); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_read_reg(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t port_id; uint32_t id; if (sscanf(str, "%u %x", &port_id, &id) != 2) { return -1; } cmd_read_reg(port_id, id); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_cache_reset(const char *str, struct input *input) { cmd_cache_reset(); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_set_cache_class_mask(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t lcore_id; uint32_t set; uint32_t val; if (sscanf(str, "%u %u %u", &lcore_id, &set, &val) != 3) { return -1; } cmd_set_cache_class_mask(lcore_id, set, val); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_set_cache_class(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t lcore_id; uint32_t set; if (sscanf(str, "%u %u", &lcore_id, &set) != 2) { return -1; } cmd_set_cache_class(lcore_id, set); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_get_cache_class_mask(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t lcore_id; uint32_t set; uint32_t val = 0; if (sscanf(str, "%u %u", &lcore_id, &set) != 2) { return -1; } cmd_get_cache_class_mask(lcore_id, set, &val); if (input->reply) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d, %d, %x\n", lcore_id, set, val); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("core=%d, set=%d, mask=%x\n", lcore_id, set, val); } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_get_cache_class(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t lcore_id; uint32_t set; uint32_t val; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &lcore_id) != 1) { return -1; } cmd_get_cache_class(lcore_id, &set); if (input->reply) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d, %d\n", lcore_id, set); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("core=%d, cos=%d\n", lcore_id, set); } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_get_cache_mask(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t lcore_id; uint32_t set; uint32_t mask; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &lcore_id) != 1) { return -1; } cmd_get_cache_class(lcore_id, &set); cmd_get_cache_class_mask(lcore_id, set, &mask); if (input->reply) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d, %x\n", lcore_id, mask); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("core=%d, mask=%x\n", lcore_id, mask); } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_set_vlan_offload(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t port_id; uint32_t val; if (sscanf(str, "%u %u", &port_id, &val) != 2) { return -1; } cmd_set_vlan_offload(port_id, val); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_set_vlan_filter(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t port_id; uint32_t id, val; if (sscanf(str, "%u %d %u", &port_id, &id, &val) != 3) { return -1; } cmd_set_vlan_filter(port_id, id, val); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_ring_info_all(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } cmd_ringinfo_all(); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_port_up(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned val; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &val) != 1) { return -1; } cmd_port_up(val); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_port_down(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned val; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &val) != 1) { return -1; } cmd_port_down(val); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_port_link_state(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned val; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &val) != 1) { return -1; } if (!port_is_active(val)) return -1; int active = prox_port_cfg[val].link_up; const char *state = active? "up\n" : "down\n"; if (input->reply) input->reply(input, state, strlen(state)); else plog_info("%s", state); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_xstats(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned val; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &val) != 1) { return -1; } cmd_xstats(val); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_stats(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") == 0) return -1; char buf[32768]; char ret2[32768]; char *ret = ret2; int list = 0; strncpy(buf, str, sizeof(buf) - 1); char *tok; uint64_t stat_val; while ((tok = strchr(str, ','))) { *tok = 0; stat_val = stats_parser_get(str); ret += sprintf(ret, "%s%"PRIu64"", list? "," :"", stat_val); list = 1; str = tok + 1; } stat_val = stats_parser_get(str); ret += sprintf(ret, "%s%"PRIu64"", list? "," :"", stat_val); sprintf(ret, "\n"); if (input->reply) input->reply(input, ret2, strlen(ret2)); else plog_info("%s", ret2); return 0; } static void replace_char(char *str, char to_replace, char by) { for (size_t i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; ++i) { if (str[i] == to_replace) str[i] = by; } } static int parse_cmd_port_info(const char *str, struct input *input) { int val; if (strcmp(str, "all") == 0) { val = -1; } else if (sscanf(str, "%d", &val) != 1) { return -1; } char port_info[2048]; cmd_portinfo(val, port_info, sizeof(port_info)); if (input->reply) { replace_char(port_info, '\n', ','); port_info[strlen(port_info) - 1] = '\n'; input->reply(input, port_info, strlen(port_info)); } else plog_info("%s", port_info); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_ring_info(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { cmd_ringinfo(lcores[i], task_id); } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_port_stats(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned val; if (sscanf(str, "%u", &val) != 1) { return -1; } struct get_port_stats s; if (stats_port(val, &s)) { plog_err("Invalid port %u\n", val); return 0; } char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"," "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"," "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"\n", s.no_mbufs_diff, s.ierrors_diff + s.imissed_diff, s.rx_bytes_diff, s.tx_bytes_diff, s.rx_pkts_diff, s.tx_pkts_diff, s.rx_tot, s.tx_tot, s.no_mbufs_tot, s.ierrors_tot + s.imissed_tot, s.last_tsc, s.prev_tsc); plog_info("%s", buf); if (input->reply) input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_multi_port_stats(const char *str, struct input *input) { uint32_t ports[PROX_MAX_PORTS]; int nb_ports = parse_list_set(ports, str, PROX_MAX_PORTS); if (nb_ports <= 0) { return -1; } char buf[PROX_MAX_PORTS * (11+5*21) + 1], *pbuf = buf; int left = sizeof(buf); for (int i = 0; i < nb_ports; ++i) { struct get_port_stats s; if (stats_port(ports[i], &s)) { plog_err("Invalid port %u\n", ports[i]); return 0; } int len = snprintf(pbuf, left, "%u," "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"," "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"," "%"PRIu64";", //TODO: adjust buf size above when adding fields ports[i], s.rx_tot, s.tx_tot, s.no_mbufs_tot, s.ierrors_tot + s.imissed_tot, s.last_tsc); if ((len < 0) || (len >= left)) { plog_err("Cannot print stats for port %u\n", ports[i]); return 0; } pbuf += len; left -= len; } pbuf--; *pbuf = '\n'; plog_info("%s", buf); if (input->reply) input->reply(input, buf, sizeof(buf) - left); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_core_stats(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; uint64_t tot_rx = stats_core_task_tot_rx(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t tot_tx = stats_core_task_tot_tx(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t tot_drop = stats_core_task_tot_drop(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t last_tsc = stats_core_task_last_tsc(lcore_id, task_id); if (input->reply) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"\n", tot_rx, tot_tx, tot_drop, last_tsc, rte_get_tsc_hz()); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("RX: %"PRIu64", TX: %"PRIu64", DROP: %"PRIu64"\n", tot_rx, tot_tx, tot_drop); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_dp_core_stats(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; uint64_t tot_rx = stats_core_task_tot_rx(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t tot_tx = stats_core_task_tot_tx(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t tot_rx_non_dp = stats_core_task_tot_rx_non_dp(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t tot_tx_non_dp = stats_core_task_tot_tx_non_dp(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t tot_drop = stats_core_task_tot_drop(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t last_tsc = stats_core_task_last_tsc(lcore_id, task_id); if (input->reply) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"\n", tot_rx, tot_tx, tot_rx_non_dp, tot_tx_non_dp, tot_drop, last_tsc, rte_get_tsc_hz()); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("RX: %"PRIu64", TX: %"PRIu64", RX_NON_DP: %"PRIu64", TX_NON_DP: %"PRIu64", DROP: %"PRIu64"\n", tot_rx, tot_tx, tot_rx_non_dp, tot_tx_non_dp, tot_drop); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_lat_stats(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if (!task_is_mode(lcore_id, task_id, "lat")) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not measuring latency\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct stats_latency *stats = stats_latency_find(lcore_id, task_id); struct stats_latency *tot = stats_latency_tot_find(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t last_tsc = stats_core_task_last_tsc(lcore_id, task_id); uint64_t lat_min_usec = time_unit_to_usec(&stats->min.time); uint64_t lat_max_usec = time_unit_to_usec(&stats->max.time); uint64_t tot_lat_min_usec = time_unit_to_usec(&tot->min.time); uint64_t tot_lat_max_usec = time_unit_to_usec(&tot->max.time); uint64_t lat_avg_usec = time_unit_to_usec(&stats->avg.time); if (input->reply) { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"\n", lat_min_usec, lat_max_usec, lat_avg_usec, tot_lat_min_usec, tot_lat_max_usec, last_tsc, rte_get_tsc_hz()); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("min: %"PRIu64", max: %"PRIu64", avg: %"PRIu64", min since reset: %"PRIu64", max since reset: %"PRIu64"\n", lat_min_usec, lat_max_usec, lat_avg_usec, tot_lat_min_usec, tot_lat_max_usec); } } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_show_irq_buckets(const char *str, struct input *input) { char buf[4096] = {0}; unsigned int i, c; unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (c = 0; c < nb_cores; c++) { lcore_id = lcores[c]; get_irq_buckets_by_core_task(buf, lcore_id, task_id); plog_info("%s", buf); if (input->reply) input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); buf[0] = 0; } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_irq(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned int i, c; unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (c = 0; c < nb_cores; c++) { lcore_id = lcores[c]; if (!task_is_mode(lcore_id, task_id, "irq")) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not in irq mode\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_irq *task_irq = (struct task_irq *)(lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]); task_irq_show_stats(task_irq, input); } } } return 0; } static void task_lat_show_latency_histogram(uint8_t lcore_id, uint8_t task_id, struct input *input) { #ifdef LATENCY_HISTOGRAM uint64_t *buckets; stats_core_lat_histogram(lcore_id, task_id, &buckets); if (buckets == NULL) return; if (input->reply) { char buf[4096] = {0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i++) sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "Bucket [%zu]: %"PRIu64"\n", i, buckets[i]); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i++) if (buckets[i]) plog_info("Bucket [%zu]: %"PRIu64"\n", i, buckets[i]); } #else plog_info("LATENCY_DETAILS disabled\n"); #endif } static int parse_cmd_lat_packets(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if (!task_is_mode(lcore_id, task_id, "lat")) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not measuring latency\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { task_lat_show_latency_histogram(lcore_id, task_id, input); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_cgnat_public_hash(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if (!task_is_mode(lcore_id, task_id, "cgnat")) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not cgnat\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; task_cgnat_dump_public_hash((struct task_nat *)tbase); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_cgnat_private_hash(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; uint32_t val; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if (!task_is_mode(lcore_id, task_id, "cgnat")) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not cgnat\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; task_cgnat_dump_private_hash((struct task_nat *)tbase); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_accuracy(const char *str, struct input *input) { unsigned lcores[RTE_MAX_LCORE], lcore_id, task_id, nb_cores; uint32_t val; if (parse_core_task(str, lcores, &task_id, &nb_cores)) return -1; if (!(str = strchr_skip_twice(str, ' '))) return -1; if (sscanf(str, "%"PRIu32"", &val) != 1) return -1; if (cores_task_are_valid(lcores, task_id, nb_cores)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_cores; i++) { lcore_id = lcores[i]; if (!task_is_mode(lcore_id, task_id, "lat")) { plog_err("Core %u task %u is not measuring latency\n", lcore_id, task_id); } else { struct task_base *tbase = lcore_cfg[lcore_id].tasks_all[task_id]; task_lat_set_accuracy_limit((struct task_lat *)tbase, val); } } } return 0; } static int parse_cmd_rx_tx_info(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } cmd_rx_tx_info(); return 0; } static int parse_cmd_version(const char *str, struct input *input) { if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { return -1; } if (input->reply) { uint64_t version = ((uint64_t)VERSION_MAJOR) << 24 | ((uint64_t)VERSION_MINOR) << 16 | ((uint64_t)VERSION_REV) << 8; char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64"\n", version, (uint64_t)RTE_VERSION); input->reply(input, buf, strlen(buf)); } else { plog_info("prox version: %d.%d, DPDK version: %s\n", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, rte_version() + sizeof(RTE_VER_PREFIX)); } return 0; } struct cmd_str { const char *cmd; const char *args; const char *help; int (*parse)(const char *args, struct input *input); }; static int parse_cmd_help(const char *str, struct input *input); static struct cmd_str cmd_strings[] = { {"history", "", "Print command history", parse_cmd_history}, {"echo", "", "echo parameter, useful to resolving variables", parse_cmd_echo}, {"quit", "", "Stop all cores and quit", parse_cmd_quit}, {"quit_force", "", "Quit without waiting on cores to stop", parse_cmd_quit_force}, {"help", "<substr>", "Show list of commands that have <substr> as a substring. If no substring is provided, all commands are shown.", parse_cmd_help}, {"verbose", "<level>", "Set verbosity level", parse_cmd_verbose}, {"thread info", "<core_id> <task_id>", "", parse_cmd_thread_info}, {"mem info", "", "Show information about system memory (number of huge pages and addresses of these huge pages)", parse_cmd_mem_info}, {"update interval", "<value>", "Update statistics refresh rate, in msec (must be >=10). Default is 1 second", parse_cmd_update_interval}, {"rx tx info", "", "Print connections between tasks on all cores", parse_cmd_rx_tx_info}, {"start", "<core list>|all <task_id>", "Start core <core_id> or all cores", parse_cmd_start}, {"stop", "<core list>|all <task_id>", "Stop core <core id> or all cores", parse_cmd_stop}, {"dump", "<core id> <task id> <nb packets>", "Create a hex dump of <nb_packets> from <task_id> on <core_id> showing how packets have changed between RX and TX.", parse_cmd_trace}, {"dump_rx", "<core id> <task id> <nb packets>", "Create a hex dump of <nb_packets> from <task_id> on <core_id> at RX", parse_cmd_dump_rx}, {"dump_tx", "<core id> <task id> <nb packets>", "Create a hex dump of <nb_packets> from <task_id> on <core_id> at TX", parse_cmd_dump_tx}, {"rx distr start", "", "Start gathering statistical distribution of received packets", parse_cmd_rx_distr_start}, {"rx distr stop", "", "Stop gathering statistical distribution of received packets", parse_cmd_rx_distr_stop}, {"rx distr reset", "", "Reset gathered statistical distribution of received packets", parse_cmd_rx_distr_reset}, {"rx distr show", "", "Display gathered statistical distribution of received packets", parse_cmd_rx_distr_show}, {"tx distr start", "", "Start gathering statistical distribution of xmitted packets", parse_cmd_tx_distr_start}, {"tx distr stop", "", "Stop gathering statistical distribution of xmitted packets", parse_cmd_tx_distr_stop}, {"tx distr reset", "", "Reset gathered statistical distribution of xmitted packets", parse_cmd_tx_distr_reset}, {"tx distr show", "", "Display gathered statistical distribution of xmitted packets", parse_cmd_tx_distr_show}, {"rate", "<port id> <queue id> <rate>", "rate does not include preamble, SFD and IFG", parse_cmd_rate}, {"count","<core id> <task id> <count>", "Generate <count> packets", parse_cmd_count}, {"bypass", "<core_id> <task_id>", "Bypass task", parse_cmd_bypass}, {"reconnect", "<core_id> <task_id>", "Reconnect task", parse_cmd_reconnect}, {"pkt_size", "<core_id> <task_id> <pkt_size>", "Set the packet size to <pkt_size>", parse_cmd_pkt_size}, {"speed", "<core_id> <task_id> <speed percentage>", "Change the speed to <speed percentage> at which packets are being generated on core <core_id> in task <task_id>.", parse_cmd_speed}, {"speed_byte", "<core_id> <task_id> <speed>", "Change speed to <speed>. The speed is specified in units of bytes per second.", parse_cmd_speed_byte}, {"set value", "<core_id> <task_id> <offset> <value> <value_len>", "Set <value_len> bytes to <value> at offset <offset> in packets generated on <core_id> <task_id>", parse_cmd_set_value}, {"set random", "<core_id> <task_id> <offset> <random_str> <value_len>", "Set <value_len> bytes to <rand_str> at offset <offset> in packets generated on <core_id> <task_id>", parse_cmd_set_random}, {"reset values all", "", "Undo all \"set value\" commands on all cores/tasks", parse_cmd_reset_values_all}, {"reset randoms all", "", "Undo all \"set random\" commands on all cores/tasks", parse_cmd_reset_randoms_all}, {"reset values", "<core id> <task id>", "Undo all \"set value\" commands on specified core/task", parse_cmd_reset_values}, {"arp add", "<core id> <task id> <port id> <gre id> <svlan> <cvlan> <ip addr> <mac addr> <user>", "Add a single ARP entry into a CPE table on <core id>/<task id>.", parse_cmd_arp_add}, {"rule add", "<core id> <task id> svlan_id&mask cvlan_id&mask ip_proto&mask source_ip/prefix destination_ip/prefix range dport_range action", "Add a rule to the ACL table on <core id>/<task id>", parse_cmd_rule_add}, {"route add", "<core id> <task id> <ip/prefix> <next hop id>", "Add a route to the routing table on core <core id> <task id>. Example: route add 9", parse_cmd_route_add}, {"gateway ip", "<core id> <task id> <ip>", "Define/Change IP address of destination gateway on core <core id> <task id>.", parse_cmd_gateway_ip}, {"local ip", "<core id> <task id> <ip>", "Define/Change IP address of destination gateway on core <core id> <task id>.", parse_cmd_local_ip}, {"pps unit", "", "Change core stats pps unit", parse_cmd_pps_unit}, {"reset stats", "", "Reset all statistics", parse_cmd_reset_stats}, {"reset lat stats", "", "Reset all latency statistics", parse_cmd_reset_lat_stats}, {"tot stats", "", "Print total RX and TX packets", parse_cmd_tot_stats}, {"tot ierrors tot", "", "Print total number of ierrors since reset", parse_cmd_tot_ierrors_tot}, {"tot imissed tot", "", "Print total number of imissed since reset", parse_cmd_tot_imissed_tot}, {"lat stats", "<core id> <task id>", "Print min,max,avg latency as measured during last sampling interval", parse_cmd_lat_stats}, {"irq stats", "<core id> <task id>", "Print irq related infos", parse_cmd_irq}, {"show irq buckets", "<core id> <task id>", "Print irq buckets", parse_cmd_show_irq_buckets}, {"lat packets", "<core id> <task id>", "Print the latency for each of the last set of packets", parse_cmd_lat_packets}, {"accuracy limit", "<core id> <task id> <nsec>", "Only consider latency of packets that were measured with an error no more than <nsec>", parse_cmd_accuracy}, {"core stats", "<core id> <task id>", "Print rx/tx/drop for task <task id> running on core <core id>", parse_cmd_core_stats}, {"dp core stats", "<core id> <task id>", "Print rx/tx/non_dp_rx/non_dp_tx/drop for task <task id> running on core <core id>", parse_cmd_dp_core_stats}, {"port_stats", "<port id>", "Print rate for no_mbufs, ierrors + imissed, rx_bytes, tx_bytes, rx_pkts, tx_pkts; totals for RX, TX, no_mbufs, ierrors + imissed for port <port id>", parse_cmd_port_stats}, {"multi port stats", "<port list>", "Get stats for multiple ports, semi-colon separated: port id, total for rx_pkts, tx_pkts, no_mbufs, ierrors + imissed, last_tsc", parse_cmd_multi_port_stats}, {"read reg", "", "Read register", parse_cmd_read_reg}, {"write reg", "", "Read register", parse_cmd_write_reg}, {"set vlan offload", "", "Set Vlan offload", parse_cmd_set_vlan_offload}, {"set vlan filter", "", "Set Vlan filter", parse_cmd_set_vlan_filter}, {"reset cache", "", "Reset cache", parse_cmd_cache_reset}, {"set cache class mask", "<core id> <class> <mask>", "Set cache class mask for <core id>", parse_cmd_set_cache_class_mask}, {"get cache class mask", "<core id> <class>", "Get cache class mask", parse_cmd_get_cache_class_mask}, {"set cache class", "<core id> <class>", "Set cache class", parse_cmd_set_cache_class}, {"get cache class", "<core id>", "Get cache class", parse_cmd_get_cache_class}, {"get cache mask", "<core id>", "Get cache mask", parse_cmd_get_cache_mask}, {"reset port", "", "Reset port", parse_cmd_reset_port}, {"ring info all", "", "Get information about ring, such as ring size and number of elements in the ring", parse_cmd_ring_info_all}, {"ring info", "<core id> <task id>", "Get information about ring on core <core id> in task <task id>, such as ring size and number of elements in the ring", parse_cmd_ring_info}, {"port info", "<port id> [brief?]", "Get port related information, such as MAC address, socket, number of descriptors..., . Adding \"brief\" after command prints short version of output.", parse_cmd_port_info}, {"port up", "<port id>", "Set the port up", parse_cmd_port_up}, {"port down", "<port id>", "Set the port down", parse_cmd_port_down}, {"port link state", "<port id>", "Get link state (up or down) for port", parse_cmd_port_link_state}, {"port xstats", "<port id>", "Get extra statistics for the port", parse_cmd_xstats}, {"stats", "<stats_path>", "Get stats as specified by <stats_path>. A comma-separated list of <stats_path> can be supplied", parse_cmd_stats}, {"cgnat dump public hash", "<core id> <task id>", "Dump cgnat public hash table", parse_cmd_cgnat_public_hash}, {"cgnat dump private hash", "<core id> <task id>", "Dump cgnat private hash table", parse_cmd_cgnat_private_hash}, {"delay_us", "<core_id> <task_id> <delay_us>", "Set the delay in usec for the impair mode to <delay_us>", parse_cmd_delay_us}, {"random delay_us", "<core_id> <task_id> <random delay_us>", "Set the delay in usec for the impair mode to <random delay_us>", parse_cmd_random_delay_us}, {"probability", "<core_id> <task_id> <probability>", "Set the percent of forwarded packets for the impair mode", parse_cmd_set_probability}, {"version", "", "Show version", parse_cmd_version}, {0,0,0,0}, }; static int parse_cmd_help(const char *str, struct input *input) { /* str contains the arguments, all commands that have str as a substring will be shown. */ size_t len, len2, longest_cmd = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < cmd_parser_n_cmd(); ++i) { if (longest_cmd <strlen(cmd_strings[i].cmd)) longest_cmd = strlen(cmd_strings[i].cmd); } /* A single call to log will be executed after the help string has been built. The reason for this is to make use of the built-in pager. */ char buf[32768] = {0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < cmd_parser_n_cmd(); ++i) { int is_substr = 0; const size_t cmd_len = strlen(cmd_strings[i].cmd); for (size_t j = 0; j < cmd_len; ++j) { is_substr = 1; for (size_t k = 0; k < strlen(str); ++k) { if (str[k] != (cmd_strings[i].cmd + j)[k]) { is_substr = 0; break; } } if (is_substr) break; } if (!is_substr) continue; snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), "%s", cmd_strings[i].cmd); len = strlen(cmd_strings[i].cmd); while (len < longest_cmd) { len++; snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), " "); } if (strlen(cmd_strings[i].args)) { char tmp[256] = {0}; strncpy(tmp, cmd_strings[i].args, 128); snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), "Arguments: %s\n", tmp); len2 = len; if (strlen(cmd_strings[i].help)) { while (len2) { len2--; snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), " "); } } } if (strlen(cmd_strings[i].help)) { int add = 0; const char *h = cmd_strings[i].help; do { if (add) { len2 = len; while (len2) { len2--; snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), " "); } } char tmp[128] = {0}; const size_t max_len = strlen(h) > 80? 80 : strlen(h); size_t len3 = max_len; if (len3 == 80) { while (len3 && h[len3] != ' ') len3--; if (len3 == 0) len3 = max_len; } strncpy(tmp, h, len3); h += len3; while (h[0] == ' ' && strlen(h)) h++; snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), "%s\n", tmp); add = 1; } while(strlen(h)); } if (strlen(cmd_strings[i].help) == 0&& strlen(cmd_strings[i].args) == 0) { snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), "\n"); } } plog_info("%s", buf); return 0; } const char *cmd_parser_cmd(size_t i) { i = i < cmd_parser_n_cmd()? i: cmd_parser_n_cmd(); return cmd_strings[i].cmd; } size_t cmd_parser_n_cmd(void) { return sizeof(cmd_strings)/sizeof(cmd_strings[0]) - 1; } void cmd_parser_parse(const char *str, struct input *input) { size_t skip; for (size_t i = 0; i < cmd_parser_n_cmd(); ++i) { skip = strlen(cmd_strings[i].cmd); if (strncmp(cmd_strings[i].cmd, str, skip) == 0 && (str[skip] == ' ' || str[skip] == 0)) { while (str[skip] == ' ') skip++; if (cmd_strings[i].parse(str + skip, input) != 0) { plog_warn("Invalid syntax for command '%s': %s %s\n", cmd_strings[i].cmd, cmd_strings[i].args, cmd_strings[i].help); } return ; } } plog_err("Unknown command: '%s'\n", str); }