/* jQuery Star Rating Plugin * * @Author * Copyright Nov 02 2010, Irfan Durmus - http://irfandurmus.com/ * * @Version * 0.3b * * @License * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * Visit the plugin page for more information. * http://irfandurmus.com/projects/jquery-star-rating-plugin/ * */ ;(function($){ $.fn.rating = function(callback){ callback = callback || function(){}; // each for all item this.each(function(i, v){ $(v).data('rating', {callback:callback}) .bind('init.rating', $.fn.rating.init) .bind('set.rating', $.fn.rating.set) .bind('hover.rating', $.fn.rating.hover) .trigger('init.rating'); }); }; $.extend($.fn.rating, { init: function(e){ var el = $(this), list = '', isChecked = null, childs = el.children(), i = 0, l = childs.length; for (; i < l; i++) { list = list + ''; if ($(childs[i]).is(':checked')) { isChecked = $(childs[i]).val(); }; }; childs.hide(); el .append('
' + list + '
') .trigger('set.rating', isChecked); $('a', el).bind('click', $.fn.rating.click); el.trigger('hover.rating'); }, set: function(e, val) { var el = $(this), item = $('a', el), input = undefined; if (val) { item.removeClass('fullStar'); input = item.filter(function(i){ if ($(this).attr('title') == val) return $(this); else return false; }); input .addClass('fullStar') .prevAll() .addClass('fullStar'); } return; }, hover: function(e){ var el = $(this), stars = $('a', el); stars.bind('mouseenter', function(e){ // add tmp class when mouse enter $(this) .addClass('tmp_fs') .prevAll() .addClass('tmp_fs'); $(this).nextAll() .addClass('tmp_es'); }); stars.bind('mouseleave', function(e){ // remove all tmp class when mouse leave $(this) .removeClass('tmp_fs') .prevAll() .removeClass('tmp_fs'); $(this).nextAll() .removeClass('tmp_es'); }); }, click: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var el = $(e.target), container = el.parent().parent(), inputs = container.children('input'), rate = el.attr('title'); matchInput = inputs.filter(function(i){ if ($(this).val() == rate) return true; else return false; }); matchInput .prop('checked', true) .siblings('input').prop('checked', false); container .trigger('set.rating', matchInput.val()) .data('rating').callback(rate, e); } }); })(jQuery);