############################################################### # Docker container for VNF_Catalogue cronjob service ############################################################### # Purpose: Don't run it from here! Use docker-compose(See README.md) # # Maintained by Kumar Rishabh :: penguinRaider ## # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # FROM node:boron MAINTAINER KumarRishabh::penguinRaider <shailrishabh@gmail.com> LABEL version="v0.0.1" description="Open Source VNF_Catalogue for OPNFV" RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install vim -y RUN apt-get install cron -y ENV DB_HOST mysql ENV DB_USER vnf_user ENV DB_PASSWORD vnf_password ENV DB_DATABASE vnf_catalogue RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY package.json /usr/src/app/ # RUN npm config set proxy # RUN npm config set https-proxy RUN npm install # ADD crontab /etc/cron.d/simple-cron COPY . /usr/src/app RUN chmod +x git_count_loc.sh RUN chmod +x script.sh RUN crontab crontab RUN sed -i '/session required pam_loginuid.so/c\#session required pam_loginuid.so' /etc/pam.d/cron # Give execution rights on the cron job # RUN chmod 0644 /etc/cron.d/simple-cron # # # Create the log file to be able to run tail RUN touch /var/log/cron.log # The ordering of events should be coming up of mysql service and then running # of cronjob. To enforce this causal relationship we use a 3rd_party script. CMD [ "./3rd_party/wait-for-it/wait-for-it.sh", "mysql:3306", "-t", "0", "--", "cron", "&&", "tail", "-f", "/var/log/cron.log"]