path: root/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 445 deletions
diff --git a/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/ b/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1a0ea41c..00000000
--- a/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation
-## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-## You may obtain a copy of the License at
-## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-## limitations under the License.
-import sys
-import time
-import subprocess
-import getopt
-from prox_ctrl import prox_ctrl
-stack = "rapidTestEnv" #Default string for stack
-yaml = "rapid.yaml" #Default string for yaml file
-key = "prox" # This is also the default in the yaml file....
-flavor = "prox_flavor" # This is also the default in the yaml file....
-image = "rapidVM" # This is also the default in the yaml file....
-image_file = "rapidVM.qcow2"
-network = "dpdk-network" # This is also the default in the yaml file....
-subnet = "dpdk-subnet" #Hardcoded at this moment
-def usage():
- print("usage: rapid [--version] [-v]")
- print(" [--stack STACK_NAME]")
- print(" [--yaml YAML_FILE]")
- print(" [--key KEY_NAME]")
- print(" [--flavor FLAVOR_NAME]")
- print(" [--image IMAGE_NAME]")
- print(" [--image_file IMAGE_FILE]")
- print(" [--network NETWORK]")
- print(" [-h] [--help]")
- print("")
- print("Command-line interface to RAPID")
- print("")
- print("optional arguments:")
- print(" -v, --version Show program's version number and exit")
- print(" --stack STACK_NAME Specify a name for the heat stack. Default is rapidTestEnv.")
- print(" --yaml YAML_FILE Specify the yaml file to be used. Default is rapid.yaml.")
- print(" --key KEY_NAME Specify the key to be used. Default is prox.")
- print(" --flavor FLAVOR_NAME Specify the flavor to be used. Default is prox_flavor.")
- print(" --image IMAGE_NAME Specify the image to be used. Default is rapidVM.")
- print(" --image_file IMAGE_FILE Specify the image qcow2 file to be used. Default is rapidVM.qcow2.")
- print(" --network NETWORK Specify the network name to be used for the dataplane. Default is dpdk-network.")
- print(" -h, --help Show help message and exit.")
- print("")
- print("To delete the rapid stack, type the following command")
- print(" openstack stack delete --yes --wait DPTestEnv")
- print("Note that rapidTestEnv is the default stack name. Replace with STACK_NAME if needed")
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh", ["version","help", "yaml=","stack=","key=","flavor=","image=","network="])
-except getopt.GetoptError as err:
- print("===========================================")
- print str(err)
- print("===========================================")
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
-if args:
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
-for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
- usage()
- sys.exit()
- if opt in ("-v", "--version"):
- print("Rapid Automated Performance Indication for Dataplane "+version)
- sys.exit()
- if opt in ("--stack"):
- stack = arg
- print ("Using '"+stack+"' as name for the stack")
- elif opt in ("--yaml"):
- yaml = arg
- print ("Using stack: "+yaml)
- elif opt in ("--key"):
- key = arg
- print ("Using key: "+key)
- elif opt in ("--flavor"):
- flavor = arg
- print ("Using flavor: "+flavor)
- elif opt in ("--image"):
- image = arg
- print ("Using image: "+image)
- elif opt in ("--image_file"):
- image_file = arg
- print ("Using qcow2 file: "+image_file)
- elif opt in ("--network"):
- network = arg
- print ("Using network: "+ network)
-print("Checking image: "+image)
-cmd = 'openstack image show '+image+' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
-ImageExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-if ImageExist == 'active':
- print("Image already available")
- print('Creating image ...')
- cmd = 'openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public --file ./'+image_file+ ' ' +image+' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
- ImageExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
- if ImageExist == 'active':
- print('Image created and active')
- cmd = 'openstack image set --property hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled="true" ' +image
- subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True)
- else :
- raise Exception("Failed to create image")
-print("Checking key: "+key)
-cmd = 'openstack keypair show '+key+' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
-KeyExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-if KeyExist == key:
- print("Key already installed")
- print('Creating key ...')
- cmd = 'openstack keypair create '+ key + '>' +key+'.pem'
- subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True)
- cmd = 'chmod 600 ' +key+'.pem'
- subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True)
- cmd = 'openstack keypair show '+key+' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
- KeyExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
- if KeyExist == key:
- print("Key created")
- else :
- raise Exception("Failed to create key: " + key)
-print("Checking flavor: "+flavor)
-cmd = 'openstack flavor show '+flavor+' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
-FlavorExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-if FlavorExist == flavor:
- print("Flavor already installed")
- print('Creating flavor ...')
- cmd = 'openstack flavor create '+flavor+' --ram 8192 --disk 80 --vcpus 4 |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
- FlavorExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
- if FlavorExist == flavor:
- cmd = 'openstack flavor set '+ flavor +' --property hw:mem_page_size="large" --property hw:cpu_policy="dedicated" --property hw:cpu_threads_policy="isolate"'
- subprocess.check_call(cmd , shell=True)
- print("Flavor created")
- else :
- raise Exception("Failed to create flavor: " + flavor)
-print("Checking network: "+network)
-cmd = 'openstack network show '+network+' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
-NetworkExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-if NetworkExist == 'ACTIVE':
- print("Network already active")
- print('Creating network ...')
- cmd = 'openstack network create '+network+' |grep "status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
- NetworkExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
- if NetworkExist == 'ACTIVE':
- print("Network created")
- else :
- raise Exception("Failed to create network: " + network)
-print("Checking subnet: "+subnet)
-cmd = 'neutron subnet-show '+ subnet+' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
-SubnetExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-if SubnetExist == subnet:
- print("Subnet already exists")
- print('Creating subnet ...')
- cmd = 'neutron subnet-create --name '+ subnet+ ' ' +network+' |grep "name " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
- SubnetExist = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
- if SubnetExist == subnet:
- print("Subnet created")
- else :
- raise Exception("Failed to create subnet: " + subnet)
-print("Checking Stack: "+stack)
-cmd = 'openstack stack show '+stack+' |grep "stack_status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
-StackRunning = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-if StackRunning == '':
- print('Creating Stack ...')
- cmd = 'openstack stack create -t '+ yaml + ' --parameter flavor="'+flavor +'" --parameter key="'+ key + '" --parameter image="'+image + '" --parameter dpdk_network="'+network+'" --wait '+stack +' |grep "stack_status " | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 4'
- StackRunning = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-if StackRunning != 'CREATE_COMPLETE':
- raise Exception("Failed to create stack")
-print('Stack running')
-cmd = 'nova list | grep '+ genName +' | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 4'
-genVMName = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-print('Generator: '+ genVMName)
-cmd = 'nova list | grep '+ sutName +' | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 4'
-sutVMName = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-print('SUT: '+ sutVMName)
-cmd='nova show ' + genVMName + ' | grep "dpdk-network" | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 5'
-genDPIP = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-cmd='nova show ' + genVMName + ' | grep "admin_internal_net" | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 6'
-genAdminIP = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-cmd='nova show ' + sutVMName + ' | grep "dpdk-network" | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 5'
-sutDPIP = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-cmd='nova show ' + sutVMName + ' | grep "admin_internal_net" | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 6'
-sutAdminIP = subprocess.check_output(cmd , shell=True).strip()
-def connect_socket(client):
- attempts = 1
- print("Trying to connect to PROX (just launched) on %s, attempt: %d"
- % (client.ip(), attempts))
- sock = None
- while True:
- sock = client.prox_sock()
- if sock is not None:
- break
- attempts += 1
- if attempts > 20:
- raise Exception("Failed to connect to PROX on %s after %d attempts"
- % (client.ip(), attempts))
- time.sleep(10)
- print("Trying to connect to PROX (just launched) on %s, attempt: %d"
- % (client.ip(), attempts))
- print("Connected to PROX on %s" % client.ip())
- return sock
-def connect_client(client):
- attempts = 1
- print ("Trying to connect to VM which was just launched on %s, attempt: %d"
- % (client.ip(), attempts))
- while True:
- try:
- client.connect()
- break
- except RuntimeWarning, ex:
- attempts += 1
- if attempts > 20:
- raise Exception("Failed to connect to VM after %d attempts:\n%s"
- % (attempts, ex))
- time.sleep(15)
- print ("Trying to connect to VM which was just launched on %s, attempt: %d"
- % (client.ip(), attempts))
- print("Connected to VM on %s" % client.ip())
-def run_testA():
- global genclient
- global sutclient
- ip = genDPIP.split('.')
- hexgenDPIP=hex(int(ip[0]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[1]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[2]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[3]))[2:].zfill(2)
- ip = sutDPIP.split('.')
- hexsutDPIP=hex(int(ip[0]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[1]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[2]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[3]))[2:].zfill(2)
- with open("parameters.lua", "w") as f:
- f.write('gen_hex_ip="'+hexgenDPIP+'"\n')
- f.write('sut_hex_ip="'+hexsutDPIP+'"\n')
- f.write('gen_ip="'+genDPIP+'"\n')
- f.write('sut_ip="'+sutDPIP+'"\n')
- f.close
- genclient.scp_put('./gen.cfg', '/root/gen.cfg')
- sutclient.scp_put('./sut.cfg', '/root/sut.cfg')
- genclient.scp_put('./parameters.lua', '/root/parameters.lua')
- sutclient.scp_put('./parameters.lua', '/root/parameters.lua')
- print("Config files copied")
- cmd = '/root/prox/build/prox -e -t -o cli -f /root/gen.cfg'
- genclient.fork_cmd(cmd, 'PROX GEN')
- cmd = '/root/prox/build/prox -t -o cli -f /root/sut.cfg'
- sutclient.fork_cmd(cmd, 'PROX SUT')
- gensock = connect_socket(genclient)
- sutsock = connect_socket(sutclient)
- new_speed = 100
- attempts = 0
- cores = [1,2]
- gencores = [1]
- gensock.reset_stats()
- sutsock.reset_stats()
- gensock.start([2])
- print("+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+")
- print("| Generator is sending UDP (1 flow) packets (64 bytes) to SUT. SUT sends packets back |")
- print("+------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+------------+")
- print("| Test | Speed requested | Req to Generate| Sent by Gen | Forward by SUT | Rec. by Gen | Result |")
- print("+------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+------------+")
- while (new_speed > 0.1):
- attempts += 1
- # Start generating packets at requested speed (in % of a 10Gb/s link)
- gensock.speed(new_speed, gencores)
- gensock.start(gencores)
- time.sleep(1)
- # Get statistics now that the generation is stable and NO ARP messages any more
- old_sut_rx, old_sut_tx, old_sut_drop, old_sut_tsc, sut_tsc_hz = sutsock.core_stats([1])
- old_rx, old_tx, old_drop, old_tsc, tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(cores)
- time.sleep(10)
- # Get statistics after some execution time
- new_rx, new_tx, new_drop, new_tsc, tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(cores)
- new_sut_rx, new_sut_tx, new_sut_drop, new_sut_tsc, sut_tsc_hz = sutsock.core_stats([1])
- time.sleep(1)
- # Stop generating
- gensock.stop(gencores)
- drop = new_drop-old_drop # drop is all packets dropped by all tasks. This includes packets dropped at the generator task + packets dropped by the nop task. In steady state, this equals to the number of packets received by this VM
- rx = new_rx - old_rx # rx is all packets received by the nop task = all packets received in the gen VM
- tx = new_tx - old_tx # tx is all generated packets actually accepted by the interface
- tsc = new_tsc - old_tsc # time difference between the 2 measurements, expressed in cycles.
- sut_rx = new_sut_rx - old_sut_rx
- sut_tx = new_sut_tx - old_sut_tx
- sut_tsc = new_sut_tsc - old_sut_tsc
- if (tx == 0):
- raise Exception("TX = 0")
- drop_rate = round(((drop-rx) * 100.0)/(tx+drop-rx),1)
- pps_req_tx = round((tx+drop-rx)*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000),5)
- pps_tx = round(tx*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000),5)
- pps_rx = round(rx*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000),5)
- pps_sut_tx = round(sut_tx*sut_tsc_hz*1.0/(sut_tsc*1000000),5)
- if ((drop_rate) < 1):
- # This will stop the test when number of dropped packets is below a certain percentage
- print("+------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+------------+")
- print('|{:>5}'.format(str(attempts))+" | "+ '{:>14}'.format(str(new_speed)) + '% | '+ '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_req_tx))+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_tx)) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_sut_tx)) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_rx))+" Mpps | SUCCESS |")
- print("+------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+------------+")
- break
- else:
- print('|{:>5}'.format(str(attempts))+" | "+ '{:>14}'.format(str(new_speed)) + '% | '+ '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_req_tx))+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_tx)) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_sut_tx)) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_rx))+" Mpps | FAILED |")
- # Following calculates the ratio for the new speed to be applied
- # On the Y axis, we will find the ratio, a number between 0 and 1
- # On the x axis, we find the % of dropped packets, a number between 0 and 100
- # 2 lines are drawn and we take the minumun of these lines to calculate the ratio
- # One line goes through (0,y0) and (p,q)
- # The second line goes through (p,q) and (100,y100)
- y0=0.99
- y100=0.1
- p=15
- q=.9
- ratio = min((q-y0)/p*drop_rate+y0,(q-y100)/(p-100)*drop_rate+q-p*(q-y100)/(p-100))
- new_speed = (int(new_speed*ratio*100)+0.5)/100
- gensock.quit()
- sutsock.quit()
- time.sleep(2)
- print("")
-def run_testB():
- global genclient
- global sutclient
- ip = genDPIP.split('.')
- hexgenDPIP=hex(int(ip[0]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[1]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[2]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[3]))[2:].zfill(2)
- ip = sutDPIP.split('.')
- hexsutDPIP=hex(int(ip[0]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[1]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[2]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[3]))[2:].zfill(2)
- with open("parameters.lua", "w") as f:
- f.write('gen_hex_ip="'+hexgenDPIP+'"\n')
- f.write('sut_hex_ip="'+hexsutDPIP+'"\n')
- f.write('gen_ip="'+genDPIP+'"\n')
- f.write('sut_ip="'+sutDPIP+'"\n')
- f.close
- genclient.scp_put('./gen.cfg', '/root/gen.cfg')
- sutclient.scp_put('./sut.cfg', '/root/sut.cfg')
- genclient.scp_put('./parameters.lua', '/root/parameters.lua')
- sutclient.scp_put('./parameters.lua', '/root/parameters.lua')
- print("Config files copied")
- cmd = '/root/prox/build/prox -e -t -o cli -f /root/gen.cfg'
- genclient.fork_cmd(cmd, 'PROX GEN')
- cmd = '/root/prox/build/prox -t -o cli -f /root/sut.cfg'
- sutclient.fork_cmd(cmd, 'PROX SUT')
- gensock = connect_socket(genclient)
- sutsock = connect_socket(sutclient)
- print("+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+")
- print("| UDP, 64 bytes, different number of flows by randomizing SRC & DST UDP port |")
- print("+--------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+")
- print("| Flows | Speed requested | Req to Generate| Sent by Gen | Forward by SUT | Rec. by Gen |")
- print("+--------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+")
- cores = [1,2]
- gencores = [1]
- gensock.start([2])
- new_speed = 100
- # To generate a desired number of flows, PROX will randomize the bits in source and destination ports, as specified by the bit masks in the flows variable.
- flows={128:['0000000000000XXX','000000000000XXXX'],1024:['00000000000XXXXX','00000000000XXXXX'],8192:['0000000000XXXXXX','000000000XXXXXXX'],65535:['00000000XXXXXXXX','00000000XXXXXXXX'],524280:['0000000XXXXXXXXX','000000XXXXXXXXXX']}
- for flow_number in sorted(flows.iterkeys()):
- #new_speed = 100 Commented out: Not starting from 100% since we are trying more flows, so speed will not be higher than the speed achieved in previous loop
- attempts = 0
- gensock.reset_stats()
- sutsock.reset_stats()
- source_port,destination_port = flows[flow_number]
- gensock.set_random(gencores,0,34,source_port,2)
- gensock.set_random(gencores,0,36,destination_port,2)
- while (new_speed > 0.1):
- attempts += 1
- # Start generating packets at requested speed (in % of a 10Gb/s link)
- gensock.speed(new_speed, gencores)
- gensock.start(gencores)
- time.sleep(1)
- # Get statistics now that the generation is stable and NO ARP messages any more
- old_sut_rx, old_sut_tx, old_sut_drop, old_sut_tsc, sut_tsc_hz = sutsock.core_stats([1])
- old_rx, old_tx, old_drop, old_tsc, tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(cores)
- time.sleep(10)
- # Get statistics after some execution time
- new_rx, new_tx, new_drop, new_tsc, tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(cores)
- new_sut_rx, new_sut_tx, new_sut_drop, new_sut_tsc, sut_tsc_hz = sutsock.core_stats([1])
- time.sleep(1)
- # Stop generating
- gensock.stop(gencores)
- drop = new_drop-old_drop # drop is all packets dropped by all tasks. This includes packets dropped at the generator task + packets dropped by the nop task. In steady state, this equals to the number of packets received by this VM
- rx = new_rx - old_rx # rx is all packets received by the nop task = all packets received in the gen VM
- tx = new_tx - old_tx # tx is all generated packets actually accepted by the interface
- tsc = new_tsc - old_tsc # time difference between the 2 measurements, expressed in cycles.
- sut_rx = new_sut_rx - old_sut_rx
- sut_tx = new_sut_tx - old_sut_tx
- sut_tsc = new_sut_tsc - old_sut_tsc
- if (tx == 0):
- raise Exception("TX = 0")
- drop_rate = round(((drop-rx) * 100.0)/(tx+drop-rx),1)
- pps_req_tx = round((tx+drop-rx)*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000),5)
- pps_tx = round(tx*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000),5)
- pps_rx = round(rx*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000),5)
- pps_sut_tx = round(sut_tx*sut_tsc_hz*1.0/(sut_tsc*1000000),5)
- if ((drop_rate) < 1):
- # This will stop the test when number of dropped packets is below a certain percentage
- print('|{:>7}'.format(str(flow_number))+" | "+ '{:>14}'.format(str(new_speed)) + '% | '+ '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_req_tx))+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_tx)) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_sut_tx)) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9}'.format(str(pps_rx))+" Mpps |")
- print("+--------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+")
- break
- # Following calculates the ratio for the new speed to be applied
- # On the Y axis, we will find the ratio, a number between 0 and 1
- # On the x axis, we find the % of dropped packets, a number between 0 and 100
- # 2 lines are drawn and we take the minumun of these lines to calculate the ratio
- # One line goes through (0,y0) and (p,q)
- # The second line goes through (p,q) and (100,y100)
- y0=0.99
- y100=0.1
- p=15
- q=.9
- ratio = min((q-y0)/p*drop_rate+y0,(q-y100)/(p-100)*drop_rate+q-p*(q-y100)/(p-100))
- new_speed = (int(new_speed*ratio*100)+0.5)/100
- gensock.quit()
- sutsock.quit()
- time.sleep(2)
- print("")
-genclient = prox_ctrl(genAdminIP, key+'.pem')
-sutclient = prox_ctrl(sutAdminIP, key+'.pem')