path: root/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/
diff options
authorLuc Provoost <>2019-06-27 12:52:11 +0200
committerLuc Provoost <>2019-06-28 16:50:11 +0200
commit080733bfa5facd0eb457fc3db1c3ee7885f2a438 (patch)
tree61a65d0526103bf2428656562a3e295d8a5abeb3 /VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/
parentc8e9e6bb696363a397b2e718eb4d3e5f38a8ef22 (diff)
Change of openstackrapid directory name
The scripts are orrignally written to support an OpenStack deployment. We are now making changes to support container environments, hence renaming the directory to rapid. Change-Id: Icaa2fad83c6da451eee733934151e98e9cd07de4 Signed-off-by: Luc Provoost <>
Diffstat (limited to 'VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 927 deletions
diff --git a/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/ b/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3b0eeb8b..00000000
--- a/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/openstackrapid/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,927 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation
-## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-## You may obtain a copy of the License at
-## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-## limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import stat
-import sys
-import time
-import subprocess
-import getopt
-import re
-import logging
-from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
-from logging import handlers
-from prox_ctrl import prox_ctrl
-import ConfigParser
-import ast
-import atexit
-import csv
-env = "rapid" #Default string for environment
-test = "basicrapid" #Default string for test
-machine_map_file = "MachineMap" #Default string for machine map file
-loglevel="DEBUG" # sets log level for writing to file
-runtime=10 # time in seconds for 1 test run
-configonly = False # IF True, the system will upload all the necessary config fiels to the VMs, but not start PROX and the actual testing
-def usage():
- print("usage: runrapid [--version] [-v]")
- print(" [--env ENVIRONMENT_NAME]")
- print(" [--test TEST_NAME]")
- print(" [--map MACHINE_MAP_FILE]")
- print(" [--runtime TIME_FOR_TEST]")
- print(" [--configonly False|True]")
- print(" [-h] [--help]")
- print("")
- print("Command-line interface to runrapid")
- print("")
- print("optional arguments:")
- print(" -v, --version Show program's version number and exit")
- print(" --env ENVIRONMENT_NAME Parameters will be read from ENVIRONMENT_NAME.env Default is %s."%env)
- print(" --test TEST_NAME Test cases will be read from TEST_NAME.test Default is %s."%test)
- print(" --map MACHINE_MAP_FILE Machine mapping will be read from MACHINE_MAP_FILE.cfg Default is %s."%machine_map_file)
- print(" --runtime Specify time in seconds for 1 test run")
- print(" --configonly If True, only upload all config files to the VMs, do not run the tests. Default is %s."%configonly)
- print(" --log Specify logging level for log file output, screen output level is hard coded")
- print(" -h, --help Show help message and exit.")
- print("")
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh", ["version","help", "env=", "test=", "map=", "runtime=","configonly=","log="])
-except getopt.GetoptError as err:
- print("===========================================")
- print(str(err))
- print("===========================================")
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
-if args:
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
-for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
- usage()
- sys.exit()
- if opt in ("-v", "--version"):
- print("Rapid Automated Performance Indication for Dataplane "+version)
- sys.exit()
- if opt in ("--env"):
- env = arg
- print ("Using '"+env+"' as name for the environment")
- if opt in ("--test"):
- test = arg
- print ("Using '"+test+".test' for test case definition")
- if opt in ("--map"):
- machine_map_file = arg
- print ("Using '"+machine_map_file+".cfg' for machine mapping")
- if opt in ("--runtime"):
- runtime = arg
- print ("Runtime: "+ runtime)
- if opt in ("--configonly"):
- configonly = arg
- print ("configonly: "+ configonly)
- if opt in ("--log"):
- loglevel = arg
- print ("Log level: "+ loglevel)
-class bcolors:
- HEADER = '\033[95m'
- OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
- OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
- WARNING = '\033[93m'
- FAIL = '\033[91m'
- ENDC = '\033[0m'
- BOLD = '\033[1m'
- UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
-# create formatters
-screen_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
-file_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
-# get a top-level logger,
-# set its log level,
-# BUT PREVENT IT from propagating messages to the root logger
-log = logging.getLogger()
-numeric_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None)
-if not isinstance(numeric_level, int):
- raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel)
-log.propagate = 0
-# create a console handler
-# and set its log level to the command-line option
-console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
-# create a file handler
-# and set its log level to DEBUG
-log_file = 'RUN{}.{}.log'.format(env,test)
-file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, backupCount=10)
-#file_handler = log.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(log_file, 'D', 1, 5)
-# add handlers to the logger
-# Check if log exists and should therefore be rolled
-needRoll = os.path.isfile(log_file)
-# This is a stale log, so roll it
-if needRoll:
- # Add timestamp
- log.debug('\n---------\nLog closed on %s.\n---------\n' % time.asctime())
- # Roll over on application start
- log.handlers[0].doRollover()
-# Add timestamp
-log.debug('\n---------\nLog started on %s.\n---------\n' % time.asctime())
-log.debug(" version: "+version)
-def connect_socket(client):
- attempts = 1
- log.debug("Trying to connect to PROX (just launched) on %s, attempt: %d" % (client.ip(), attempts))
- sock = None
- while True:
- sock = client.prox_sock()
- if sock is not None:
- break
- attempts += 1
- if attempts > 20:
- log.exception("Failed to connect to PROX on %s after %d attempts" % (client.ip(), attempts))
- raise Exception("Failed to connect to PROX on %s after %d attempts" % (client.ip(), attempts))
- time.sleep(2)
- log.debug("Trying to connect to PROX (just launched) on %s, attempt: %d" % (client.ip(), attempts))
-"Connected to PROX on %s" % client.ip())
- return sock
-def connect_client(client):
- attempts = 1
- log.debug("Trying to connect to VM which was just launched on %s, attempt: %d" % (client.ip(), attempts))
- while True:
- try:
- client.connect()
- break
- except RuntimeWarning, ex:
- attempts += 1
- if attempts > 20:
- log.exception("Failed to connect to VM after %d attempts:\n%s" % (attempts, ex))
- raise Exception("Failed to connect to VM after %d attempts:\n%s" % (attempts, ex))
- time.sleep(2)
- log.debug("Trying to connect to VM which was just launched on %s, attempt: %d" % (client.ip(), attempts))
- log.debug("Connected to VM on %s" % client.ip())
-def run_iteration(gensock,sutsock):
- sleep_time = 3
- # Sleep_time is needed to be able to do accurate measurements to check for packet loss. We need to make this time large enough so that we do not take the first measurement while some packets from the previous tests migth still be in flight
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- abs_old_rx, abs_old_tx, abs_old_drop, abs_old_tsc, abs_tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(genstatcores)
- gensock.start(gencores)
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- if sutsock!='none':
- old_sut_rx, old_sut_tx, old_sut_drop, old_sut_tsc, sut_tsc_hz = sutsock.core_stats(sutstatcores)
- old_rx, old_tx, old_drop, old_tsc, tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(genstatcores)
- # Measure latency statistics per second
- n_loops = 0
- lat_min = 0
- lat_max = 0
- lat_avg = 0
- used_avg = 0
- while n_loops < float(runtime):
- n_loops +=1
- time.sleep(1)
- lat_min_sample, lat_max_sample, lat_avg_sample, used_sample = gensock.lat_stats(latcores)
- if lat_min > lat_min_sample:
- lat_min = lat_min_sample
- if lat_max < lat_max_sample:
- lat_max = lat_max_sample
- lat_avg = lat_avg + lat_avg_sample
- used_avg = used_avg + used_sample
- lat_avg = lat_avg / n_loops
- used_avg = used_avg / n_loops
- # Get statistics after some execution time
- new_rx, new_tx, new_drop, new_tsc, tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(genstatcores)
- if sutsock!='none':
- new_sut_rx, new_sut_tx, new_sut_drop, new_sut_tsc, sut_tsc_hz = sutsock.core_stats(sutstatcores)
- #Stop generating
- gensock.stop(gencores)
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- abs_new_rx, abs_new_tx, abs_new_drop, abs_new_tsc, abs_tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(genstatcores)
- drop = new_drop-old_drop # drop is all packets dropped by all tasks. This includes packets dropped at the generator task + packets dropped by the nop task. In steady state, this equals to the number of packets received by this VM
- rx = new_rx - old_rx # rx is all packets received by the nop task = all packets received in the gen VM
- tx = new_tx - old_tx # tx is all generated packets actually accepted by the interface
- abs_dropped = (abs_new_tx - abs_old_tx) - (abs_new_rx - abs_old_rx)
- tsc = new_tsc - old_tsc # time difference between the 2 measurements, expressed in cycles.
- pps_req_tx = (tx+drop-rx)*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000)
- pps_tx = tx*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000)
- pps_rx = rx*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000)
- if sutsock!='none':
- sut_rx = new_sut_rx - old_sut_rx
- sut_tx = new_sut_tx - old_sut_tx
- sut_tsc = new_sut_tsc - old_sut_tsc
- pps_sut_tx = sut_tx*sut_tsc_hz*1.0/(sut_tsc*1000000)
- pps_sut_tx_str = '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_sut_tx)
- else:
- pps_sut_tx = 0
- pps_sut_tx_str = 'NO MEAS.'
- if (tx == 0):
- log.critical("TX = 0. Test interrupted since no packet has been sent.")
- raise Exception("TX = 0")
- return(pps_req_tx,pps_tx,pps_sut_tx_str,pps_rx,lat_avg,lat_max,abs_dropped,(abs_new_tx - abs_old_tx),lat_min,used_avg)
-def new_speed(speed,minspeed,maxspeed,success):
- if success:
- minspeed = speed
- else:
- maxspeed = speed
- newspeed = (maxspeed+minspeed)/2.0
- return (newspeed,minspeed,maxspeed)
-def get_pps(speed,size):
- return (speed * 100.0 / (8*(size+24)))
-def run_speedtest(gensock,sutsock):
- maxspeed = speed = STARTSPEED
- minspeed = 0
- attempts = 0
-"| Generator is sending UDP (1 flow) packets ("+ '{:>5}'.format(size+4) +" bytes) to SUT. SUT sends packets back |")
-"| Test | Speed requested | Sent to NIC | Sent by Gen | Forward by SUT | Rec. by Gen | Avg. Latency | Max. Latency | Packets Lost | Loss Ratio | Result |")
- endpps_sut_tx_str = 'NO_RESULTS'
- gensock.set_size(gencores,0,size) # This is setting the frame size
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,16,(size-14),2) # 18 is the difference between the frame size and IP size = size of (MAC addresses, ethertype and FCS)
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,38,(size-34),2) # 38 is the difference between the frame size and UDP size = 18 + size of IP header (=20)
- # This will only work when using sending UDP packets. For different protocols and ethernet types, we would need a different calculation
- gensock.start(latcores)
- while (maxspeed-minspeed > ACCURACY):
- attempts += 1
- print('Measurement ongoing at speed: ' + str(round(speed,2)) + '% ',end='\r')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- # Start generating packets at requested speed (in % of a 10Gb/s link)
- gensock.speed(speed / len(gencores), gencores)
- time.sleep(1)
- # Get statistics now that the generation is stable and initial ARP messages are dealt with.
- pps_req_tx,pps_tx,pps_sut_tx_str,pps_rx,lat_avg,lat_max, abs_dropped, abs_tx, lat_min, lat_used = run_iteration(gensock,sutsock)
- drop_rate = 100.0*abs_dropped/abs_tx
- if lat_used < 0.95:
- lat_warning = bcolors.FAIL + ' Potential latency accuracy problem: {:>3.0f}%'.format(lat_used*100) + bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_warning = ''
- if ((get_pps(speed,size) - pps_tx)/get_pps(speed,size))<0.001 and ((drop_rate < DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD) or (abs_dropped==DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD ==0)) and (lat_avg< LAT_AVG_TRESHOLD) and (lat_max < LAT_MAX_TRESHOLD):
-'|{:>7}'.format(str(attempts))+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_req_tx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_tx) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(pps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_rx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | '+ '{:>14d}'.format(abs_dropped)+ ' |''{:>9.2f}'.format(drop_rate)+ '% | SUCCESS |'+lat_warning)
- endspeed = speed
- endpps_req_tx = pps_req_tx
- endpps_tx = pps_tx
- endpps_sut_tx_str = pps_sut_tx_str
- endpps_rx = pps_rx
- endlat_avg = lat_avg
- endlat_max = lat_max
- endabs_dropped = abs_dropped
- enddrop_rate = drop_rate
- endwarning = lat_warning
- success = True
- else:
- abs_drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- if ((abs_dropped>0) and (DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD ==0)):
- abs_drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (drop_rate < DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD):
- drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (lat_avg< LAT_AVG_TRESHOLD):
- lat_avg_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_avg_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (lat_max< LAT_MAX_TRESHOLD):
- lat_max_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_max_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (((get_pps(speed,size) - pps_tx)/get_pps(speed,size))<0.001):
- speed_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- speed_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
-'|{:>7}'.format(str(attempts))+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% '+speed_prefix +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_req_tx)+' Mpps | ' + '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_tx) +' Mpps | '+ bcolors.ENDC + '{:>9}'.format(pps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_rx)+' Mpps | '+lat_avg_prefix+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us | '+lat_max_prefix+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | '+ abs_drop_rate_prefix + '{:>14d}'.format(abs_dropped)+drop_rate_prefix+ ' |''{:>9.2f}'.format(drop_rate)+bcolors.ENDC+ '% | FAILED |'+lat_warning)
- success = False
- speed,minspeed,maxspeed = new_speed(speed,minspeed,maxspeed,success)
- if endpps_sut_tx_str <> 'NO_RESULTS':
-'|{:>7}'.format('END')+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(endspeed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(endspeed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(endpps_req_tx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(endpps_tx) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(endpps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(endpps_rx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(endlat_avg)+' us | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(endlat_max)+' us | '+'{:>14d}'.format(endabs_dropped)+ ' |''{:>9.2f}'.format(enddrop_rate)+ '% | SUCCESS |'+endwarning)
- writer.writerow({'flow':'1','size':(size+4),'endspeed':endspeed,'endspeedpps':get_pps(endspeed,size),'endpps_req_tx':endpps_req_tx,'endpps_tx':endpps_tx,'endpps_sut_tx_str':endpps_sut_tx_str,'endpps_rx':endpps_rx,'endlat_avg':endlat_avg,'endlat_max':endlat_max,'endabs_dropped':endabs_dropped,'enddrop_rate':enddrop_rate})
- else:
-'| Speed 0 or close to 0')
- gensock.stop(latcores)
-def run_flowtest(gensock,sutsock):
-"| UDP, "+ '{:>5}'.format(size+4) +" bytes, different number of flows by randomizing SRC & DST UDP port |")
-"| Flows | Speed requested | Sent to NIC | Sent by Gen | Forward by SUT | Rec. by Gen | Avg. Latency | Max. Latency | Packets Lost | Loss Ratio |")
- # To generate a desired number of flows, PROX will randomize the bits in source and destination ports, as specified by the bit masks in the flows variable.
- flows={\
- 1: ['1000000000000000','1000000000000000'],\
- 2: ['1000000000000000','100000000000000X'],\
- 4: ['100000000000000X','100000000000000X'],\
- 8: ['100000000000000X','10000000000000XX'],\
- 16: ['10000000000000XX','10000000000000XX'],\
- 32: ['10000000000000XX','1000000000000XXX'],\
- 64: ['1000000000000XXX','1000000000000XXX'],\
- 128: ['1000000000000XXX','100000000000XXXX'],\
- 256: ['100000000000XXXX','100000000000XXXX'],\
- 512: ['100000000000XXXX','10000000000XXXXX'],\
- 1024: ['10000000000XXXXX','10000000000XXXXX'],\
- 2048: ['10000000000XXXXX','1000000000XXXXXX'],\
- 4096: ['1000000000XXXXXX','1000000000XXXXXX'],\
- 8192: ['1000000000XXXXXX','100000000XXXXXXX'],\
- 16384: ['100000000XXXXXXX','100000000XXXXXXX'],\
- 32768: ['100000000XXXXXXX','10000000XXXXXXXX'],\
- 65535: ['10000000XXXXXXXX','10000000XXXXXXXX'],\
- 131072: ['10000000XXXXXXXX','1000000XXXXXXXXX'],\
- 262144: ['1000000XXXXXXXXX','1000000XXXXXXXXX'],\
- 524280: ['1000000XXXXXXXXX','100000XXXXXXXXXX'],\
- 1048576:['100000XXXXXXXXXX','100000XXXXXXXXXX'],}
- gensock.set_size(gencores,0,size) # This is setting the frame size
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,16,(size-14),2) # 18 is the difference between the frame size and IP size = size of (MAC addresses, ethertype and FCS)
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,38,(size-34),2) # 38 is the difference between the frame size and UDP size = 18 + size of IP header (=20)
- # This will only work when using sending UDP packets. For different protocls and ehternet types, we would need a differnt calculation
- gensock.start(latcores)
- for flow_number in flow_size_list:
- attempts = 0
- gensock.reset_stats()
- if sutsock!='none':
- sutsock.reset_stats()
- source_port,destination_port = flows[flow_number]
- gensock.set_random(gencores,0,34,source_port,2)
- gensock.set_random(gencores,0,36,destination_port,2)
- endpps_sut_tx_str = 'NO_RESULTS'
- maxspeed = speed = STARTSPEED
- minspeed = 0
- while (maxspeed-minspeed > ACCURACY):
- attempts += 1
- print(str(flow_number)+' flows: Measurement ongoing at speed: ' + str(round(speed,2)) + '% ',end='\r')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- # Start generating packets at requested speed (in % of a 10Gb/s link)
- gensock.speed(speed / len(gencores), gencores)
- time.sleep(1)
- # Get statistics now that the generation is stable and initial ARP messages are dealt with
- pps_req_tx,pps_tx,pps_sut_tx_str,pps_rx,lat_avg,lat_max, abs_dropped, abs_tx, lat_min, lat_used = run_iteration(gensock,sutsock)
- drop_rate = 100.0*abs_dropped/abs_tx
- if lat_used < 0.95:
- lat_warning = bcolors.FAIL + ' Potential latency accuracy problem: {:>3.0f}%'.format(lat_used*100) + bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_warning = ''
- if ((get_pps(speed,size) - pps_tx)/get_pps(speed,size))<0.001 and ((drop_rate < DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD) or (abs_dropped==DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD ==0)) and (lat_avg< LAT_AVG_TRESHOLD) and (lat_max < LAT_MAX_TRESHOLD):
- log.debug('|{:>7}'.format(str(attempts))+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_req_tx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_tx) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(pps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_rx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | '+ '{:>14d}'.format(abs_dropped)+ ' |''{:>9.2f}'.format(drop_rate)+ '% | SUCCESS |'+lat_warning)
- endspeed = speed
- endpps_req_tx = pps_req_tx
- endpps_tx = pps_tx
- endpps_sut_tx_str = pps_sut_tx_str
- endpps_rx = pps_rx
- endlat_avg = lat_avg
- endlat_max = lat_max
- endabs_dropped = abs_dropped
- enddrop_rate = drop_rate
- endwarning = lat_warning
- success = True
- else:
- abs_drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- if ((abs_dropped>0) and (DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD ==0)):
- abs_drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (drop_rate < DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD):
- drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (lat_avg< LAT_AVG_TRESHOLD):
- lat_avg_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_avg_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (lat_max< LAT_MAX_TRESHOLD):
- lat_max_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_max_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (((get_pps(speed,size) - pps_tx)/get_pps(speed,size))<0.001):
- speed_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- speed_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- log.debug('|{:>7}'.format(str(attempts))+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% '+speed_prefix +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_req_tx)+' Mpps | ' + '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_tx) +' Mpps | '+ bcolors.ENDC + '{:>9}'.format(pps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_rx)+' Mpps | '+lat_avg_prefix+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us | '+lat_max_prefix+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | '+ abs_drop_rate_prefix + '{:>14d}'.format(abs_dropped)+drop_rate_prefix+ ' |''{:>9.2f}'.format(drop_rate)+bcolors.ENDC+ '% | FAILED |'+lat_warning)
- success = False
- speed,minspeed,maxspeed = new_speed(speed,minspeed,maxspeed,success)
- if endpps_sut_tx_str <> 'NO_RESULTS':
-'|{:>7}'.format(str(flow_number))+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(endspeed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(endspeed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(endpps_req_tx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(endpps_tx) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(endpps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(endpps_rx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(endlat_avg)+' us | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(endlat_max)+' us | '+ '{:>14d}'.format(endabs_dropped)+ ' |'+'{:>9.2f}'.format(enddrop_rate)+ '% |'+endwarning)
- writer.writerow({'flow':flow_number,'size':(size+4),'endspeed':endspeed,'endspeedpps':get_pps(endspeed,size),'endpps_req_tx':endpps_req_tx,'endpps_tx':endpps_tx,'endpps_sut_tx_str':endpps_sut_tx_str,'endpps_rx':endpps_rx,'endlat_avg':endlat_avg,'endlat_max':endlat_max,'endabs_dropped':endabs_dropped,'enddrop_rate':enddrop_rate})
- else:
-'|{:>7}'.format(str(flow_number))+" | Speed 0 or close to 0")
- gensock.stop(latcores)
-def run_sizetest(gensock,sutsock):
-"| UDP, 1 flow, different packet sizes |")
-"| Pktsize| Speed requested | Sent to NIC | Sent by Gen | Forward by SUT | Rec. by Gen | Avg. Latency | Max. Latency | Packets Lost | Loss Ratio |")
- gensock.start(latcores)
- for size in packet_size_list:
- size = size-4
- attempts = 0
- gensock.reset_stats()
- if sutsock!='none':
- sutsock.reset_stats()
- gensock.set_size(gencores,0,size) # This is setting the frame size
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,16,(size-14),2) # 18 is the difference between the frame size and IP size = size of (MAC addresses, ethertype and FCS)
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,38,(size-34),2) # 38 is the difference between the frame size and UDP size = 18 + size of IP header (=20)
- # This will only work when using sending UDP packets. For different protocls and ehternet types, we would need a differnt calculation
- endpps_sut_tx_str = 'NO_RESULTS'
- maxspeed = speed = STARTSPEED
- minspeed = 0
- while (maxspeed-minspeed > ACCURACY):
- attempts += 1
- print(str(size+4)+' bytes: Measurement ongoing at speed: ' + str(round(speed,2)) + '% ',end='\r')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- # Start generating packets at requested speed (in % of a 10Gb/s link)
- gensock.speed(speed / len(gencores), gencores)
- # Get statistics now that the generation is stable and initial ARP messages are dealt with
- pps_req_tx,pps_tx,pps_sut_tx_str,pps_rx,lat_avg,lat_max, abs_dropped, abs_tx, lat_min, lat_used = run_iteration(gensock,sutsock)
- drop_rate = 100.0*abs_dropped/abs_tx
- if lat_used < 0.95:
- lat_warning = bcolors.FAIL + ' Potential latency accuracy problem: {:>3.0f}%'.format(lat_used*100) + bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_warning = ''
- if ((get_pps(speed,size) - pps_tx)/get_pps(speed,size))<0.001 and ((drop_rate < DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD) or (abs_dropped==DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD ==0)) and (lat_avg< LAT_AVG_TRESHOLD) and (lat_max < LAT_MAX_TRESHOLD):
- log.debug('|{:>7}'.format(str(attempts))+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_req_tx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_tx) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(pps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_rx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | '+ '{:>14d}'.format(abs_dropped)+ ' |''{:>9.2f}'.format(drop_rate)+ '% | SUCCESS |'+lat_warning)
- endspeed = speed
- endpps_req_tx = pps_req_tx
- endpps_tx = pps_tx
- endpps_sut_tx_str = pps_sut_tx_str
- endpps_rx = pps_rx
- endlat_avg = lat_avg
- endlat_max = lat_max
- endabs_dropped = abs_dropped
- enddrop_rate = drop_rate
- endwarning = lat_warning
- success = True
- else:
- abs_drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- if ((abs_dropped>0) and (DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD ==0)):
- abs_drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (drop_rate < DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD):
- drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (lat_avg< LAT_AVG_TRESHOLD):
- lat_avg_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_avg_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (lat_max< LAT_MAX_TRESHOLD):
- lat_max_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_max_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- if (((get_pps(speed,size) - pps_tx)/get_pps(speed,size))<0.001):
- speed_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- speed_prefix = bcolors.FAIL
- log.debug('|{:>7}'.format(str(attempts))+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% '+speed_prefix +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_req_tx)+' Mpps | ' + '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_tx) +' Mpps | '+ bcolors.ENDC + '{:>9}'.format(pps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_rx)+' Mpps | '+lat_avg_prefix+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us | '+lat_max_prefix+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | '+ abs_drop_rate_prefix + '{:>14d}'.format(abs_dropped)+drop_rate_prefix+ ' |''{:>9.2f}'.format(drop_rate)+bcolors.ENDC+ '% | FAILED |'+ lat_warning)
- success = False
- speed,minspeed,maxspeed = new_speed(speed,minspeed,maxspeed,success)
- if endpps_sut_tx_str <> 'NO_RESULTS':
-'|{:>7}'.format(size+4)+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(endspeed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(endspeed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(endpps_req_tx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(endpps_tx) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(endpps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(endpps_rx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(endlat_avg)+' us | '+'{:>9.0f}'.format(endlat_max)+' us | '+ '{:>14d}'.format(endabs_dropped)+ ' |'+'{:>9.2f}'.format(enddrop_rate)+ '% |'+ endwarning)
- writer.writerow({'flow':'1','size':(size+4),'endspeed':endspeed,'endspeedpps':get_pps(endspeed,size),'endpps_req_tx':endpps_req_tx,'endpps_tx':endpps_tx,'endpps_sut_tx_str':endpps_sut_tx_str,'endpps_rx':endpps_rx,'endlat_avg':endlat_avg,'endlat_max':endlat_max,'endabs_dropped':endabs_dropped,'enddrop_rate':enddrop_rate})
- else:
- log.debug('|{:>7}'.format(str(size))+" | Speed 0 or close to 0")
- gensock.stop(latcores)
-def run_max_frame_rate(gensock,sutsock):
-"| UDP, 1 flow, different packet sizes |")
-"|Pktsz| Speed requested | Sent to NIC | Sent by Gen | Fwrd by SUT | Rec. by Gen | Avg. Latency| Max. Latency| Sent | Received | Lost | Total Lost |")
- sleep_time = 3
- gensock.start(latcores)
- for size in packet_size_list:
- # Sleep_time is needed to be able to do accurate measurements to check for packet loss. We need to make this time large enough so that we do not take the first measurement while some packets from the previous tests migth still be in flight
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- size = size-4
- gensock.reset_stats()
- if sutsock!='none':
- sutsock.reset_stats()
- gensock.set_size(gencores,0,size) # This is setting the frame size
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,16,(size-14),2) # 18 is the difference between the frame size and IP size = size of (MAC addresses, ethertype and FCS)
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,38,(size-34),2) # 38 is the difference between the frame size and UDP size = 18 + size of IP header (=20)
- # This will only work when using sending UDP packets. For different protocls and ehternet types, we would need a differnt calculation
- pps_sut_tx_str = 'NO_RESULTS'
- speed = STARTSPEED
- # Start generating packets at requested speed (in % of a 10Gb/s link)
- gensock.speed(speed / len(gencores), gencores)
- duration = float(runtime)
- first = 1
- tot_drop = 0
- if sutsock!='none':
- old_sut_rx, old_sut_tx, old_sut_drop, old_sut_tsc, sut_tsc_hz = sutsock.core_stats(sutstatcores)
- old_rx, old_tx, old_drop, old_tsc, tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(genstatcores)
- gensock.start(gencores)
- while (duration > 0):
- time.sleep(0.5)
- lat_min, lat_max, lat_avg, lat_used = gensock.lat_stats(latcores)
- if lat_used < 0.95:
- lat_warning = bcolors.FAIL + ' Potential latency accuracy problem: {:>3.0f}%'.format(lat_used*100) + bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_warning = ''
- # Get statistics after some execution time
- new_rx, new_tx, new_drop, new_tsc, tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(genstatcores)
- if sutsock!='none':
- new_sut_rx, new_sut_tx, new_sut_drop, new_sut_tsc, sut_tsc_hz = sutsock.core_stats(sutstatcores)
- drop = new_drop-old_drop # drop is all packets dropped by all tasks. This includes packets dropped at the generator task + packets dropped by the nop task. In steady state, this equals to the number of packets received by this VM
- rx = new_rx - old_rx # rx is all packets received by the nop task = all packets received in the gen VM
- tx = new_tx - old_tx # tx is all generated packets actually accepted by the interface
- tsc = new_tsc - old_tsc # time difference between the 2 measurements, expressed in cycles.
- if tsc == 0 :
- continue
- if sutsock!='none':
- sut_rx = new_sut_rx - old_sut_rx
- sut_tx = new_sut_tx - old_sut_tx
- sut_tsc = new_sut_tsc - old_sut_tsc
- if sut_tsc == 0 :
- continue
- duration = duration - 1
- old_drop = new_drop
- old_rx = new_rx
- old_tx = new_tx
- old_tsc = new_tsc
- pps_req_tx = (tx+drop-rx)*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000)
- pps_tx = tx*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000)
- pps_rx = rx*tsc_hz*1.0/(tsc*1000000)
- if sutsock!='none':
- old_sut_tx = new_sut_tx
- old_sut_rx = new_sut_rx
- old_sut_tsc= new_sut_tsc
- pps_sut_tx = sut_tx*sut_tsc_hz*1.0/(sut_tsc*1000000)
- pps_sut_tx_str = '{:>7.3f}'.format(pps_sut_tx)
- else:
- pps_sut_tx = 0
- pps_sut_tx_str = 'NO MEAS.'
- if (tx == 0):
- log.critical("TX = 0. Test interrupted since no packet has been sent.")
- raise Exception("TX = 0")
- tot_drop = tot_drop + tx - rx
- if pps_sut_tx_str <> 'NO_RESULTS':
- # First second mpps are not valid as there is no alignement between time the generator is started and per seconds stats
- if (first):
-'|{:>4}'.format(size+4)+" |" + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps|'+' |' +' |' +' |'+ ' |'+ '{:>8.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us |'+'{:>8.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | ' + '{:>9.0f}'.format(tx) + ' | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(rx) + ' | '+ '{:>7.0f}'.format(tx-rx) + ' | '+'{:>7.0f}'.format(tot_drop) +' |'+lat_warning)
- else:
-'|{:>4}'.format(size+4)+" |" + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps|'+ '{:>7.3f}'.format(pps_req_tx)+' Mpps |'+ '{:>7.3f}'.format(pps_tx) +' Mpps |' + '{:>7}'.format(pps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps |'+ '{:>7.3f}'.format(pps_rx)+' Mpps |'+ '{:>8.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us |'+'{:>8.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | ' + '{:>9.0f}'.format(tx) + ' | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(rx) + ' | '+ '{:>7.0f}'.format(tx-rx) + ' | '+ '{:>7.0f}'.format(tot_drop) +' |'+lat_warning)
- else:
- log.debug('|{:>7}'.format(str(size))+" | Speed 0 or close to 0")
- first = 0
- if (duration <= 0):
- #Stop generating
- gensock.stop(gencores)
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- lat_min, lat_max, lat_avg, lat_used = gensock.lat_stats(latcores)
- if lat_used < 0.95:
- lat_warning = bcolors.FAIL + ' Potential latency accuracy problem: {:>3.0f}%'.format(lat_used*100) + bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_warning = ''
- # Get statistics after some execution time
- new_rx, new_tx, new_drop, new_tsc, tsc_hz = gensock.core_stats(genstatcores)
- if sutsock!='none':
- new_sut_rx, new_sut_tx, new_sut_drop, new_sut_tsc, sut_tsc_hz = sutsock.core_stats(sutstatcores)
- drop = new_drop-old_drop # drop is all packets dropped by all tasks. This includes packets dropped at the generator task + packets dropped by the nop task. In steady state, this equals to the number of packets received by this VM
- rx = new_rx - old_rx # rx is all packets received by the nop task = all packets received in the gen VM
- tx = new_tx - old_tx # tx is all generated packets actually accepted by the interface
- tsc = new_tsc - old_tsc # time difference between the 2 measurements, expressed in cycles.
- tot_drop = tot_drop + tx - rx
- if sutsock!='none':
- sut_rx = new_sut_rx - old_sut_rx
- sut_tx = new_sut_tx - old_sut_tx
- sut_tsc = new_sut_tsc - old_sut_tsc
- if pps_sut_tx_str <> 'NO_RESULTS':
-'|{:>4}'.format(size+4)+" |" + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps|'+' |' +' |' +' |'+ ' |'+ '{:>8.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us |'+'{:>8.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | ' + '{:>9.0f}'.format(tx) + ' | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(rx) + ' | '+ '{:>7.0f}'.format(tx-rx) + ' | '+ '{:>7.0f}'.format(tot_drop) +' |'+lat_warning)
- gensock.stop(latcores)
-def run_irqtest(sock):
-"| Measuring time probably spent dealing with an interrupt. Interrupting DPDK cores for more than 50us might be problematic ")
-"| and result in packet loss. The first row shows the interrupted time buckets: first number is the bucket between 0us and ")
-"| that number expressed in us and so on. The numbers in the other rows show how many times per second, the program was ")
-"| interrupted for a time as specified by its bucket. '0' is printed when there are no interrupts in this bucket throughout ")
-"| the duration of the test. This is to avoid rounding errors in the case of 0.0 ")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- buckets=sock.show_irq_buckets(1)
- print('Measurement ongoing ... ',end='\r')
- sock.stop(irqcores)
- old_irq = [[0 for x in range(len(buckets)+1)] for y in range(len(irqcores)+1)]
- irq = [[0 for x in range(len(buckets)+1)] for y in range(len(irqcores)+1)]
- irq[0][0] = 'bucket us'
- for j,bucket in enumerate(buckets,start=1):
- irq[0][j] = '<'+ bucket
- irq[0][-1] = '>'+ buckets [-2]
- sock.start(irqcores)
- time.sleep(2)
- for j,bucket in enumerate(buckets,start=1):
- for i,irqcore in enumerate(irqcores,start=1):
- old_irq[i][j] = sock.irq_stats(irqcore,j-1)
- time.sleep(float(runtime))
- sock.stop(irqcores)
- for i,irqcore in enumerate(irqcores,start=1):
- irq[i][0]='core %s '%irqcore
- for j,bucket in enumerate(buckets,start=1):
- diff = sock.irq_stats(irqcore,j-1) - old_irq[i][j]
- if diff == 0:
- irq[i][j] = '0'
- else:
- irq[i][j] = str(round(diff/float(runtime), 2))
- for row in irq:
-''.join(['{:>12}'.format(item) for item in row]))
-#'\n'.join([''.join(['{:>12}'.format(item) for item in row]) for row in irq]))
-def run_impairtest(gensock,sutsock):
-"| Generator is sending UDP (1 flow) packets ("+ '{:>5}'.format(size+4) +" bytes) to SUT via GW dropping and delaying packets. SUT sends packets back. Use ctrl-c to stop the test |")
-"| Test | Speed requested | Sent to NIC | Sent by Gen | Forward by SUT | Rec. by Gen | Avg. Latency | Max. Latency | Packets Lost | Loss Ratio |")
- attempts = 0
- gensock.set_size(gencores,0,size) # This is setting the frame size
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,16,(size-14),2) # 18 is the difference between the frame size and IP size = size of (MAC addresses, ethertype and FCS)
- gensock.set_value(gencores,0,38,(size-34),2) # 38 is the difference between the frame size and UDP size = 18 + size of IP header (=20)
- # This will only work when using sending UDP packets. For different protocols and ethernet types, we would need a different calculation
- gensock.start(latcores)
- speed = STARTSPEED
- gensock.speed(speed / len(gencores), gencores)
- while True:
- attempts += 1
- print('Measurement ongoing at speed: ' + str(round(speed,2)) + '% ',end='\r')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- time.sleep(1)
- # Get statistics now that the generation is stable and NO ARP messages any more
- pps_req_tx,pps_tx,pps_sut_tx_str,pps_rx,lat_avg,lat_max, abs_dropped, abs_tx, lat_min, lat_used = run_iteration(gensock,sutsock)
- drop_rate = 100.0*abs_dropped/abs_tx
- if lat_used < 0.95:
- lat_warning = bcolors.FAIL + ' Potential latency accuracy problem: {:>3.0f}%'.format(lat_used*100) + bcolors.ENDC
- else:
- lat_warning = ''
-'|{:>7}'.format(str(attempts))+" | " + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% ' +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_req_tx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_tx) +' Mpps | ' + '{:>9}'.format(pps_sut_tx_str) +' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.3f}'.format(pps_rx)+' Mpps | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us | '+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | '+ '{:>14d}'.format(abs_dropped)+ ' |''{:>9.2f}'.format(drop_rate)+ '% |'+lat_warning)
- writer.writerow({'flow':'1','size':(size+4),'endspeed':speed,'endspeedpps':get_pps(speed,size),'endpps_req_tx':pps_req_tx,'endpps_tx':pps_tx,'endpps_sut_tx_str':pps_sut_tx_str,'endpps_rx':pps_rx,'endlat_avg':lat_avg,'endlat_max':lat_max,'endabs_dropped':abs_dropped,'enddrop_rate':drop_rate})
- gensock.stop(latcores)
-def run_inittest(gensock):
-# Running at low speed to make sure the ARP messages can get through.
-# If not doing this, the ARP message could be dropped by a switch in overload and then the test will not give proper results
-# Note hoever that if we would run the test steps during a very long time, the ARP would expire in the switch.
-# PROX will send a new ARP request every seconds so chances are very low that they will all fail to get through
- gensock.speed(0.01 / len(gencores), gencores)
- gensock.start(genstatcores)
- time.sleep(2)
- gensock.stop(genstatcores)
-global sutstatcores
-global genstatcores
-global latcores
-global gencores
-global irqcores
-global packet_size_list
-global flow_size_list
-global required_number_of_test_machines
-clients =[]
-socks =[]
-socks_control =[]
-vmDPIP =[]
-vmAdminIP =[]
-vmDPmac =[]
-hexDPIP =[]
-config_file =[]
-prox_socket =[]
-prox_launch_exit =[]
-auto_start =[]
-mach_type =[]
-sock_type =[]
-data_file = 'RUN{}.{}.csv'.format(env,test)
-data_csv_file = open(data_file,'w')
-testconfig = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()'.test')
-required_number_of_test_machines = testconfig.get('DEFAULT', 'total_number_of_test_machines')
-config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()'.env')
-machine_map = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() +'.cfg')
-key = config.get('OpenStack', 'key')
-total_number_of_machines = config.get('rapid', 'total_number_of_machines')
-if int(required_number_of_test_machines) > int(total_number_of_machines):
- log.exception("Not enough VMs for this test: %s needed and only %s available" % (required_number_of_test_machines,total_number_of_machines))
- raise Exception("Not enough VMs for this test: %s needed and only %s available" % (required_number_of_test_machines,total_number_of_machines))
-for vm in range(1, int(total_number_of_machines)+1):
- vmAdminIP.append(config.get('M%d'%vm, 'admin_ip'))
- vmDPmac.append(config.get('M%d'%vm, 'dp_mac'))
- vmDPIP.append(config.get('M%d'%vm, 'dp_ip'))
- ip = vmDPIP[-1].split('.')
- hexDPIP.append(hex(int(ip[0]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[1]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[2]))[2:].zfill(2) + ' ' + hex(int(ip[3]))[2:].zfill(2))
-machine_index = []
-for vm in range(1, int(required_number_of_test_machines)+1):
- machine_index.append(int(machine_map.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'machine_index'))-1)
- prox_socket.append(testconfig.getboolean('TestM%d'%vm, 'prox_socket'))
-for vm in range(1, int(required_number_of_test_machines)+1):
- if prox_socket[vm-1]:
- prox_launch_exit.append(testconfig.getboolean('TestM%d'%vm, 'prox_launch_exit'))
- config_file.append(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'config_file'))
- with open('{}_{}_parameters{}.lua'.format(env,test,vm), "w") as f:
- f.write('name="%s"\n'% testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'name'))
- f.write('local_ip="%s"\n'% vmDPIP[machine_index[vm-1]])
- f.write('local_hex_ip="%s"\n'% hexDPIP[machine_index[vm-1]])
- if re.match('(l2){0,1}gen\.cfg',config_file[-1]):
- gencores = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'gencores'))
- latcores = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'latcores'))
- STARTSPEED = float(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'startspeed'))
- genstatcores = gencores + latcores
- auto_start.append(False)
- mach_type.append('gen')
- f.write('gencores="%s"\n'% ','.join(map(str, gencores)))
- f.write('latcores="%s"\n'% ','.join(map(str, latcores)))
- destVMindex = int(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'dest_vm'))-1
- f.write('dest_ip="%s"\n'% vmDPIP[machine_index[destVMindex]])
- f.write('dest_hex_ip="%s"\n'% hexDPIP[machine_index[destVMindex]])
- f.write('dest_hex_mac="%s"\n'% vmDPmac[machine_index[destVMindex]].replace(':',' '))
- elif re.match('(l2){0,1}gen_gw\.cfg',config_file[-1]):
- gencores = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'gencores'))
- latcores = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'latcores'))
- STARTSPEED = float(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'startspeed'))
- genstatcores = gencores + latcores
- auto_start.append(False)
- mach_type.append('gen')
- f.write('gencores="%s"\n'% ','.join(map(str, gencores)))
- f.write('latcores="%s"\n'% ','.join(map(str, latcores)))
- gwVMindex = int(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'gw_vm')) -1
- f.write('gw_ip="%s"\n'% vmDPIP[machine_index[gwVMindex]])
- f.write('gw_hex_ip="%s"\n'% hexDPIP[machine_index[gwVMindex]])
- destVMindex = int(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'dest_vm'))-1
- f.write('dest_ip="%s"\n'% vmDPIP[machine_index[destVMindex]])
- f.write('dest_hex_ip="%s"\n'% hexDPIP[machine_index[destVMindex]])
- f.write('dest_hex_mac="%s"\n'% vmDPmac[machine_index[destVMindex]].replace(':',' '))
- elif re.match('(l2){0,1}swap.*\.cfg',config_file[-1]):
- sutstatcores = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'swapcores'))
- auto_start.append(True)
- mach_type.append('sut')
- f.write('swapcores="%s"\n'% ','.join(map(str, sutstatcores)))
- elif config_file[-1] == 'secgw1.cfg':
- auto_start.append(True)
- mach_type.append('none')
- f.write('secgwcores="%s"\n'% ','.join(map(str, ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'secgwcores')))))
- destVMindex = int(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'dest_vm'))-1
- f.write('dest_ip="%s"\n'% vmDPIP[machine_index[destVMindex]])
- f.write('dest_hex_ip="%s"\n'% hexDPIP[machine_index[destVMindex]])
- f.write('dest_hex_mac="%s"\n'% vmDPmac[machine_index[destVMindex]].replace(':',' '))
- elif config_file[-1] == 'secgw2.cfg':
- sutstatcores = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'secgwcores'))
- auto_start.append(True)
- mach_type.append('sut')
- f.write('secgwcores="%s"\n'% ','.join(map(str, sutstatcores)))
- elif config_file[-1] == 'impair.cfg':
- auto_start.append(True)
- mach_type.append('none')
- f.write('impaircores="%s"\n'% ','.join(map(str, ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'impaircores')))))
- elif config_file[-1] == 'irq.cfg':
- irqcores = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'irqcores'))
- auto_start.append(False)
- mach_type.append('irq')
- f.write('irqcores="%s"\n'% ','.join(map(str, irqcores)))
- f.close
-def exit_handler():
- log.debug ('exit cleanup')
- for index, sock in enumerate(socks):
- if socks_control[index]:
- sock.quit()
- for client in clients:
- client.close()
- data_csv_file.close
- sys.exit(0)
-for vm in range(0, int(required_number_of_test_machines)):
- if prox_socket[vm]:
- clients.append(prox_ctrl(vmAdminIP[machine_index[vm]], key+'.pem','root'))
- connect_client(clients[-1])
-# Creating script to bind the right network interface to the poll mode driver
- devbindfile = '{}_{}_devbindvm{}.sh'.format(env,test, vm+1)
- with open("") as f:
-'MACADDRESS', vmDPmac[machine_index[vm]])
- with open(devbindfile, "w") as f:
- f.write(newText)
- st = os.stat(devbindfile)
- os.chmod(devbindfile, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
- clients[-1].scp_put('./%s'%devbindfile, '/root/')
- cmd = '/root/'
- clients[-1].run_cmd(cmd)
- log.debug(" running on VM%d"%(vm+1))
- clients[-1].scp_put('./%s'%config_file[vm], '/root/%s'%config_file[vm])
- clients[-1].scp_put('./{}_{}_parameters{}.lua'.format(env,test, vm+1), '/root/parameters.lua')
- if not configonly:
- if prox_launch_exit[vm]:
- log.debug("Starting PROX on VM%d"%(vm+1))
- if auto_start[vm]:
- cmd = '/root/prox/build/prox -t -o cli -f /root/%s'%config_file[vm]
- else:
- cmd = '/root/prox/build/prox -e -t -o cli -f /root/%s'%config_file[vm]
- clients[-1].fork_cmd(cmd, 'PROX Testing on TestM%d'%(vm+1))
- socks_control.append(prox_launch_exit[vm])
- socks.append(connect_socket(clients[-1]))
- sock_type.append(mach_type[vm])
-def get_BinarySearchParams() :
- global ACCURACY
- DROP_RATE_TRESHOLD = float(testconfig.get('BinarySearchParams', 'drop_rate_threshold'))
- LAT_AVG_TRESHOLD = float(testconfig.get('BinarySearchParams', 'lat_avg_threshold'))
- LAT_MAX_TRESHOLD = float(testconfig.get('BinarySearchParams', 'lat_max_threshold'))
- ACCURACY = float(testconfig.get('BinarySearchParams', 'accuracy'))
-if configonly:
- sys.exit()
-# Run test cases
-# Best to run the flow test at the end since otherwise the tests coming after might be influenced by the big number of entries in the switch flow tables
-gensock_index = sock_type.index('gen') if 'gen' in sock_type else -1
-sutsock_index = sock_type.index('sut') if 'sut' in sock_type else -1
-irqsock_index = sock_type.index('irq') if 'irq' in sock_type else -1
-number_of_tests = testconfig.get('DEFAULT', 'number_of_tests')
-with data_csv_file:
- fieldnames = ['flow','size','endspeed','endspeedpps','endpps_req_tx','endpps_tx','endpps_sut_tx_str','endpps_rx','endlat_avg','endlat_max','endabs_dropped','enddrop_rate']
- writer = csv.DictWriter(data_csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames)
- writer.writeheader()
- for test_nr in range(1, int(number_of_tests)+1):
- test=testconfig.get('test%d'%test_nr,'test')
- if test == 'speedtest':
- get_BinarySearchParams()
- PACKETSIZE = int(testconfig.get('test%d'%test_nr, 'packetsize'))
- run_speedtest(socks[gensock_index],socks[sutsock_index])
- elif test == 'flowtest':
- get_BinarySearchParams()
- PACKETSIZE = int(testconfig.get('test%d'%test_nr, 'packetsize'))
- flow_size_list = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('test%d'%test_nr, 'flows'))
- run_flowtest(socks[gensock_index],socks[sutsock_index])
- elif test == 'sizetest':
- get_BinarySearchParams()
- packet_size_list = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('test%d'%test_nr, 'packetsizes'))
- run_sizetest(socks[gensock_index],socks[sutsock_index])
- elif test == 'max_frame_rate':
-# PACKETSIZE = int(testconfig.get('test%d'%test_nr, 'packetsize'))
- packet_size_list = ast.literal_eval(testconfig.get('test%d'%test_nr, 'packetsizes'))
- run_max_frame_rate(socks[gensock_index],socks[sutsock_index])
- elif test == 'impairtest':
- get_BinarySearchParams()
- PACKETSIZE = int(testconfig.get('test%d'%test_nr, 'packetsize'))
- run_impairtest(socks[gensock_index],socks[sutsock_index])
- elif test == 'irqtest':
- run_irqtest(socks[irqsock_index])
- elif test == 'inittest':
- run_inittest(socks[gensock_index])