install text #%include /tmp/source.ks cdrom reboot --eject lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us rootpw r00tme timezone --utc Etc/UTC firewall --disabled selinux --disabled # ignore unsupported hardware warning unsupported_hardware # SKIP CONFIGURING X skipx repo --name="mos-centos" --baseurl=file:///run/install/repo/mos-centos/ --cost=100 # NEVER ever place zerombr here, it breaks automated installation %include /tmp/bootloader.ks %include /tmp/partition.ks %include /tmp/post_partition.ks %packages --nobase @Core fuel fuel-library fuel-dockerctl authconfig bind-utils bridge-utils cronie crontabs curl dhcp docker fuel-bootstrap-cli fuel-bootstrap-image # NOTE(kozhukalov): We don't need target centos images in 8.0 # fuel-target-centos-images7.1.1503 fuelmenu fuel-docker-images fuel-mirror fuel-openstack-metadata gdisk lrzip lsof man mlocate nmap-ncat ntp ntpdate openssh-clients policycoreutils python-pypcap rsync puppet rubygem-netaddr rubygem-openstack selinux-policy-targeted strace sysstat system-config-firewall-base tcpdump telnet vim virt-what wget yum yum-plugin-priorities %end # PREINSTALL SECTION # HERE ARE COMMANDS THAT WILL BE LAUNCHED BEFORE # INSTALLATION PROCESS ITSELF %pre #!/bin/sh # hard drives drives="" removable_drives="" for drv in `ls -1 /sys/block | grep "sd\|hd\|vd\|cciss"`; do if !(blkid | grep -q "${drv}.*Fuel"); then if (grep -q 0 /sys/block/${drv}/removable); then drives="${drives} ${drv}" else removable_drives="${removable_drives} ${drv}" fi fi done default_drive=`echo ${drives} ${removable_drives} | awk '{print $1}'` installdrive=${installdrive:-undefined} forceformat=${forceformat:-no} for I in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do case "$I" in *=*) if ! [[ "${I}" =~ "." ]]; then eval "$I"; fi ;; esac done set ${drives} ${removable_drives} numdrives=`echo $#` tgtdrive="${installdrive}" function confirm_format { check_drive="$1" local confirm_format="no" if [[ "$forceformat" == "yes" ]] ; then return 0 fi if parted -s /dev/$check_drive print &>/dev/null ; then echo echo "$check_drive drive contains partition table:" parted -s /dev/$check_drive print echo read -p "Are you sure you want to erase ALL data on disk $check_drive? (y/N)" confirm_format if [[ "$confirm_format" == "y" ]] || [[ "$confirm_format" == "Y" ]] || [[ "$forceformat" == "yes" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi else return 0 fi } format_confirmed="no" if [ $numdrives -lt 1 ]; then exec < /dev/tty3 > /dev/tty3 2>&1 chvt 3 clear echo echo '********************************************************************' echo '* E R R O R *' echo '* *' echo '* There is no suitable media available for installation. *' echo '* Please attach a drive and try again. *' echo '*
nose # LGPL
coverage!=4.4,>=4.0 # Apache-2.0