============= opnfv-testapi ============= **Test Results Collector of OPNFV Test Projects**: This project aims to provide a common way of gathering all the test results for OPNFV testing projects into a single place, and a unified way of getting those results for testing analysis projects, such as Reporting/Bitergia Dashboard/Qtip. It exposes Restful APIs for collecting results and pushing them into a MongoDB database. If you are interested in how TestAPI looks like, please visit OPNFV's official `TestAPI Server`__ .. __: http://testresults.opnfv.org/test Pre-requsites ============= TestAPI leverages MongoDB as the data warehouse, in order to let it work successfully, a MongoDB must be provided, the official MongoDB version in OPNFV TestAPI is 3.2.6. And the database is **test_results_collection**, the five collections are *users/pods/projects/testcases/scenarioes/results*. And thanks to MongoDB's very user-friendly property, they don't need to be created in advance. Running locally =============== Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ All requirements are listed in requirements.txt and should be installed by 'pip install': *pip install -r requirements.txt* Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ *python setup.py install* After installation, configuration file etc/config.ini will be put under /etc/opnfv_testapi/. And all the web relevant files under 3rd_party/static will be in /user/local/share/opnfv_testapi as a totality. Start Server ^^^^^^^^^^^^ *opnfv-testapi [--config-file <config.ini>]* If --config-file is provided, the specified configuration file will be employed when starting the server, or else /etc/opnfv_testapi/config.ini will be utilized by default. After executing the command successfully, a TestAPI server will be started on port 8000, to visit web portal, please access http://hostname:8000 Regarding swagger-ui website, please visit http://hostname:8000/swagger/spec.html Running with container ====================== TestAPI has already containerized, the docker image is opnfv/testapi:latest. **Running the container not behind nginx:** .. code-block:: shell docker run -dti --name testapi -p expose_port:8000 -e "mongodb_url=mongodb://mongodb_ip:27017/" -e "base_url=http://host_name:expose_port" opnfv/testapi:latest **Running the container behind nginx:** .. code-block:: shell docker run -dti --name testapi -p expose_port:8000 -e "mongodb_url=mongodb://mongodb_ip:27017/" -e "base_url=http://nginx_url" opnfv/testapi:latest Unittest & pep8 =============== All requirements for unit tests are outlined in test-requirements.txt, and in TestAPI project, tox is leveraged to drive the executing of unit tests and pep8 check **Running unit tests** *tox -e py27* **Running pep8 check** *tox -e pep8*