import json import urllib3 http = urllib3.PoolManager() def delete_request(url, creds, body=None): headers = urllib3.make_headers(basic_auth=creds) http.request('DELETE', url, headers=headers, body=body) def publish_json(json_ojb, creds, to): json_dump = json.dumps(json_ojb) if to == 'stdout': print json_dump return 200, None else: headers = urllib3.make_headers(basic_auth=creds) result = http.request('POST', to, headers=headers, body=json_dump) return result.status, def _get_nr_of_hits(elastic_json): return elastic_json['hits']['total'] def get_elastic_docs(elastic_url, creds, body=None, field = '_source'): # 1. get the number of results headers = urllib3.make_headers(basic_auth=creds) elastic_json = json.loads(http.request('GET', elastic_url + '/_search?size=0', headers=headers, body=body).data) print elastic_json nr_of_hits = _get_nr_of_hits(elastic_json) # 2. get all results elastic_json = json.loads(http.request('GET', elastic_url + '/_search?size={}'.format(nr_of_hits), headers=headers, body=body).data) elastic_docs = [] for hit in elastic_json['hits']['hits']: elastic_docs.append(hit[field]) return elastic_docs def get_elastic_docs_by_days(elastic_url, creds, days): if days == 0: body = '''{ "query": { "match_all": {} } }''' elif days > 0: body = '''{{ "query" : {{ "range" : {{ "start_date" : {{ "gte" : "now-{}d" }} }} }} }}'''.format(days) else: raise Exception('Update days must be non-negative') return get_elastic_docs(elastic_url, creds, body)