# opnfv-testapi update ## How to use: # backup mongodb, # arguments: # -u/--url: Mongo DB URL, default = mongodb:// # -o/--output_dir: Output directory for the backup, default = ./ # the backup output will be put under dir/db__XXXX_XX_XX_XXXXXX/db # -d/--db: database for the backup, default = test_results_collection ``` python backup.py ``` # restore mongodb # arguments: # -u/--url: Mongo DB URL, default = mongodb:// # -i/--input_dir: Input directory for the Restore, must be specified # the restore input must be specified to dir/db__XXXX_XX_XX_XXXXXX/db # -d/--db: database name after the restore, default = basename of input_dir ``` python restore.py ``` # update mongodb # arguments: # -u/--url: Mongo DB URL, default = mongodb:// # -d/--db: database name to be updated, default = test_results_collection # changes need to be done: # change collection name, modify changes.collections_old2New # collections_old2New = { # 'old_collection': 'new_collection', # } # change field name, modify changes.fields_old2New # fields_old2New = { # 'collection': [(query, {'old_field': 'new_field'})] # } # change the doc, modify changes.docs_old2New # docs_old2New = { # 'test_results': [ # ({'field': 'old_value'}, {'field': 'new_value'}), # (query, {'field': 'new_value'}), # ] # } ``` python update.py ``` # update opnfv-testapi process # this script must be run right in this directory # and remember to change ../etc/config.ini before running this script # operations includes: # kill running test_collection_api & opnfv-testapi # install or update dependencies according to ../requirements.txt # install opnfv-testapi # run opnfv-testapi ``` python update_api.py ```