from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError import json import jinja2 import os installers = ["apex", "compass", "fuel", "joid"] items = ["tests", "Success rate", "duration"] for installer in installers: # we consider the Tempest results of the last 7 days url = "" request = Request(url + '&period=7&installer=' + installer) try: response = urlopen(request) k = results = json.loads(k) except URLError, e: print 'No kittez. Got an error code:', e test_results = results['test_results'] test_results.reverse() scenario_results = {} criteria = {} errors = {} for r in test_results: # Retrieve all the scenarios per installer if not r['version'] in scenario_results.keys(): scenario_results[r['version']] = [] scenario_results[r['version']].append(r) for s, s_result in scenario_results.items(): scenario_results[s] = s_result[0:5] # For each scenario, we build a result object to deal with # results, criteria and error handling for result in scenario_results[s]: result["creation_date"] = result["creation_date"].split(".")[0] # retrieve results # **************** nb_tests_run = result['details']['tests'] if nb_tests_run != 0: success_rate = 100*(int(result['details']['tests']) - int(result['details']['failures']))/int(result['details']['tests']) else: success_rate = 0 result['details']["tests"] = nb_tests_run result['details']["Success rate"] = str(success_rate) + "%" # Criteria management # ******************* crit_tests = False crit_rate = False crit_time = False # Expect that at least 200 tests are run if nb_tests_run > 200: crit_tests = True # Expect that at least 90% of success if success_rate > 90: crit_rate = True if result['details']['duration'] < 900: crit_time = True result['criteria'] = {'tests': crit_tests, 'Success rate': crit_rate, 'duration': crit_time} # error management # **************** # TODO get information from artefact based on build tag # to identify errors of the associated run # build tag needed to wget errors on the artifacts # the idea is to list the tests in errors and provide the link # towards complete artifact # another option will be to put the errors in the DB # (in the detail section)... result['errors'] = {'tests': "", 'Success rate': "", 'duration': ""} templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) TEMPLATE_FILE = "index-tempest-tmpl.html" template = templateEnv.get_template(TEMPLATE_FILE) outputText = template.render(scenario_results=scenario_results, items=items, installer=installer) with open("index-tempest-" + installer + ".html", "wb") as fh: fh.write(outputText)