from tornado import gen from tornado.web import asynchronous from tornado_swagger_ui.tornado_swagger import swagger from handlers import GenericApiHandler from pod_models import Pod class GenericPodHandler(GenericApiHandler): def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): super(GenericPodHandler, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) self.table = 'pods' self.table_cls = Pod class PodCLHandler(GenericPodHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname='list-all') def get(self): """ @description: list all pods @return 200: list all pods, empty list is no pod exist @rtype: L{Pods} """ self._list() @gen.coroutine @swagger.operation(nickname='create') def post(self): """ @description: create a pod @param body: pod to be created @type body: L{PodCreateRequest} @in body: body @rtype: L{Pod} @return 200: pod is created. @raise 403: pod already exists @raise 400: post without body """ self._create('{} already exists as a {}') class PodGURHandler(GenericPodHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname='get-one') def get(self, pod_name): """ @description: get a single pod by pod_name @rtype: L{Pod} @return 200: pod exist @raise 404: pod not exist """ query = dict() query['name'] = pod_name self._get_one(query) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def delete(self, pod_name): """ Remove a POD # check for an existing pod to be deleted mongo_dict = yield self.db.pods.find_one( {'name': pod_name}) pod = TestProject.pod(mongo_dict) if pod is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{} could not be found as a pod to be deleted" .format(pod_name)) # just delete it, or maybe save it elsewhere in a future res = yield self.db.projects.remove( {'name': pod_name}) self.finish_request(answer) """ pass