############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Orange # guyrodrigue.koffi@orange.com / koffirodrigue@gmail.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # feng.xiaowei@zte.com.cn refactor db.pod to db.pods 5-19-2016 # feng.xiaowei@zte.com.cn refactor test_project to project 5-19-2016 # feng.xiaowei@zte.com.cn refactor response body 5-19-2016 # feng.xiaowei@zte.com.cn refactor pod/project response info 5-19-2016 # feng.xiaowei@zte.com.cn refactor testcase related handler 5-20-2016 # feng.xiaowei@zte.com.cn refactor result related handler 5-23-2016 # feng.xiaowei@zte.com.cn refactor dashboard related handler 5-24-2016 # feng.xiaowei@zte.com.cn add methods to GenericApiHandler 5-26-2016 # feng.xiaowei@zte.com.cn remove PodHandler 5-26-2016 ############################################################################## import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta from tornado.web import RequestHandler, asynchronous, HTTPError from tornado import gen from models import CreateResponse from resources.result_models import TestResult from resources.testcase_models import Testcase from resources.project_models import Project from common.constants import DEFAULT_REPRESENTATION, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, \ HTTP_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_FORBIDDEN from common.config import prepare_put_request from dashboard.dashboard_utils import check_dashboard_ready_project, \ check_dashboard_ready_case, get_dashboard_result def format_data(data, cls): cls_data = cls.from_dict(data) return cls_data.format_http() class GenericApiHandler(RequestHandler): """ The purpose of this class is to take benefit of inheritance and prepare a set of common functions for the handlers """ def initialize(self): """ Prepares the database for the entire class """ self.db = self.settings["db"] def prepare(self): if self.request.method != "GET" and self.request.method != "DELETE": if self.request.headers.get("Content-Type") is not None: if self.request.headers["Content-Type"].startswith( DEFAULT_REPRESENTATION): try: self.json_args = json.loads(self.request.body) except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as error: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad Json format [{}]". format(error)) else: self.json_args = None def finish_request(self, json_object=None): if json_object: self.write(json.dumps(json_object)) self.set_header("Content-Type", DEFAULT_REPRESENTATION) self.finish() def _create_response(self, resource): href = self.request.full_url() + '/' + resource return CreateResponse(href=href).format() @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def _create(self, table, data, mark): data.creation_date = datetime.now() _id = yield self._eval_db(table, 'insert', data.format()) if mark is None: mark = _id self.finish_request(self._create_response(mark)) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def _list(self, table, format_cls, query=None): if query is None: query = {} res = [] cursor = self._eval_db(table, 'find', query) while (yield cursor.fetch_next): res.append(format_data(cursor.next_object(), format_cls)) self.finish_request({table: res}) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def _get_one(self, table, format_cls, query): data = yield self._eval_db(table, 'find_one', query) if data is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{} Not Exist".format(query)) self.finish_request(format_data(data, format_cls)) def _eval_db(self, table, method, param): return eval('self.db.%s.%s(param)' % (table, method)) class VersionHandler(GenericApiHandler): """ Display a message for the API version """ def get(self): self.finish_request([{'v1': 'basics'}]) class ProjectHandler(GenericApiHandler): """ TestProjectHandler Class Handle the requests about the Test projects HTTP Methdods : - GET : Get all test projects and details about a specific one - POST : Add a test project - PUT : Edit test projects information (name and/or description) - DELETE : Remove a test project """ def initialize(self): """ Prepares the database for the entire class """ super(ProjectHandler, self).initialize() @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def get(self, project_name=None): """ Get Project(s) info :param project_name: """ query = dict() if project_name is not None: query["name"] = project_name answer = yield self.db.projects.find_one(query) if answer is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{} Not Exist".format(project_name)) else: answer = format_data(answer, Project) else: res = [] cursor = self.db.projects.find(query) while (yield cursor.fetch_next): res.append(format_data(cursor.next_object(), Project)) answer = {'projects': res} self.finish_request(answer) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def post(self): """ Create a test project""" if self.json_args is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) query = {"name": self.json_args.get("name")} # check for name in db the_project = yield self.db.projects.find_one(query) if the_project is not None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "{} already exists as a project".format( self.json_args.get("name"))) project = Project.from_dict(self.json_args) project.creation_date = datetime.now() yield self.db.projects.insert(project.format()) self.finish_request(self._create_response(project.name)) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def put(self, project_name): """ Updates the name and description of a test project""" if self.json_args is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) query = {'name': project_name} from_project = yield self.db.projects.find_one(query) if from_project is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{} could not be found".format(project_name)) project = Project.from_dict(from_project) new_name = self.json_args.get("name") new_description = self.json_args.get("description") # check for payload name parameter in db # avoid a request if the project name has not changed in the payload if new_name != project.name: to_project = yield self.db.projects.find_one( {"name": new_name}) if to_project is not None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "{} already exists as a project" .format(new_name)) # new dict for changes request = dict() request = prepare_put_request(request, "name", new_name, project.name) request = prepare_put_request(request, "description", new_description, project.description) """ raise exception if there isn't a change """ if not request: raise HTTPError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Nothing to update") """ we merge the whole document """ edit_request = project.format() edit_request.update(request) """ Updating the DB """ yield self.db.projects.update({'name': project_name}, edit_request) new_project = yield self.db.projects.find_one({"_id": project._id}) self.finish_request(format_data(new_project, Project)) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def delete(self, project_name): """ Remove a test project""" query = {'name': project_name} # check for an existing project to be deleted project = yield self.db.projects.find_one(query) if project is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{} could not be found as a project to be deleted" .format(project_name)) # just delete it, or maybe save it elsewhere in a future yield self.db.projects.remove(query) self.finish_request() class TestcaseHandler(GenericApiHandler): """ TestCasesHandler Class Handle the requests about the Test cases for test projects HTTP Methdods : - GET : Get all test cases and details about a specific one - POST : Add a test project - PUT : Edit test projects information (name and/or description) """ def initialize(self): """ Prepares the database for the entire class """ super(TestcaseHandler, self).initialize() @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def get(self, project_name, case_name=None): """ Get testcases(s) info :param project_name: :param case_name: """ query = {'project_name': project_name} if case_name is not None: query["name"] = case_name answer = yield self.db.testcases.find_one(query) if answer is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{} Not Exist".format(case_name)) else: answer = format_data(answer, Testcase) else: res = [] cursor = self.db.testcases.find(query) while (yield cursor.fetch_next): res.append(format_data(cursor.next_object(), Testcase)) answer = {'testcases': res} self.finish_request(answer) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def post(self, project_name): """ Create a test case""" if self.json_args is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Check your request payload") # retrieve test project project = yield self.db.projects.find_one( {"name": project_name}) if project is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Could not find project {}" .format(project_name)) case_name = self.json_args.get('name') the_testcase = yield self.db.testcases.find_one( {"project_name": project_name, 'name': case_name}) if the_testcase: raise HTTPError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "{} already exists as a case in project {}" .format(case_name, project_name)) testcase = Testcase.from_dict(self.json_args) testcase.project_name = project_name testcase.creation_date = datetime.now() yield self.db.testcases.insert(testcase.format()) self.finish_request(self._create_response(testcase.name)) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def put(self, project_name, case_name): """ Updates the name and description of a test case :raises HTTPError (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_FORBIDDEN) """ query = {'project_name': project_name, 'name': case_name} if self.json_args is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "No payload") # check if there is a case for the project in url parameters from_testcase = yield self.db.testcases.find_one(query) if from_testcase is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{} could not be found as a {} case to be updated" .format(case_name, project_name)) testcase = Testcase.from_dict(from_testcase) new_name = self.json_args.get("name") new_project_name = self.json_args.get("project_name") if not new_project_name: new_project_name = project_name new_description = self.json_args.get("description") # check if there is not an existing test case # with the name provided in the json payload if new_name != case_name or new_project_name != project_name: to_testcase = yield self.db.testcases.find_one( {'project_name': new_project_name, 'name': new_name}) if to_testcase is not None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "{} already exists as a case in project" .format(new_name, new_project_name)) # new dict for changes request = dict() request = prepare_put_request(request, "name", new_name, testcase.name) request = prepare_put_request(request, "project_name", new_project_name, testcase.project_name) request = prepare_put_request(request, "description", new_description, testcase.description) # we raise an exception if there isn't a change if not request: raise HTTPError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Nothing to update") # we merge the whole document """ edit_request = testcase.format() edit_request.update(request) """ Updating the DB """ yield self.db.testcases.update(query, edit_request) new_case = yield self.db.testcases.find_one({"_id": testcase._id}) self.finish_request(format_data(new_case, Testcase)) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def delete(self, project_name, case_name): """ Remove a test case""" query = {'project_name': project_name, 'name': case_name} # check for an existing case to be deleted testcase = yield self.db.testcases.find_one(query) if testcase is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{}/{} could not be found as a case to be deleted" .format(project_name, case_name)) # just delete it, or maybe save it elsewhere in a future yield self.db.testcases.remove(query) self.finish_request() class TestResultsHandler(GenericApiHandler): """ TestResultsHandler Class Handle the requests about the Test project's results HTTP Methdods : - GET : Get all test results and details about a specific one - POST : Add a test results - DELETE : Remove a test result """ def initialize(self): """ Prepares the database for the entire class """ super(TestResultsHandler, self).initialize() self.name = "test_result" @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def get(self, result_id=None): """ Retrieve result(s) for a test project on a specific POD. Available filters for this request are : - project : project name - case : case name - pod : pod name - version : platform version (Arno-R1, ...) - installer (fuel, ...) - build_tag : Jenkins build tag name - period : x (x last days) - scenario : the test scenario (previously version) - criteria : the global criteria status passed or failed - trust_indicator : evaluate the stability of the test case to avoid running systematically long and stable test case :param result_id: Get a result by ID :raise HTTPError GET /results/project=functest&case=vPing&version=Arno-R1 \ &pod=pod_name&period=15 => get results with optional filters """ # prepare request query = dict() if result_id is not None: query["_id"] = result_id answer = yield self.db.results.find_one(query) if answer is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "test result {} Not Exist".format(result_id)) else: answer = format_data(answer, TestResult) else: pod_arg = self.get_query_argument("pod", None) project_arg = self.get_query_argument("project", None) case_arg = self.get_query_argument("case", None) version_arg = self.get_query_argument("version", None) installer_arg = self.get_query_argument("installer", None) build_tag_arg = self.get_query_argument("build_tag", None) scenario_arg = self.get_query_argument("scenario", None) criteria_arg = self.get_query_argument("criteria", None) period_arg = self.get_query_argument("period", None) trust_indicator_arg = self.get_query_argument("trust_indicator", None) if project_arg is not None: query["project_name"] = project_arg if case_arg is not None: query["case_name"] = case_arg if pod_arg is not None: query["pod_name"] = pod_arg if version_arg is not None: query["version"] = version_arg if installer_arg is not None: query["installer"] = installer_arg if build_tag_arg is not None: query["build_tag"] = build_tag_arg if scenario_arg is not None: query["scenario"] = scenario_arg if criteria_arg is not None: query["criteria_tag"] = criteria_arg if trust_indicator_arg is not None: query["trust_indicator_arg"] = trust_indicator_arg if period_arg is not None: try: period_arg = int(period_arg) except: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) if period_arg > 0: period = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=period_arg) obj = {"$gte": str(period)} query["creation_date"] = obj res = [] cursor = self.db.results.find(query) while (yield cursor.fetch_next): res.append(format_data(cursor.next_object(), TestResult)) answer = {'results': res} self.finish_request(answer) @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def post(self): """ Create a new test result :return: status of the request :raise HTTPError """ # check for request payload if self.json_args is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'no payload') result = TestResult.from_dict(self.json_args) # check for pod_name instead of id, # keeping id for current implementations if result.pod_name is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'pod is not provided') # check for missing parameters in the request payload if result.project_name is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'project is not provided') if result.case_name is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'testcase is not provided') # TODO : replace checks with jsonschema # check for pod the_pod = yield self.db.pods.find_one({"name": result.pod_name}) if the_pod is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find POD [{}] " .format(self.json_args.get("pod_name"))) # check for project the_project = yield self.db.projects.find_one( {"name": result.project_name}) if the_project is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find project [{}] " .format(result.project_name)) # check for testcase the_testcase = yield self.db.testcases.find_one( {"name": result.case_name}) if the_testcase is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find testcase [{}] " .format(result.case_name)) _id = yield self.db.results.insert(result.format(), check_keys=False) self.finish_request(self._create_response(_id)) class DashboardHandler(GenericApiHandler): """ DashboardHandler Class Handle the requests about the Test project's results in a dahboard ready format HTTP Methdods : - GET : Get all test results and details about a specific one """ def initialize(self): """ Prepares the database for the entire class """ super(DashboardHandler, self).initialize() self.name = "dashboard" @asynchronous @gen.coroutine def get(self): """ Retrieve dashboard ready result(s) for a test project Available filters for this request are : - project : project name - case : case name - pod : pod name - version : platform version (Arno-R1, ...) - installer (fuel, ...) - period : x (x last days) :param result_id: Get a result by ID :raise HTTPError GET /dashboard?project=functest&case=vPing&version=Arno-R1 \ &pod=pod_name&period=15 => get results with optional filters """ project_arg = self.get_query_argument("project", None) case_arg = self.get_query_argument("case", None) pod_arg = self.get_query_argument("pod", None) version_arg = self.get_query_argument("version", None) installer_arg = self.get_query_argument("installer", None) period_arg = self.get_query_argument("period", None) # prepare request query = dict() if project_arg is not None: query["project_name"] = project_arg if case_arg is not None: query["case_name"] = case_arg if pod_arg is not None: query["pod_name"] = pod_arg if version_arg is not None: query["version"] = version_arg if installer_arg is not None: query["installer"] = installer_arg if period_arg is not None: try: period_arg = int(period_arg) except: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) if period_arg > 0: period = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=period_arg) obj = {"$gte": str(period)} query["creation_date"] = obj # on /dashboard retrieve the list of projects and testcases # ready for dashboard if project_arg is None: raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Project name missing") if not check_dashboard_ready_project(project_arg): raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'Project [{}] not dashboard ready' .format(project_arg)) if case_arg is None: raise HTTPError( HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'Test case missing for project [{}]'.format(project_arg)) if not check_dashboard_ready_case(project_arg, case_arg): raise HTTPError( HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'Test case [{}] not dashboard ready for project [{}]' .format(case_arg, project_arg)) # special case of status for project res = [] if case_arg != "status": cursor = self.db.results.find(query) while (yield cursor.fetch_next): result = TestResult.from_dict(cursor.next_object()) res.append(result.format_http()) # final response object self.finish_request(get_dashboard_result(project_arg, case_arg, res))