#!/usr/bin/python # # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError import logging import json import reportingConf as conf def getLogger(module): logFormatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s [" + module + "] [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s") logger = logging.getLogger() fileHandler = logging.FileHandler("{0}/{1}".format('.', conf.LOG_FILE)) fileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) logger.addHandler(fileHandler) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) logger.setLevel(conf.LOG_LEVEL) return logger def getApiResults(case, installer, scenario, version): results = json.dumps([]) # to remove proxy (to be removed at the end for local test only) # proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({}) # opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler) # urllib2.install_opener(opener) # url = "" + case + \ # "&period=30&installer=" + installer url = ("http://" + conf.URL_BASE + "?case=" + case + "&period=" + str(conf.PERIOD) + "&installer=" + installer + "&scenario=" + scenario + "&version=" + version + "&last=" + str(conf.NB_TESTS)) request = Request(url) try: response = urlopen(request) k = response.read() results = json.loads(k) except URLError, e: print 'No kittez. Got an error code:', e return results def getScenarios(case, installer, version): case = case.getName() url = ("http://" + conf.URL_BASE + "?case=" + case + "&period=" + str(conf.PERIOD) + "&installer=" + installer + "&version=" + version) request = Request(url) try: response = urlopen(request) k = response.read() results = json.loads(k) test_results = results['results'] except URLError, e: print 'Got an error code:', e if test_results is not None: test_results.reverse() scenario_results = {} for r in test_results: # Retrieve all the scenarios per installer if not r['scenario'] in scenario_results.keys(): scenario_results[r['scenario']] = [] scenario_results[r['scenario']].append(r) return scenario_results def getScenarioStats(scenario_results): scenario_stats = {} for k, v in scenario_results.iteritems(): scenario_stats[k] = len(v) return scenario_stats def getNbtestOk(results): nb_test_ok = 0 for r in results: for k, v in r.iteritems(): try: if "PASS" in v: nb_test_ok += 1 except: print "Cannot retrieve test status" return nb_test_ok def getResult(testCase, installer, scenario, version): # retrieve raw results results = getApiResults(testCase, installer, scenario, version) # let's concentrate on test results only test_results = results['results'] # if results found, analyze them if test_results is not None: test_results.reverse() scenario_results = [] # print " ---------------- " # print test_results # print " ---------------- " # print "nb of results:" + str(len(test_results)) for r in test_results: # print r["start_date"] # print r["criteria"] scenario_results.append({r["start_date"]: r["criteria"]}) # sort results scenario_results.sort() # 4 levels for the results # 3: 4+ consecutive runs passing the success criteria # 2: <4 successful consecutive runs but passing the criteria # 1: close to pass the success criteria # 0: 0% success, not passing # -1: no run available test_result_indicator = 0 nbTestOk = getNbtestOk(scenario_results) # print "Nb test OK (last 10 days):"+ str(nbTestOk) # check that we have at least 4 runs if len(scenario_results) < 1: # No results available test_result_indicator = -1 elif nbTestOk < 1: test_result_indicator = 0 elif nbTestOk < 2: test_result_indicator = 1 else: # Test the last 4 run if (len(scenario_results) > 3): last4runResults = scenario_results[-4:] nbTestOkLast4 = getNbtestOk(last4runResults) # print "Nb test OK (last 4 run):"+ str(nbTestOkLast4) if nbTestOkLast4 > 3: test_result_indicator = 3 else: test_result_indicator = 2 else: test_result_indicator = 2 return test_result_indicator def getJenkinsUrl(build_tag): # e.g. jenkins-functest-apex-apex-daily-colorado-daily-colorado-246 # id = 246 # note it is linked to jenkins format # if this format changes...function to be adapted.... url_base = "https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/job/" jenkins_url = "" try: build_id = [int(s) for s in build_tag.split("-") if s.isdigit()] jenkins_path = filter(lambda c: not c.isdigit(), build_tag) url_id = jenkins_path[8:-1] + "/" + str(build_id[0]) jenkins_url = url_base + url_id + "/console" except: print 'Impossible to get jenkins url:' return jenkins_url def getScenarioPercent(scenario_score,scenario_criteria): score = 0.0 try: score = float(scenario_score) / float(scenario_criteria) * 100 except: print 'Impossible to calculate the percentage score' return score