#!/bin/bash set -e set -o pipefail export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ git_sha1="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" clean() {{ if [[ -d docs/output ]]; then rm -rf docs/output echo "cleaning up output directory" fi }} trap clean EXIT TERM INT SIGTERM SIGHUP #set git_sha1 files=() while read -r -d ''; do files+=("$REPLY") done < <(find docs/ -type f -iname '*.rst' -print0) for file in "${{files[@]}}"; do sed -i "s/_sha1_/$git_sha1/g" $file done directories=() while read -d $'\n'; do directories+=("$REPLY") done < <(find docs/ -name 'index.rst' -printf '%h\n' | sort -u ) for dir in "${{directories[@]}}"; do _name="${{dir##*/}}" _build="${{dir}}/build" _output="docs/output/${{_name}}" echo echo "#################${{_name//?/#}}" echo "Building DOCS in ${{_name}}" echo "#################${{_name//?/#}}" echo mkdir -p "${{_output}}" sphinx-build -b html -E -c docs/etc "${{dir}}" "${{_output}}" sphinx-build -b latex -E -c docs/etc "${{dir}}" "${{_build}}" make -C "${{_build}}" LATEXOPTS='--interaction=nonstopmode' all-pdf mv "${{_build}}"/*.pdf "${{_output}}" done # NOTE: make sure source parameters for GS paths are not empty. [[ $GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER =~ .+ ]] [[ $GERRIT_PROJECT =~ .+ ]] [[ $GERRIT_BRANCH =~ .+ ]] gs_path_review="artifacts.opnfv.org/review/$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER" if [[ $GERRIT_BRANCH = "master" ]] ; then gs_path_branch="artifacts.opnfv.org/$GERRIT_PROJECT" else gs_path_branch="artifacts.opnfv.org/$GERRIT_PROJECT/${{GERRIT_BRANCH##*/}}" fi for dir in "${{directories[@]}}"; do echo echo "#############################" echo "UPLOADING DOCS in ${{dir##*/}}" echo "#############################" echo if [[ $JOB_NAME =~ "verify" ]] ; then #upload artifacts for verify job gsutil cp -r docs/output/"${{dir##*/}}/" "gs://$gs_path_review/" # post link to gerrit as comment gerrit_comment="$(echo '"Document is available at 'http://$gs_path_review/"${{dir##*/}}"/index.html' for review"')" echo "$gerrit_comment" ssh -p 29418 gerrit.opnfv.org gerrit review -p $GERRIT_PROJECT -m \ "$gerrit_comment" $GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION #set cache to 0 for x in $(gsutil ls gs://$gs_path_review/"${{dir##*/}}" | grep html); do gsutil setmeta -h "Content-Type:text/html" \ -h "Cache-Control:private, max-age=0, no-transform" \ "$x" done else #upload artifacts for merge job gsutil cp -r docs/output/"${{dir##*/}}" "gs://$gs_path_branch/docs/" echo "Latest document is available at http://$gs_path_branch/docs/"${{dir##*/}}"/index.html" #set cache to 0 for x in $(gsutil ls gs://$gs_path_branch/"${{dir}}" | grep html); do gsutil setmeta -h "Content-Type:text/html" \ -h "Cache-Control:private, max-age=0, no-transform" \ "$x" done #Clean up review when merging if gsutil ls "gs://$gs_path_review" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo echo "Deleting Out-of-dated Documents..." gsutil rm -r "gs://$gs_path_review" fi fi done