#!/bin/bash -e export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ DOCS_DIR=${DOCS_DIR:-docs} INDEX_RST=${INDEX_RST:-index.rst} BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR:-docs_build} OUTPUT_DIR=${OUTPUT_DIR:-docs_output} SRC_DIR=${SRC_DIR:-$BUILD_DIR/_src} RELENG_DIR=${RELENG_DIR:-releng} GERRIT_COMMENT=${GERRIT_COMMENT:-} get_title_script=" import os from docutils import core, nodes try: with open('index.rst', 'r') as file: data = file.read() doctree = core.publish_doctree(data, settings_overrides={'report_level': 5, 'halt_level': 5}) if isinstance(doctree[0], nodes.title): title = doctree[0] else: for c in doctree.children: if isinstance(c, nodes.section): title = c[0] break print title.astext() except: print 'None'" revision="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" rev_full="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" version="$(git describe --abbrev=0 2> /dev/null || echo draft) ($revision)" project="$(basename $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel))" html_notes="\n Revision: $rev_full\n\n Build date: |today|" default_conf='releng/docs/etc/conf.py' opnfv_logo='releng/docs/etc/opnfv-logo.png' function check_rst_doc() { _src="$1" if ! which doc8 > /dev/null ; then echo "Error: 'doc8' not found. Exec 'sudo pip install doc8' first." exit 1 fi # Note: This check may fail in many jobs for building project docs, since # the old sample has lines more than 120. We ignore failures on this # check right now, but these have to be fixed before OPNFV B release. _out=$(doc8 --max-line-length 120 --ignore D000 "$_src") || { _msg='Error: rst validatino (doc8) has failed, please fix the following error(s).' _errs=$(echo "$_out" | sed -n -e "/^$_src/s/^/ /p") echo echo -e "$_msg\n$_errs" echo [[ -n "$GERRIT_COMMENT" ]] && echo -e "$_msg\n$_errs" >> "$GERRIT_COMMENT" } } function add_html_notes() { _src="$1" find "$_src" -name '*.rst' | while read file do if grep -q -e ' _sha1_' "$file" ; then # TODO: remove this, once old templates were removed from all repos. echo echo "Warn: '_sha1_' was found in [$file], use the latest document template." echo " See https://wiki.opnfv.org/documentation/tools ." echo sed -i "s/ _sha1_/ $git_sha1/g" "$file" fi sed -i -e "\$a\\\n.. only:: html\n$html_notes" "$file" done } function prepare_src_files() { mkdir -p "$(dirname $SRC_DIR)" [[ -e "$SRC_DIR" ]] && rm -rf "$SRC_DIR" cp -r "$DOCS_DIR" "$SRC_DIR" add_html_notes "$SRC_DIR" } function add_config() { _conf="$1" _param="$2" _val="$3" if ! grep -q -e "^$_param = " "$_conf" ; then echo "Adding '$_param' into $_conf ..." echo "$_param = $_val" >> "$_conf" fi } function is_top_dir() { [[ "$1" == "$DOCS_DIR" ]] } function generate_name_for_top_dir() { for suffix in '' '.top' '.all' '.master' '_' '__' '___' do _name="$(basename $DOCS_DIR)$suffix" [[ -e "$DOCS_DIR/$_name" ]] && continue echo "$_name" return done echo "Error: cannot find name for top directory [$DOCS_DIR]" exit 1 } function generate_name() { _dir=$1 if is_top_dir "$_dir" ; then _name=$(generate_name_for_top_dir $DOCS_DIR) else _name="${_dir#$DOCS_DIR/}" fi # Replace '/' by '_' echo "${_name////_}" } check_rst_doc $DOCS_DIR if [[ ! -d "$RELENG_DIR" ]] ; then echo "Error: $RELENG_DIR dir not found. See https://wiki.opnfv.org/documentation/tools ." exit 1 fi prepare_src_files find $DOCS_DIR -name $INDEX_RST -printf '%h\n' | while read dir do name=$(generate_name $dir) src="$SRC_DIR/${dir#$DOCS_DIR/}" build="$BUILD_DIR/$name" output="$OUTPUT_DIR/$name" conf="$src/conf.py" echo echo "#################${dir//?/#}" echo "Building DOCS in $dir" echo "#################${dir//?/#}" echo [[ ! -f "$conf" ]] && cp "$default_conf" "$conf" title=$(cd $src; python -c "$get_title_script") latex_conf="[('index', '$name.tex', \"$title\", 'OPNFV', 'manual'),]" add_config "$conf" 'latex_documents' "$latex_conf" add_config "$conf" 'release' "u'$version'" add_config "$conf" 'version' "u'$version'" add_config "$conf" 'project' "u'$project'" add_config "$conf" 'copyright' "u'$(date +%Y), OPNFV'" cp -f $opnfv_logo "$src/opnfv-logo.png" mkdir -p "$output" sphinx-build -b html -t html -E "$src" "$output" # Note: PDF creation may fail in project doc builds. # We allow this build job to be marked as succeeded with # failure in PDF creation, but leave message to fix it. # Any failure has to be fixed before OPNFV B release. { sphinx-build -b latex -t pdf -E "$src" "$build" && \ make -C "$build" LATEXOPTS='--interaction=nonstopmode' all-pdf } && { mv "$build/$name.pdf" "$output" } || { msg="Error: PDF creation for $dir has failed, please fix source rst file(s)." echo echo "$msg" echo [[ -n "$GERRIT_COMMENT" ]] && echo "$msg" >> "$GERRIT_COMMENT" } if is_top_dir "$dir" ; then mv "$output"/* "$OUTPUT_DIR"/ rm -rf "$output" fi done