# Set Deployment Flavor
# OPNFV XCI currently supports 4 different types of flavors:
#   - all in one (aio): 1 opnfv VM which acts as controller and compute node
#   - mini: 3 VMs, 1 opnfv VM deployment host, 1 controller, and 1 compute nodes
#   - noha: 4 VMs, 1 opnfv VM deployment host, 1 controller, and 2 compute nodes
#   - ha: 6 VMs, 1 opnfv VM deployment host, 3 controllers, and 2 compute nodes
# Apart from having different number of nodes, CPU, RAM, and disk allocations
# also differ from each other. Please take a look at the env-vars files for
# each of these flavors.
# Examples:
#   export XCI_FLAVOR="aio"
# or
#   export XCI_FLAVOR="mini"
# or
#   export XCI_FLAVOR="noha"
# or
#   export XCI_FLAVOR="ha"
export XCI_FLAVOR=${XCI_FLAVOR:-aio}

# Set Paths to where git repositories of XCI Components will be cloned
# OPNFV XCI Sandbox is not verified to be used as non-root user as of yet so
# changing these paths might break things.
export OPNFV_RELENG_PATH=/opt/releng
export OPENSTACK_BIFROST_PATH=/opt/bifrost
export OPENSTACK_OSA_PATH=/opt/openstack-ansible

# Set the playbook to use for OpenStack deployment
# The variable can be overriden in order to install additional OpenStack services
# supported by OpenStack Ansible or exclude certain OpenStack services.
export OPNFV_OSA_PLAYBOOK=${OPNFV_OSA_PLAYBOOK:-"$OPENSTACK_OSA_PATH/playbooks/setup-openstack.yml"}

# Configure some other stuff
# Set the verbosity for ansible
# Examples:
# or
export LOG_PATH=${LOG_PATH:-/opt/opnfv/logs}
export RUN_TEMPEST=${RUN_TEMPEST:-false}