############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 Ericsson AB and others. # Author: Jose Lausuch (jose.lausuch@ericsson.com) # George Paraskevopoulos (geopar@intracom-telecom.com) # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## ''' This modules implements the Fuel@OPNFV adapter - host executing this module needs network connectivity to a cluster via: * mcpcontrol network (usually, created by installer); * PXE/admin network; The above are always true for an OPNFV Pharos jumpserver. - key-based SSH auth is used throughout the cluster, without proxy-ing cluster node access via Salt master (old Fuel@OPNFV used to); ''' from yaml import safe_load, YAMLError from opnfv.deployment import manager from opnfv.utils import opnfv_logger as logger from opnfv.utils import ssh_utils LOGGER = logger.Logger(__name__).getLogger() class FuelAdapter(manager.DeploymentHandler): ''' This class extends the generic handler with Fuel@OPNFV specifics ''' def __init__(self, installer_ip, installer_user, pkey_file): super(FuelAdapter, self).__init__(installer='fuel', installer_ip=installer_ip, installer_user=installer_user, installer_pwd=None, pkey_file=pkey_file) def get_nodes(self, options=None): ''' Generates a list of all the nodes in the deployment ''' # Unlike old Fuel@Openstack, we don't keep track of different clusters # explicitly, but through domain names. # For simplicity, we will assume a single cluster per Salt master node. try: # if we have retrieved previously all the nodes, don't do it again # This fails the first time when the constructor calls this method # therefore the try/except if len(self.nodes) > 0: return self.nodes # pylint: disable=bare-except except: pass # Manager roles to reclass properties mapping _map = { 'salt:master:enabled': manager.Role.INSTALLER, 'maas:region:enabled': manager.Role.INSTALLER, 'nova:controller:enabled': manager.Role.CONTROLLER, 'nova:compute:enabled': manager.Role.COMPUTE, 'opendaylight:server:enabled': manager.Role.ODL, } nodes = [] cmd = ("sudo salt '*' pillar.item {} --out yaml --static 2>/dev/null" .format(' '.join(_map.keys() + ['_param:pxe_admin_address']))) # Sample output (for one node): # cmp001.mcp-ovs-noha.local: # _param:pxe_admin_address: # maas:region:enabled: '' # nova:compute:enabled: true # nova:controller:enabled: '' # opendaylight:server:enabled: '' # retcode: 0 # salt:master:enabled: '' output = self.installer_node.run_cmd(cmd) if output.startswith('No minions matched the target'): LOGGER.info('No nodes found in the deployment.') return nodes try: yaml_output = safe_load(output) except YAMLError as exc: LOGGER.error(exc) for node_name in yaml_output.keys(): ip_addr = yaml_output[node_name]['_param:pxe_admin_address'] ssh_client = ssh_utils.get_ssh_client(hostname=ip_addr, username='ubuntu', pkey_file=self.pkey_file) node = manager.Node( id=node_name, ip=ip_addr, name=node_name, status=manager.NodeStatus.STATUS_OK, roles=[_map[x] for x in _map if yaml_output[node_name][x]], ssh_client=ssh_client) nodes.append(node) return nodes def get_openstack_version(self): ''' Returns a string of the openstack version (nova-compute) ''' cmd = ("sudo salt -C 'I@nova:controller and *01*' " "cmd.run 'nova-manage version 2>/dev/null' --out yaml --static") nova_version = self.installer_node.run_cmd(cmd) if nova_version: return nova_version.split(' ')[-1] return None def get_sdn_version(self): ''' Returns a string of the sdn controller and its version, if exists ''' cmd = ("sudo salt -C 'I@opendaylight:server and *01*'" "pkg.version opendaylight --out yaml --static") version = None for node in self.nodes: if manager.Role.ODL in node.roles and node.is_active(): odl_version = self.installer_node.run_cmd(cmd) if odl_version: version = 'OpenDaylight ' + odl_version.split(' ')[-1] break return version def get_deployment_status(self): ''' Returns a string of the status of the deployment ''' # NOTE: Requires Fuel-side signaling of deployment status, stub it return 'active'