# OLD Releng macros - parameter: name: project-parameter parameters: - string: name: PROJECT default: '{project}' description: "JJB configured PROJECT parameter to identify an opnfv Gerrit project" - parameter: name: gerrit-parameter parameters: - string: name: GERRIT_BRANCH default: '{branch}' description: "JJB configured GERRIT_BRANCH parameter" - scm: name: git-scm scm: - git: credentials-id: '{credentials-id}' url: '$GIT_BASE' refspec: '' branches: - 'origin/{branch}' skip-tag: true wipe-workspace: true - scm: name: gerrit-trigger-scm scm: - git: credentials-id: '{credentials-id}' url: '$GIT_BASE' refspec: '{refspec}' branches: - 'origin/$GERRIT_BRANCH' skip-tag: true choosing-strategy: '{choosing-strategy}' - wrapper: name: build-timeout wrappers: - timeout: type: absolute timeout: 360 fail: true - trigger: name: gerrit-trigger-patch-submitted triggers: - gerrit: server-name: 'gerrit.opnfv.org' trigger-on: - patchset-created-event: exclude-drafts: 'false' exclude-trivial-rebase: 'false' exclude-no-code-change: 'false' - draft-published-event - comment-added-contains-event: comment-contains-value: 'recheck' projects: - project-compare-type: 'ANT' project-pattern: '{name}' branches: - branch-compare-type: 'ANT' branch-pattern: '**/{branch}' - trigger: name: gerrit-trigger-patch-merged triggers: - gerrit: server-name: 'gerrit.opnfv.org' trigger-on: - change-merged-event - comment-added-contains-event: comment-contains-value: 'remerge' projects: - project-compare-type: 'ANT' project-pattern: '{name}' branches: - branch-compare-type: 'ANT' branch-pattern: '**/{branch}' - publisher: name: archive-artifacts publishers: - archive: artifacts: '{artifacts}' allow-empty: true fingerprint: true latest-only: true - publisher: name: email-notification publishers: - email-ext: recipients: 'jenkins@lists.opnfv.org' reply-to: content-type: default subject: '{email-prefix} $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS!' body: | $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS: Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the results. unstable: true fixed: true send-to: - developers - recipients - publisher: name: jacoco-report publishers: - jacoco: exec-pattern: "**/**.exec" class-pattern: "**/classes" source-pattern: "**/src/main/java" exclusion-pattern: "**/gen/**,**/generated-sources/**,**/yang-gen**" status-update: true targets: - branch: healthy: 10 unhealthy: 20 - method: healthy: 50 unhealthy: 40 - builder: name: test-macro builders: - shell: 'echo testing macro "test-macro"' - builder: name: wipe-org-opendaylight-repo builders: - shell: 'if [ -d /tmp/r/org/opendaylight ]; then rm -rf /tmp/r/org/opendaylight; fi' - builder: name: jacoco-nojava-workaround builders: - shell: 'mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/target/classes' # New Releng macros - builder: name: build-html-and-pdf-docs-output builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash -e set -o pipefail export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ [[ $GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER =~ .+ ]] _get_title_script=" import os from docutils import core with open('index.rst', 'r') as file: data = file.read() doctree = core.publish_doctree(data, settings_overrides={'report_level': 5, 'halt_level': 5}) print doctree[0].astext()" _git_sha1="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" git clone ssh://gerrit.opnfv.org:29418/releng [[ -d releng ]] find docs/ -name 'index.rst' -printf '%h\n' | while read dir do _name="${dir##*/}" _build="$dir/build" _output="docs/output/$_name" echo echo "#################${dir//?/#}" echo "Building DOCS in $dir" echo "#################${dir//?/#}" echo sed -i "s/_sha1_/$_git_sha1/g" "$dir/index.rst" if [[ ! -f "$dir/conf.py" ]] ; then cp releng/docs/etc/conf.py "$dir/conf.py" _title=$(cd $dir; python -c "$_get_title_script") echo "latex_documents = [('index', '$_name.tex', '$_title', 'OPNFV', 'manual'),]" >> "$dir/conf.py" fi cp -f releng/docs/etc/opnfv-logo.png "$dir/opnfv-logo.png" mkdir -p "$_output" sphinx-build -b html -E "$dir" "$_output" # Note: PDF creation may fail in project doc builds. # We allow this test to be marked as succeeded with # failure in PDF creation, but leave message to fix it. # Any failure has to be fixed before B release. { sphinx-build -b latex -E "$dir" "$_build" make -C "$_build" LATEXOPTS='--interaction=nonstopmode' all-pdf mv "$_build/$_name.pdf" "$_output" } || { _msg="Error: PDF creation for $dir has failed, please fix source rst file(s)." echo echo "$_msg" echo echo "$_msg" >> gerrit_comment.txt } done - builder: name: upload-under-review-docs-to-opnfv-artifacts builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash -e set -o pipefail export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ [[ $GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER =~ .+ ]] [[ -d docs/output ]] echo echo "###########################" echo "UPLOADING DOCS UNDER REVIEW" echo "###########################" echo gs_base="artifacts.opnfv.org/review" gs_path="$gs_base/$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER" local_path="docs/$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER" mv docs/output "$local_path" gsutil -m cp -r "$local_path" "gs://$gs_base" if gsutil ls "gs://$gs_path" | grep -e 'html$' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then gsutil -m setmeta \ -h "Content-Type:text/html" \ -h "Cache-Control:private, max-age=0, no-transform" \ "gs://$gs_path"/**.html fi echo "Document link(s):" >> gerrit_comment.txt find "$local_path" | grep -e 'index.html$' -e 'pdf$' | \ sed -e "s|^$local_path| http://$gs_path|" >> gerrit_comment.txt - builder: name: upload-merged-docs-to-opnfv-artifacts builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash -e set -o pipefail export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ [[ -d docs/output ]] echo echo "#####################" echo "UPLOADING MERGED DOCS" echo "#####################" echo if [[ "$GERRIT_BRANCH" == "master" ]] ; then gs_base="artifacts.opnfv.org/$GERRIT_PROJECT" else gs_base="artifacts.opnfv.org/$GERRIT_PROJECT/$GERRIT_BRANCH" fi gs_path="$gs_base/docs" local_path="docs/docs" mv docs/output "$local_path" gsutil -m cp -r "$local_path" "gs://$gs_base" if gsutil ls "gs://$gs_path" | grep -e 'html$' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then gsutil -m setmeta \ -h "Content-Type:text/html" \ -h "Cache-Control:private, max-age=0, no-transform" \ "gs://$gs_path"/**.html fi echo "Document link(s):" >> gerrit_comment.txt find "$local_path" | grep -e 'index.html$' -e 'pdf$' | \ sed -e "s|^$local_path| http://$gs_path|" >> gerrit_comment.txt - builder: name: report-docs-build-result-to-gerrit builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash -e export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ if [[ -e gerrit_comment.txt ]] ; then echo echo "posting review comment to gerrit..." echo cat gerrit_comment.txt echo ssh -p 29418 gerrit.opnfv.org \ "gerrit review -p $GERRIT_PROJECT \ -m '$(cat gerrit_comment.txt)' \ $GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION" fi - builder: name: remove-old-docs-from-opnfv-artifacts builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash -e export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ [[ $GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER =~ .+ ]] gs_path="artifacts.opnfv.org/review/$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER" if gsutil ls "gs://$gs_path" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo echo "Deleting Out-of-dated Documents..." gsutil -m rm -r "gs://$gs_path" fi - builder: name: upload-review-docs builders: - build-html-and-pdf-docs-output - upload-under-review-docs-to-opnfv-artifacts - report-docs-build-result-to-gerrit - builder: name: upload-merged-docs builders: - build-html-and-pdf-docs-output - upload-merged-docs-to-opnfv-artifacts - report-docs-build-result-to-gerrit - remove-old-docs-from-opnfv-artifacts