- project: name: qtip project: '{name}' jobs: - 'qtip-verify-{stream}' - 'qtip-{installer_type}-{pod}-daily-{stream}' pod: - dell-us-testing-bm-1: node: 'dell-us-testing-bm-1' installer_type: 'fuel' installer_ip: '' - dell-us-deploying-bm-3: node: 'dell-us-deploying-bm-3' installer_type: 'fuel' installer_ip: '' # only master branch is enabled at the moment to keep no of jobs sane stream: - master: branch: 'master' gs-pathname: '' # - brahmaputra: # branch: 'stable/brahmaputra' # gs-pathname: '/brahmaputra' - job-template: name: 'qtip-verify-{stream}' parameters: - project-parameter: project: '{project}' - gerrit-parameter: branch: '{branch}' - 'opnfv-build-defaults' scm: - gerrit-trigger-scm: credentials-id: '{ssh-credentials}' refspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC' choosing-strategy: 'gerrit' triggers: - gerrit: trigger-on: - patchset-created-event: exclude-drafts: 'false' exclude-trivial-rebase: 'false' exclude-no-code-change: 'false' - draft-published-event - comment-added-contains-event: comment-contains-value: 'recheck' - comment-added-contains-event: comment-contains-value: 'reverify' projects: - project-compare-type: 'ANT' project-pattern: '{project}' branches: - branch-compare-type: 'ANT' branch-pattern: '**/{branch}' forbidden-file-paths: - compare-type: ANT pattern: 'docs/**|.gitignore' builders: - shell: | echo "Nothing to verify!" - job-template: name: 'qtip-{installer_type}-{pod}-daily-{stream}' disabled: false node: '{node}' parameters: - project-parameter: project: '{project}' - string: name: INSTALLER_TYPE default: '{installer_type}' description: "Installer name that is used for deployment." - string: name: INSTALLER_IP default: '{installer_ip}' description: "Installer IP" - string: name: NODE_NAME default: '{node}' description: "Name of the POD" - string: name: GIT_BASE default: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/$PROJECT description: "Used for overriding the GIT URL coming from Global Jenkins configuration in case if the stuff is done on none-LF HW." scm: - git-scm: credentials-id: '{ssh-credentials}' refspec: '' branch: master builders: - 'qtip-cleanup' - 'qtip-set-env' - 'qtip-run-suite' triggers: - timed: '0 0,13,15,20 * * *' ########################### #biuilder macros ########################### - builder: name: qtip-set-env builders: - shell: | #!/bin/bash echo "Qtip: Start Docker and prepare environment" envs="INSTALLER_TYPE=${INSTALLER_TYPE} -e INSTALLER_IP=${INSTALLER_IP} -e NODE_NAME=${NODE_NAME}" suite="TEST_CASE=all" docker pull opnfv/qtip:latest cmd=" docker run -id -e $envs -e $suite opnfv/qtip:latest /bin/bash" echo "Qtip: Running docker run command: ${cmd}" ${cmd} docker ps -a container_id=$(docker ps | grep 'opnfv/qtip:latest' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1) if [ $(docker ps | grep 'opnfv/qtip' | wc -l) == 0 ]; then echo "The container opnfv/qtip with ID=${container_id} has not been properly started. Exiting..." exit 1 fi - builder: name: qtip-run-suite builders: - shell: | #! /bin/bash QTIP_REPO=/home/opnfv/repos/qtip docker exec -t ${container_id} $QTIP_REPO/docker/run_qtip.sh - builder: name: qtip-cleanup builders: - shell: | #! /bin/bash echo "Cleaning up QTIP docker containers/images..." # Remove previous running containers if exist if [[ ! -z $(docker ps -a | grep opnfv/qtip) ]]; then echo "Removing existing opnfv/qtip containers..." running_containers= $(docker ps | grep opnfv/qtip | awk '{print $1}') docker stop ${running_containers} all_containers= $(docker ps -a | grep opnfv/qtip | awk '{print $1}') docker rm ${all_containers} fi # Remove existing images if exist if [[ ! -z $(docker images | grep opnfv/qtip) ]]; then echo "Docker images to remove:" docker images | head -1 && docker images | grep opnfv/qtip image_tags=($(docker images | grep opnfv/qtip | awk '{print $2}')) for tag in "${image_tags[@]}"; do echo "Removing docker image opnfv/qtip:$tag..." docker rmi opnfv/qtip:$tag done fi - builder: name: qtip-fetch-os-cred builders: - shell: | echo $HOME echo $WORKSPACE cd $WORKSPACE git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/releng cd $WORKSPACE/releng/utils #./fetch_os_creds.sh #To test the problem with creating the file in $HOME ./fetch_os_creds.sh -d $WORKSPACE/opnfv-stack.sh #To test if the file can be created in $WORKSPACE