- parameter:
    name: 'apex-defaults'
        - string:
            name: INSTALLER_IP
            default: '192.168.X.X'
            description: 'IP of the installer'
        - string:
            name: INSTALLER_TYPE
            default: apex
            description: 'Installer used for deploying OPNFV on this POD'
        - string:
            name: SDN_CONTROLLER
            default: 'nosdn'
            description: 'SDN Controller to use'
        - string:
            name: DEPLOY_SCENARIO
            default: 'none'
            description: 'Scenario to deploy and test'
        - string:
            name: EXTERNAL_NETWORK
            default: 'net04_ext'
            description: 'external network for test'

- parameter:
    name: 'compass-defaults'
        - string:
            name: INSTALLER_IP
            default: ''
            description: 'IP of the installer'
        - string:
            name: INSTALLER_TYPE
            default: compass
            description: 'Installer used for deploying OPNFV on this POD'
        - string:
            name: SDN_CONTROLLER
            default: 'nosdn'
            description: 'SDN Controller to use'
        - string:
            name: DEPLOY_SCENARIO
            default: 'none'
            description: 'Scenario to deploy and test'
        - string:
            name: EXTERNAL_NETWORK
            default: 'ext-net'
            description: 'external network for test'

- parameter:
    name: 'fuel-defaults'
        - string:
            name: INSTALLER_IP
            default: ''
            description: 'IP of the installer'
        - string:
            name: INSTALLER_TYPE
            default: fuel
            description: 'Installer used for deploying OPNFV on this POD'
        - string:
            name: SDN_CONTROLLER
            default: 'nosdn'
            description: 'SDN Controller to use'
        - string:
            name: DEPLOY_SCENARIO
            default: 'none'
            description: 'Scenario to deploy and test'
        - string:
            name: EXTERNAL_NETWORK
            default: 'net04_ext'
            description: 'external network for test'

- parameter:
    name: 'joid-defaults'
        - string:
            name: INSTALLER_IP
            default: '192.168.Y.Y'
            description: 'IP of the installer'
        - string:
            name: INSTALLER_TYPE
            default: joid
            description: 'Installer used for deploying OPNFV on this POD'
        - string:
            name: SDN_CONTROLLER
            default: 'nosdn'
            description: 'SDN Controller to use'
        - string:
            name: DEPLOY_SCENARIO
            default: 'none'
            description: 'Scenario to deploy and test'
        - string:
            name: HA_MODE
            default: 'ha'
            description: 'High Availability mode (ha|nonha)'
        - string:
            name: OS_RELEASE
            default: 'liberty'
            description: 'OpenStack release (kilo|liberty)'
        - string:
            name: EXTERNAL_NETWORK
            default: 'net04_ext'
            description: 'external network for test'
        - string:
            name: CEPH_DISKS
            default: '/srv'
            description: "Disks to use by ceph by default (space separated list)"
        - string:
            name: CEPH_DISKS_CONTROLLERS
            default: ''
            description: "Disks to use by ceph by controllers (empty if same as CEPH_DISKS)"
        - string:
            name: LAB_CONFIG
            default: "$HOME/joid_config"
            description: "Local lab config and Openstack openrc location"
        - string:
            name: CEPH_REFORMAT
            default: 'false'
            description: "Format or not disk before using ceph [true/false] (must be done the first time)"
        - string:
            name: MAAS_REINSTALL
            default: 'false'
            description: "Reinstall MAAS and Bootstrap before deploy [true/false]"