#!/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # log info to console echo "Uploading the $INSTALLER artifact. This could take some time..." echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo # source the opnfv.properties to get ARTIFACT_VERSION source $WORKSPACE/opnfv.properties # upload artifact and additional files to google storage gsutil cp $BUILD_DIRECTORY/opnfv-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.iso gs://$GS_URL/opnfv-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.iso > gsutil.iso.log 2>&1 gsutil cp $WORKSPACE/opnfv.properties gs://$GS_URL/opnfv-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.properties > gsutil.properties.log 2>&1 if [[ ! $GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE = "change-merged" ]]; then gsutil cp $WORKSPACE/opnfv.properties gs://$GS_URL/latest.properties > gsutil.latest.log 2>&1 else echo "Uploaded Fuel ISO for a merged change" fi echo echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "Done!" echo "Artifact is available as http://$GS_URL/opnfv-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.iso"