set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail

if [[ "$JOB_NAME" =~ "merge" ]]; then
    echo "Downloading http://$GS_URL/opnfv-gerrit-$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER.properties"
    # get the properties file for the Fuel ISO built for a merged change
    curl -s -o $WORKSPACE/latest.properties http://$GS_URL/opnfv-gerrit-$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER.properties
    # get the latest.properties file in order to get info regarding latest artifact
    echo "Downloading http://$GS_URL/latest.properties"
    curl -s -o $WORKSPACE/latest.properties http://$GS_URL/latest.properties

# check if we got the file
[[ -f latest.properties ]] || exit 1

# source the file so we get artifact metadata
source latest.properties

# echo the info about artifact that is used during the deployment
echo "Using $OPNFV_ARTIFACT for deployment"

# check if we already have the ISO to avoid redownload
# disabled for the timebeing - needs adjustments
#if [[ -f "$ISO_STORE/$OPNFV_ARTIFACT" ]]; then
#    echo "ISO already exists. Skipping the download"
#    ls -al $WORKSPACE/opnfv.iso
#    exit 0

# log info to console
echo "Downloading the $INSTALLER_TYPE artifact using URL http://$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_URL"
echo "This could take some time..."
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"

# download the file
curl -s -o $WORKSPACE/opnfv.iso http://$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_URL > gsutil.iso.log 2>&1

# list the file
ls -al $WORKSPACE/opnfv.iso

echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Done!"