#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 ZTE Coreporation and others. # hu.zhijiang@zte.com.cn # sun.jing22@zte.com.cn # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## set -o errexit set -o pipefail # use proxy url to replace the nomral URL, for googleusercontent.com will be blocked randomly [[ "$NODE_NAME" =~ (zte) ]] && GS_URL=${GS_BASE_PROXY%%/*}/$GS_URL if [[ "$JOB_NAME" =~ "merge" ]]; then echo "Downloading http://$GS_URL/opnfv-gerrit-$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER.properties" # get the properties file for the Daisy4nfv BIN built for a merged change curl -L -s -o $WORKSPACE/latest.properties http://$GS_URL/opnfv-gerrit-$GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER.properties else # get the latest.properties file in order to get info regarding latest artifact echo "Downloading http://$GS_URL/latest.properties" curl -L -s -o $WORKSPACE/latest.properties http://$GS_URL/latest.properties fi # check if we got the file [[ -f $WORKSPACE/latest.properties ]] || exit 1 # source the file so we get artifact metadata source $WORKSPACE/latest.properties # echo the info about artifact that is used during the deployment OPNFV_ARTIFACT=${OPNFV_ARTIFACT_URL/*\/} echo "Using $OPNFV_ARTIFACT for deployment" [[ "$NODE_NAME" =~ (zte) ]] && OPNFV_ARTIFACT_URL=${GS_BASE_PROXY%%/*}/$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_URL if [[ ! "$JOB_NAME" =~ (verify|merge) ]]; then # check if we already have the image to avoid redownload BINSTORE="/bin_mount/opnfv_ci/${BRANCH##*/}" if [[ -f "$BINSTORE/$OPNFV_ARTIFACT" && ! -z $OPNFV_ARTIFACT_SHA512SUM ]]; then echo "BIN exists locally. Starting to check the sha512sum." if [[ $OPNFV_ARTIFACT_SHA512SUM = $(sha512sum -b $BINSTORE/$OPNFV_ARTIFACT | cut -d' ' -f1) ]]; then echo "Sha512sum is verified. Skipping the download and using the file from BIN store." ln -s $BINSTORE/$OPNFV_ARTIFACT $WORKSPACE/opnfv.bin echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo ls -al $WORKSPACE/opnfv.bin echo echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "Done!" exit 0 fi fi fi # log info to console echo "Downloading the $INSTALLER_TYPE artifact using URL http://$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_URL" echo "This could take some time... Now the time is $(date -u)" echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo # download the file if [[ "$NODE_NAME" =~ (zte) ]] && [ -x "$(command -v aria2c)" ]; then DOWNLOAD_CMD="aria2c -x 3 --allow-overwrite=true -d $WORKSPACE -o opnfv.bin" else DOWNLOAD_CMD="curl -L -s -o $WORKSPACE/opnfv.bin" fi $DOWNLOAD_CMD http://$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_URL > gsutil.bin.log 2>&1 # list the file ls -al $WORKSPACE/opnfv.bin echo echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "Done!"