#!/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail if [ -z "$ARTIFACT_TYPE" ]; then echo "ERROR: ARTIFACT_TYPE not provided...exiting" exit 1 fi # log info to console echo "Uploading the Apex ${ARTIFACT_TYPE} artifact. This could take some time..." echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo # source the opnfv.properties to get ARTIFACT_VERSION source $WORKSPACE/opnfv.properties BUILD_DIRECTORY=${WORKSPACE}/.build # clone releng repository echo "Cloning releng repository..." [ -d releng ] && rm -rf releng git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/releng $WORKSPACE/releng/ &> /dev/null #this is where we import the siging key if [ -f $WORKSPACE/releng/utils/gpg_import_key.sh ]; then source $WORKSPACE/releng/utils/gpg_import_key.sh fi signrpm () { for artifact in $RPM_LIST $SRPM_LIST; do echo "Signing artifact: ${artifact}" gpg2 -vvv --batch --yes --no-tty \ --default-key opnfv-helpdesk@rt.linuxfoundation.org \ --passphrase besteffort \ --detach-sig $artifact gsutil cp "$artifact".sig gs://$GS_URL/$(basename "$artifact".sig) echo "Upload complete for ${artifact} signature" done } signiso () { time gpg2 -vvv --batch --yes --no-tty \ --default-key opnfv-helpdesk@rt.linuxfoundation.org \ --passphrase besteffort \ --detach-sig $BUILD_DIRECTORY/release/OPNFV-CentOS-7-x86_64-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.iso gsutil cp $BUILD_DIRECTORY/release/OPNFV-CentOS-7-x86_64-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.iso.sig gs://$GS_URL/opnfv-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.iso.sig echo "ISO signature Upload Complete!" } uploadiso () { gsutil cp $BUILD_DIRECTORY/release/OPNFV-CentOS-7-x86_64-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.iso gs://$GS_URL/opnfv-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.iso > gsutil.iso.log echo "ISO Upload Complete!" } uploadrpm () { for artifact in $RPM_LIST $SRPM_LIST; do echo "Uploading artifact: ${artifact}" gsutil cp $artifact gs://$GS_URL/$(basename $artifact) > gsutil.iso.log echo "Upload complete for ${artifact}" done gsutil cp $WORKSPACE/opnfv.properties gs://$GS_URL/opnfv-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.properties > gsutil.properties.log gsutil cp $WORKSPACE/opnfv.properties gs://$GS_URL/latest.properties > gsutil.latest.log } uploadsnap () { # Uploads snapshot artifact and updated properties file echo "Uploading snapshot artifacts" SNAP_TYPE=$(echo ${JOB_NAME} | sed -n 's/^apex-\(.\+\)-promote.*$/\1/p') gsutil cp $WORKSPACE/apex-${SNAP_TYPE}-snap-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.tar.gz gs://$GS_URL/ > gsutil.iso.log if [ "$SNAP_TYPE" == 'csit' ]; then gsutil cp $WORKSPACE/snapshot.properties gs://$GS_URL/snapshot.properties > gsutil.latest.log fi echo "Upload complete for Snapshot" } if gpg2 --list-keys | grep "opnfv-helpdesk@rt.linuxfoundation.org"; then echo "Signing Key avaliable" SIGN_ARTIFACT="true" fi if [ "$ARTIFACT_TYPE" == 'snapshot' ]; then uploadsnap elif [ "$ARTIFACT_TYPE" == 'iso' ]; then if [[ -n "$SIGN_ARTIFACT" && "$SIGN_ARTIFACT" == "true" ]]; then signiso fi uploadiso elif [ "$ARTIFACT_TYPE" == 'rpm' ]; then RPM_INSTALL_PATH=$BUILD_DIRECTORY/noarch RPM_LIST=$RPM_INSTALL_PATH/$(basename $OPNFV_RPM_URL) VERSION_EXTENSION=$(echo $(basename $OPNFV_RPM_URL) | sed 's/opnfv-apex-//') for pkg in common undercloud; do # removed onos for danube RPM_LIST+=" ${RPM_INSTALL_PATH}/opnfv-apex-${pkg}-${VERSION_EXTENSION}" done SRPM_INSTALL_PATH=$BUILD_DIRECTORY SRPM_LIST=$SRPM_INSTALL_PATH/$(basename $OPNFV_SRPM_URL) VERSION_EXTENSION=$(echo $(basename $OPNFV_SRPM_URL) | sed 's/opnfv-apex-//') for pkg in common undercloud; do # removed onos for danube SRPM_LIST+=" ${SRPM_INSTALL_PATH}/opnfv-apex-${pkg}-${VERSION_EXTENSION}" done if [[ -n "$SIGN_ARTIFACT" && "$SIGN_ARTIFACT" == "true" ]]; then signrpm fi uploadrpm else echo "ERROR: Unknown artifact type ${ARTIFACT_TYPE} to upload...exiting" exit 1 fi echo echo "--------------------------------------------------------" echo "Done!" if [ "$ARTIFACT_TYPE" == 'iso' ]; then echo "ISO Artifact is available as http://$GS_URL/opnfv-$OPNFV_ARTIFACT_VERSION.iso"; fi if [ "$ARTIFACT_TYPE" == 'rpm' ]; then echo "RPM Artifact is available as http://$GS_URL/$(basename $OPNFV_RPM_URL)"; fi