How to create documentation for your OPNFV project ================================================== this is the directory structure of the docs/ directory that can be found in the root of your project directory .. code-block:: bash ./etc ./etc/opnfv-logo.png ./etc/ ./how-to-use-docs ./how-to-use-docs/documentation-example.rst ./how-to-use-docs/index.rst To create your own documentation, Create any number of directories (depending on your need) and place in each of them an index.rst. This index file must refence your other rst files. * Here is an example index.rst .. code-block:: bash ===================== Example Documentation ===================== Contents: .. toctree:: :numbered: :maxdepth: 4 documentation-example.rst .. Leave these at the bottom of 'index.rst' file Revision: _sha1_ Build date: |today| The Sphinx Build ================ When you push documentation changes to gerrit a jenkins job will create html documentation. * Verify Jobs For verify jobs a link to the documentation will show up as a comment in gerrit for you to see the result. * Merge jobs Once you are happy with the look of your documentation you can submit the patchset the merge job will copy the output of each documentation directory to$project/docs/$name_of_your_folder/index.html Here are some quick examples of how to use rst markup This is a headline:: here is some code, note that it is indented links are easy to add: Here is a link to sphinx, the tool that we are using to generate documetation * Bulleted Items **this will be bold** .. code-block:: bash echo "Heres is a code block with bash syntax highlighting"