From 1610dc693ecee88a4fe5f8a2127e31386c39c923 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SerenaFeng <>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2016 17:10:35 +0800
Subject: Remove Brhamaputra dashboard process from testapi

Now, ELK is the framework used for dashboarding


Change-Id: I51e8bc83e7309a226515f603eb4c468b7e7a69bd
Signed-off-by: SerenaFeng <>
 .../opnfv_testapi/dashboard/            |   8 -
 .../dashboard/             | 199 ---------
 .../opnfv_testapi/dashboard/     |  76 ----
 .../opnfv_testapi/dashboard/    | 105 -----
 .../opnfv_testapi/dashboard/  | 472 ---------------------
 .../opnfv_testapi/dashboard/   | 100 -----
 .../opnfv_testapi/dashboard/      | 121 ------
 .../opnfv_testapi/dashboard/    | 121 ------
 .../opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ | 209 ---------
 .../opnfv_testapi/resources/  | 120 ------
 .../opnfv_testapi/router/           |  10 -
 .../opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/     |  78 ----
 .../tests/unit/           |  20 -
 13 files changed, 1639 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
 delete mode 100755 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
 delete mode 100755 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/resources/
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/
 delete mode 100644 utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/

(limited to 'utils/test')

diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c0c9392..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Orange
-# /
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100755
index f5e3d9a6e..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and other.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# This script is used to build dashboard ready json results
-# It may be used for all the test case of the Bottlenecks project
-# a new method format_<Test_case>_for_dashboard(results)
-# v0.1: basic example with methods for Rubbos.
-import os
-import requests
-import json
-def get_bottlenecks_cases():
-    """
-    get the list of the supported test cases
-    TODO: update the list when adding a new test case for the dashboard
-    """
-    return ["rubbos", "tu1", "tu3"]
-def check_bottlenecks_case_exist(case):
-    """
-    check if the testcase exists
-    if the test case is not defined or not declared in the list
-    return False
-    """
-    bottlenecks_cases = get_bottlenecks_cases()
-    if case is None or case not in bottlenecks_cases:
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-def format_bottlenecks_for_dashboard(case, results):
-    """
-    generic method calling the method corresponding to the test case
-    check that the testcase is properly declared first
-    then build the call to the specific method
-    """
-    if check_bottlenecks_case_exist(case):
-        cmd = "format_" + case + "_for_dashboard"
-        res = globals()[cmd](results)
-    else:
-        res = []
-        print "Test cases not declared"
-    return res
-def format_rubbos_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Rubbos test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Rubbos results'}]
-    # Graph 1:Rubbos maximal throughput
-    # ********************************
-    #new_element = []
-    #for each_result in results:
-    #    throughput_data = [record['throughput'] for record in each_result['details']]
-    #    new_element.append({'x': each_result['start_date'],
-    #                        'y': max(throughput_data)})
-    #test_data.append({'name': "Rubbos max throughput",
-    #                  'info': {'type': "graph",
-    #                           'xlabel': 'time',
-    #                           'ylabel': 'maximal throughput'},
-    #                  'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: Rubbos last record
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    latest_result = results[-1]["details"]
-    for data in latest_result:
-        client_num = int(data["client"])
-        throughput = int(data["throughput"])
-        new_element.append({'x': client_num,
-                            'y': throughput})
-    test_data.append({'name': "Rubbos throughput vs client number",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                      'xlabel': 'client number',
-                      'ylabel': 'throughput'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    return test_data
-def format_tu1_for_dashboard(results):
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Tu-1 performance result'}]
-    line_element = []
-    bar_element = {}
-    last_result = results[-1]["details"]
-    for key in sorted(last_result):
-        bandwith = last_result[key]["Bandwidth"]
-        pktsize = int(key)
-        line_element.append({'x': pktsize,
-                             'y': bandwith * 1000})
-        bar_element[key] = bandwith * 1000
-    # graph1, line
-    test_data.append({'name': "VM2VM max single directional throughput",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'pktsize',
-                               'ylabel': 'bandwith(kpps)'},
-                      'data_set': line_element})
-    # graph2, bar
-    test_data.append({'name': "VM2VM max single directional throughput",
-                      'info': {"type": "bar"},
-                      'data_set': bar_element})
-    return test_data
-def format_tu3_for_dashboard(results):
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Tu-3 performance result'}]
-    new_element = []
-    bar_element = {}
-    last_result = results[-1]["details"]
-    for key in sorted(last_result):
-        bandwith = last_result[key]["Bandwidth"]
-        pktsize = int(key)
-        new_element.append({'x': pktsize,
-                            'y': bandwith * 1000})
-        bar_element[key] = bandwith * 1000
-    # graph1, line
-    test_data.append({'name': "VM2VM max bidirectional throughput",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'pktsize',
-                               'ylabel': 'bandwith(kpps)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # graph2, bar
-    test_data.append({'name': "VM2VM max single directional throughput",
-                      'info': {"type": "bar"},
-                      'data_set': bar_element})
-    return test_data
-############################  For local test  ################################
-def _read_sample_output(filename):
-    curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    output = os.path.join(curr_path, filename)
-    with open(output) as f:
-        sample_output =
-    result = json.loads(sample_output)
-    return result
-# Copy form functest/testcases/Dashboard/
-# and did some minor modification for local test.
-def _get_results(db_url, test_criteria):
-    test_project = test_criteria["project"]
-    testcase = test_criteria["testcase"]
-    # Build headers
-    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
-    # build the request
-    # if criteria is all => remove criteria
-    url = db_url + "/results?project=" + test_project + "&case=" + testcase
-    # Send Request to Test DB
-    myData = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
-    # Get result as a json object
-    myNewData = json.loads(myData.text)
-    # Get results
-    myDataResults = myNewData['test_results']
-    return myDataResults
-#only for local test
-def _test():
-    db_url = ""
-    results = _get_results(db_url, {"project": "bottlenecks", "testcase": "rubbos"})
-    test_result = format_rubbos_for_dashboard(results)
-    print json.dumps(test_result, indent=4)
-    results = _get_results(db_url, {"project": "bottlenecks", "testcase": "tu1"})
-    #results = _read_sample_output("sample")
-    #print json.dumps(results, indent=4)
-    test_result = format_tu1_for_dashboard(results)
-    print json.dumps(test_result, indent=4)
-    results = _get_results(db_url, {"project": "bottlenecks", "testcase": "tu3"})
-    test_result = format_tu3_for_dashboard(results)
-    print json.dumps(test_result, indent=4)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    _test()
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c635846..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Orange
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# This script is used to retieve data from test DB
-# and format them into a json format adapted for a dashboard
-# v0.1: basic example
-import re
-import sys
-from functest2Dashboard import format_functest_for_dashboard, \
-    check_functest_case_exist
-from yardstick2Dashboard import format_yardstick_for_dashboard, \
-    check_yardstick_case_exist
-from vsperf2Dashboard import format_vsperf_for_dashboard, \
-    check_vsperf_case_exist
-from bottlenecks2Dashboard import format_bottlenecks_for_dashboard, \
-    check_bottlenecks_case_exist
-from qtip2Dashboard import format_qtip_for_dashboard, \
-    check_qtip_case_exist
-from promise2Dashboard import format_promise_for_dashboard, \
-    check_promise_case_exist
-from doctor2Dashboard import format_doctor_for_dashboard, \
-    check_doctor_case_exist
-# any project test project wishing to provide dashboard ready values
-# must include at least 2 methods
-# - format_<Project>_for_dashboard
-# - check_<Project>_case_exist
-def check_dashboard_ready_project(test_project):
-    # Check that the first param corresponds to a project
-    # for whoch dashboard processing is available
-    # print("test_project: %s" % test_project)
-    project_module = 'opnfv_testapi.dashboard.'+test_project + '2Dashboard'
-    return True if project_module in sys.modules else False
-def check_dashboard_ready_case(project, case):
-    cmd = "check_" + project + "_case_exist"
-    return globals()[cmd](case)
-def get_dashboard_projects():
-    # Retrieve all the projects that could provide
-    # Dashboard ready graphs
-    # look in the releng repo
-    # search all the files
-    # we assume that dashboard processing of project <Project>
-    # is performed in the <Project> file
-    projects = []
-    cp = re.compile('opnfv_testapi\.dashboard\.(.+?)2Dashboard')
-    for module in sys.modules:
-        project = re.findall(cp, module)
-        if project:
-            projects.extend(project)
-    return projects
-def get_dashboard_result(project, case, results=None):
-    # get the dashboard ready results
-    # paramters are:
-    # project: project name
-    # results: array of raw results pre-filterded
-    # according to the parameters of the request
-    cmd = "format_" + project + "_for_dashboard"
-    return globals()[cmd](case, results)
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1f190a9..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- #!/usr/bin/python
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Orange
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# This script is used to build dashboard ready json results
-# It may be used for all the test case of the Doctor project
-# a new method format_<Test_case>_for_dashboard(results)
-import re
-import datetime
-def get_doctor_cases():
-    """
-    get the list of the supported test cases
-    TODO: update the list when adding a new test case for the dashboard
-    """
-    return ["doctor-notification","doctor-mark-down"]
-def format_doctor_for_dashboard(case, results):
-    """
-    generic method calling the method corresponding to the test case
-    check that the testcase is properly declared first
-    then build the call to the specific method
-    """
-    if check_doctor_case_exist(case):
-        # note we add _case because testcase and project had the same name
-        # TODO refactoring...looks fine at the beginning wit only 1 project
-        # not very ugly now and clearly not optimized...
-        cmd = "format_" + case.replace('-','_') + "_case_for_dashboard"
-        res = globals()[cmd](results)
-    else:
-        res = []
-    return res
-def check_doctor_case_exist(case):
-    """
-    check if the testcase exists
-    if the test case is not defined or not declared in the list
-    return False
-    """
-    doctor_cases = get_doctor_cases()
-    if (case is None or case not in doctor_cases):
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-def format_doctor_mark_down_case_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the doctor test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'doctor-mark-down results for Dashboard'}]
-    return test_data
-def format_doctor_notification_case_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the doctor-notification test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'doctor results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: (duration)=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    # default duration 0:00:08.999904
-    # consider only seconds => 09
-    for data in results:
-        t = data['details']['duration']
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y': t})
-    test_data.append({'name': "doctor-notification duration ",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time (s)',
-                               'ylabel': 'duration (s)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: bar
-    # ************
-    nbTest = 0
-    nbTestOk = 0
-    for data in results:
-        nbTest += 1
-        if data['details']['status'] == "OK":
-            nbTestOk += 1
-    test_data.append({'name': "doctor-notification status",
-                      'info': {"type": "bar"},
-                      'data_set': [{'Nb tests': nbTest,
-                                    'Nb Success': nbTestOk}]})
-    return test_data
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100644
index 01697f73b..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Orange
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# This script is used to build dashboard ready json results
-# It may be used for all the test case of the Functest project
-# a new method format_<Test_case>_for_dashboard(results)
-# v0.1: basic example with methods for odl, Tempest, Rally and vPing
-import datetime
-import re
-def get_functest_cases():
-    """
-    get the list of the supported test cases
-    TODO: update the list when adding a new test case for the dashboard
-    """
-    return ["status", "vPing", "vPing_userdata", "vIMS", "Tempest", "ODL",
-            "ONOS", "Rally"]
-def format_functest_for_dashboard(case, results):
-    """
-    generic method calling the method corresponding to the test case
-    check that the testcase is properly declared first
-    then build the call to the specific method
-    """
-    if check_functest_case_exist(case):
-        cmd = "format_" + case + "_for_dashboard"
-        res = globals()[cmd](results)
-    else:
-        res = []
-        print "Test cases not declared"
-    return res
-def check_functest_case_exist(case):
-    """
-    check if the testcase exists
-    if the test case is not defined or not declared in the list
-    return False
-    """
-    functest_cases = get_functest_cases()
-    if (case is None or case not in functest_cases):
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-def format_status_for_dashboard(results):
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Functest status'}]
-    # define magic equation for the status....
-    # 5 suites: vPing, odl, Tempest, vIMS, Rally
-    # Which overall KPI make sense...
-    # TODO to be done and discussed
-    testcases = get_functest_cases()
-    test_data.append({'nb test suite(s) run': len(testcases)-1})
-    test_data.append({'vPing': '100%'})
-    test_data.append({'VIM status': '82%'})
-    test_data.append({'SDN Controllers': {'odl': '92%',
-                                          'onos': '95%',
-                                          'ocl': '93%'}})
-    test_data.append({'VNF deployment': '95%'})
-    return test_data
-def format_vIMS_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the vIMS test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'vIMS results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: (duration_deployment_orchestrator,
-    #            duration_deployment_vnf,
-    #             duration_test) = f(time)
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y1': data['details']['orchestrator']['duration'],
-                            'y2': data['details']['vIMS']['duration'],
-                            'y3': data['details']['sig_test']['duration']})
-    test_data.append({'name': "vIMS orchestrator/VNF/test duration",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'orchestation deployment duration',
-                               'y2label': 'vIMS deployment duration',
-                               'y3label': 'vIMS test duration'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: (Nb test, nb failure, nb skipped)=f(time)
-    # **************************************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        # Retrieve all the tests
-        nbTests = 0
-        nbFailures = 0
-        nbSkipped = 0
-        vIMS_test = data['details']['sig_test']['result']
-        for data_test in vIMS_test:
-            # Calculate nb of tests run and nb of tests failed
-            # vIMS_results = get_vIMSresults(vIMS_test)
-            # print vIMS_results
-            try:
-                if data_test['result'] == "Passed":
-                    nbTests += 1
-                elif data_test['result'] == "Failed":
-                    nbFailures += 1
-                elif data_test['result'] == "Skipped":
-                    nbSkipped += 1
-            except:
-                nbTests = 0
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y1': nbTests,
-                            'y2': nbFailures,
-                            'y3': nbSkipped})
-    test_data.append({'name': "vIMS nb tests passed/failed/skipped",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'Number of tests passed',
-                               'y2label': 'Number of tests failed',
-                               'y3label': 'Number of tests skipped'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 3: bar graph Summ(nb tests run), Sum (nb tests failed)
-    # ********************************************************
-    nbTests = 0
-    nbFailures = 0
-    for data in results:
-        vIMS_test = data['details']['sig_test']['result']
-        for data_test in vIMS_test:
-            nbTestsOK = 0
-            nbTestsKO = 0
-            try:
-                if data_test['result'] == "Passed":
-                    nbTestsOK += 1
-                elif data_test['result'] == "Failed":
-                    nbTestsKO += 1
-            except:
-                nbTestsOK = 0
-            nbTests += nbTestsOK + nbTestsKO
-            nbFailures += nbTestsKO
-    test_data.append({'name': "Total number of tests run/failure tests",
-                      'info': {"type": "bar"},
-                      'data_set': [{'Run': nbTests,
-                                    'Failed': nbFailures}]})
-    return test_data
-def format_Tempest_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Tempest test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Tempest results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: Test_Duration = f(time)
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y': data['details']['duration']})
-    test_data.append({'name': "Tempest duration",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'ylabel': 'duration (s)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: (Nb test, nb failure)=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y1': data['details']['tests'],
-                            'y2': data['details']['failures']})
-    test_data.append({'name': "Tempest nb tests/nb failures",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'Number of tests',
-                               'y2label': 'Number of failures'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 3: bar graph Summ(nb tests run), Sum (nb tests failed)
-    # ********************************************************
-    nbTests = 0
-    nbFailures = 0
-    for data in results:
-        nbTests += data['details']['tests']
-        nbFailures += data['details']['failures']
-    test_data.append({'name': "Total number of tests run/failure tests",
-                      'info': {"type": "bar"},
-                      'data_set': [{'Run': nbTests,
-                                    'Failed': nbFailures}]})
-    # Graph 4: (Success rate)=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        try:
-            diff = (int(data['details']['tests']) - int(data['details']['failures']))
-            success_rate = 100*diff/int(data['details']['tests'])
-        except:
-            success_rate = 0
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y1': success_rate})
-    test_data.append({'name': "Tempest success rate",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'Success rate'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    return test_data
-def format_ODL_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the ODL test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'ODL results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: (Nb test, nb failure)=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        odl_results = data['details']['details']
-        nbFailures = 0
-        for odl in odl_results:
-            if (odl['test_status']['@status'] == "FAIL"):
-                nbFailures += 1
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y1': len(odl_results),
-                            'y2': nbFailures})
-    test_data.append({'name': "ODL nb tests/nb failures",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'Number of tests',
-                               'y2label': 'Number of failures'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    return test_data
-def format_ONOS_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the odl test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'ONOS results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: (duration FUNCvirtNet)=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    # default duration 0:00:08.999904
-    # consider only seconds => 09
-    for data in results:
-        t = data['details']['FUNCvirNet']['duration']
-        h, m, s = re.split(':', t)
-        s = round(float(s))
-        new_duration = int(datetime.timedelta(hours=int(h),
-                                              minutes=int(m),
-                                              seconds=int(s)).total_seconds())
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y': new_duration})
-    test_data.append({'name': "ONOS FUNCvirNet duration ",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time (s)',
-                               'ylabel': 'duration (s)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: (Nb test, nb failure)FuncvirtNet=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        onos_results = data['details']['FUNCvirNet']['status']
-        nbFailures = 0
-        for onos in onos_results:
-            if (onos['Case result'] == "FAIL"):
-                nbFailures += 1
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y1': len(onos_results),
-                            'y2': nbFailures})
-    test_data.append({'name': "ONOS FUNCvirNet nb tests/nb failures",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'Number of tests',
-                               'y2label': 'Number of failures'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 3: (duration FUNCvirtNetL3)=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    # default duration 0:00:08.999904
-    # consider only seconds => 09
-    for data in results:
-        t = data['details']['FUNCvirNetL3']['duration']
-        h, m, s = re.split(':', t)
-        s = round(float(s))
-        new_duration = int(datetime.timedelta(hours=int(h),
-                                              minutes=int(m),
-                                              seconds=int(s)).total_seconds())
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y': new_duration})
-    test_data.append({'name': "ONOS FUNCvirNetL3 duration",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time (s)',
-                               'ylabel': 'duration (s)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 4: (Nb test, nb failure)FuncvirtNetL3=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        onos_results = data['details']['FUNCvirNetL3']['status']
-        nbFailures = 0
-        for onos in onos_results:
-            if (onos['Case result'] == "FAIL"):
-                nbFailures += 1
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y1': len(onos_results),
-                            'y2': nbFailures})
-    test_data.append({'name': "ONOS FUNCvirNetL3 nb tests/nb failures",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'Number of tests',
-                               'y2label': 'Number of failures'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    return test_data
-def format_Rally_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Rally test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Rally results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: Test_Duration = f(time)
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        summary_cursor = len(data['details']) - 1
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y': int(data['details'][summary_cursor]['summary']['duration'])})
-    test_data.append({'name': "rally duration",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'ylabel': 'duration (s)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: Success rate = f(time)
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y': float(data['details'][summary_cursor]['summary']['nb success'])})
-    test_data.append({'name': "rally success rate",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'ylabel': 'success rate (%)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    return test_data
-def format_vPing_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the vPing test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'vPing results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: Test_Duration = f(time)
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y': data['details']['duration']})
-    test_data.append({'name': "vPing duration",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'ylabel': 'duration (s)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: bar
-    # ************
-    nbTest = 0
-    nbTestOk = 0
-    for data in results:
-        nbTest += 1
-        if data['details']['status'] == "OK":
-            nbTestOk += 1
-    test_data.append({'name': "vPing status",
-                      'info': {"type": "bar"},
-                      'data_set': [{'Nb tests': nbTest,
-                                    'Nb Success': nbTestOk}]})
-    return test_data
-def format_vPing_userdata_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the vPing_userdata test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'vPing_userdata results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: Test_Duration = f(time)
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y': data['details']['duration']})
-    test_data.append({'name': "vPing_userdata duration",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'ylabel': 'duration (s)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: bar
-    # ************
-    nbTest = 0
-    nbTestOk = 0
-    for data in results:
-        nbTest += 1
-        if data['details']['status'] == "OK":
-            nbTestOk += 1
-    test_data.append({'name': "vPing_userdata status",
-                      'info': {"type": "bar"},
-                      'data_set': [{'Nb tests': nbTest,
-                                    'Nb Success': nbTestOk}]})
-    return test_data
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100644
index c96341f6d..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- #!/usr/bin/python
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Orange
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# This script is used to build dashboard ready json results
-# It may be used for all the test case of the Promise project
-# a new method format_<Test_case>_for_dashboard(results)
-# v0.1: basic example with methods for odl, Tempest, Rally and vPing
-def get_promise_cases():
-    """
-    get the list of the supported test cases
-    TODO: update the list when adding a new test case for the dashboard
-    """
-    return ["promise"]
-def format_promise_for_dashboard(case, results):
-    """
-    generic method calling the method corresponding to the test case
-    check that the testcase is properly declared first
-    then build the call to the specific method
-    """
-    if check_promise_case_exist(case):
-        # note we add _case because testcase and project had the same name
-        # TODO refactoring...looks fine at the beginning wit only 1 project
-        # not very ugly now and clearly not optimized...
-        cmd = "format_" + case + "_case_for_dashboard"
-        res = globals()[cmd](results)
-    else:
-        res = []
-        print "Test cases not declared"
-    return res
-def check_promise_case_exist(case):
-    """
-    check if the testcase exists
-    if the test case is not defined or not declared in the list
-    return False
-    """
-    promise_cases = get_promise_cases()
-    if (case is None or case not in promise_cases):
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-def format_promise_case_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the promise test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Promise results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: (duration)=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    # default duration 0:00:08.999904
-    # consider only seconds => 09
-    for data in results:
-        t = data['details']['duration']
-        new_element.append({'x': data['creation_date'],
-                            'y': t})
-    test_data.append({'name': "Promise duration ",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time (s)',
-                               'ylabel': 'duration (s)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: (Nb test, nb failure)=f(time)
-    # ***************************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        promise_results = data['details']
-        new_element.append({'x': data['creation_date'],
-                            'y1': promise_results['tests'],
-                            'y2': promise_results['failures']})
-    test_data.append({'name': "Promise nb tests/nb failures",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'Number of tests',
-                               'y2label': 'Number of failures'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    return test_data
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ceccd374..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Dell Inc  and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-def get_qtip_cases():
-    """
-    get the list of the supported test cases
-    TODO: update the list when adding a new test case for the dashboard
-    """
-    return ["compute_test_suite","storage_test_suite","network_test_suite"]
-def check_qtip_case_exist(case):
-    """
-    check if the testcase exists
-    if the test case is not defined or not declared in the list
-    return False
-    """
-    qtip_cases = get_qtip_cases()
-    if (case is None or case not in qtip_cases):
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-def format_qtip_for_dashboard(case, results):
-    """
-    generic method calling the method corresponding to the test case
-    check that the testcase is properly declared first
-    then build the call to the specific method
-    """
-    if check_qtip_case_exist(case):
-        res = format_common_for_dashboard(case, results)
-    else:
-        res = []
-        print "Test cases not declared"
-    return res
-def format_common_for_dashboard(case, results):
-    """
-    Common post processing
-    """
-    test_data_description = case + " results for Dashboard"
-    test_data = [{'description': test_data_description}]
-    graph_name = ''
-    if "network_test_suite" in case:
-        graph_name = "Throughput index"
-    else:
-        graph_name = "Index"
-    # Graph 1:
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    for date, index in results:
-        new_element.append({'x': date,
-                            'y1': index,
-                            })
-    test_data.append({'name': graph_name,
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'Index Number'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    return test_data
-############################  For local test  ################################
-import os
-import requests
-import json
-from collections import defaultdict
-def _get_results(db_url, testcase):
-    testproject = testcase["project"]
-    testcase = testcase["testcase"]
-    resultarray = defaultdict()
-    #header
-    header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
-    #url
-    url = db_url + "/results?project="+testproject+"&case="+testcase
-    data = requests.get(url,header)
-    datajson = data.json()
-    for x in range(0, len(datajson['test_results'])):
-        rawresults = datajson['test_results'][x]['details']
-        index = rawresults['index']
-        resultarray[str(datajson['test_results'][x]['start_date'])]=index
-    return resultarray
-def _test():
-    db_url = ""
-    raw_result = defaultdict()
-    raw_result = _get_results(db_url, {"project": "qtip", "testcase": "compute_test_suite"})
-    resultitems= raw_result.items()
-    result = format_qtip_for_dashboard("compute_test_suite", resultitems)
-    print result
-    raw_result = _get_results(db_url, {"project": "qtip", "testcase": "storage_test_suite"})
-    resultitems= raw_result.items()
-    result = format_qtip_for_dashboard("storage_test_suite", resultitems)
-    print result
-    raw_result = _get_results(db_url, {"project": "qtip", "testcase": "network_test_suite"})
-    resultitems= raw_result.items()
-    result = format_qtip_for_dashboard("network_test_suite", resultitems)
-    print result
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    _test()
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a6882da4..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"),
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-def get_vsperf_cases():
-    """
-    get the list of the supported test cases
-    TODO: update the list when adding a new test case for the dashboard
-    """
-    return ["tput_ovsdpdk", "tput_ovs",
-            "b2b_ovsdpdk", "b2b_ovs",
-            "tput_mod_vlan_ovsdpdk", "tput_mod_vlan_ovs",
-            "cont_ovsdpdk", "cont_ovs",
-            "pvp_cont_ovsdpdkuser", "pvp_cont_ovsdpdkcuse", "pvp_cont_ovsvirtio",
-            "pvvp_cont_ovsdpdkuser", "pvvp_cont_ovsdpdkcuse", "pvvp_cont_ovsvirtio",
-            "scalability_ovsdpdk", "scalability_ovs",
-            "pvp_tput_ovsdpdkuser", "pvp_tput_ovsdpdkcuse", "pvp_tput_ovsvirtio",
-            "pvp_b2b_ovsdpdkuser", "pvp_b2b_ovsdpdkcuse", "pvp_b2b_ovsvirtio",
-            "pvvp_tput_ovsdpdkuser", "pvvp_tput_ovsdpdkcuse", "pvvp_tput_ovsvirtio",
-            "pvvp_b2b_ovsdpdkuser", "pvvp_b2b_ovsdpdkcuse", "pvvp_b2b_ovsvirtio",
-            "cpu_load_ovsdpdk", "cpu_load_ovs",
-            "mem_load_ovsdpdk", "mem_load_ovs"]
-def check_vsperf_case_exist(case):
-    """
-    check if the testcase exists
-    if the test case is not defined or not declared in the list
-    return False
-    """
-    vsperf_cases = get_vsperf_cases()
-    if (case is None or case not in vsperf_cases):
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-def format_vsperf_for_dashboard(case, results):
-    """
-    generic method calling the method corresponding to the test case
-    check that the testcase is properly declared first
-    then build the call to the specific method
-    """
-    if check_vsperf_case_exist(case):
-        res = format_common_for_dashboard(case, results)
-    else:
-        res = []
-        print "Test cases not declared"
-    return res
-def format_common_for_dashboard(case, results):
-    """
-    Common post processing
-    """
-    test_data_description = case + " results for Dashboard"
-    test_data = [{'description': test_data_description}]
-    graph_name = ''
-    if "b2b" in case:
-        graph_name = "B2B frames"
-    else:
-        graph_name = "Rx frames per second"
-    # Graph 1: Rx fps = f(time)
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y1': data['details']['64'],
-                            'y2': data['details']['128'],
-                            'y3': data['details']['512'],
-                            'y4': data['details']['1024'],
-                            'y5': data['details']['1518']})
-    test_data.append({'name': graph_name,
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'y1label': 'frame size 64B',
-                               'y2label': 'frame size 128B',
-                               'y3label': 'frame size 512B',
-                               'y4label': 'frame size 1024B',
-                               'y5label': 'frame size 1518B'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    return test_data
-############################  For local test  ################################
-import os
-def _test():
-    ans = [{'start_date': '2015-09-12', 'project_name': 'vsperf', 'version': 'ovs_master', 'pod_name': 'pod1-vsperf', 'case_name': 'tput_ovsdpdk', 'installer': 'build_sie', 'details': {'64': '26.804', '1024': '1097.284', '512': '178.137', '1518': '12635.860', '128': '100.564'}},
-           {'start_date': '2015-09-33', 'project_name': 'vsperf', 'version': 'ovs_master', 'pod_name': 'pod1-vsperf', 'case_name': 'tput_ovsdpdk', 'installer': 'build_sie', 'details': {'64': '16.804', '1024': '1087.284', '512': '168.137', '1518': '12625.860', '128': '99.564'}}]
-    result = format_vsperf_for_dashboard("pvp_cont_ovsdpdkcuse", ans)
-    print result
-    result = format_vsperf_for_dashboard("b2b_ovsdpdk", ans)
-    print result
-    result = format_vsperf_for_dashboard("non_existing", ans)
-    print result
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    _test()
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4df4b5007..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/dashboard/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and other.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# This script is used to build dashboard ready json results
-# It may be used for all the test case of the Yardstick project
-# a new method format_<Test_case>_for_dashboard(results)
-# v0.1: basic example with methods for Ping, Iperf, Netperf, Pktgen,
-#       Fio, Lmbench, Perf, Cyclictest.
-def get_yardstick_cases():
-    """
-    get the list of the supported test cases
-    TODO: update the list when adding a new test case for the dashboard
-    """
-    return ["Ping", "Iperf", "Netperf", "Pktgen", "Fio", "Lmbench",
-            "Perf", "Cyclictest"]
-def format_yardstick_for_dashboard(case, results):
-    """
-    generic method calling the method corresponding to the test case
-    check that the testcase is properly declared first
-    then build the call to the specific method
-    """
-    if check_yardstick_case_exist(case):
-        cmd = "format_" + case + "_for_dashboard"
-        res = globals()[cmd](results)
-    else:
-        res = []
-        print "Test cases not declared"
-    return res
-def check_yardstick_case_exist(case):
-    """
-    check if the testcase exists
-    if the test case is not defined or not declared in the list
-    return False
-    """
-    yardstick_cases = get_yardstick_cases()
-    if (case is None or case not in yardstick_cases):
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-def _get_test_status_bar(results):
-    nbTest = 0
-    nbTestOk = 0
-    for data in results:
-        nbTest += 1
-        records = [record for record in data['details']
-                          if "benchmark" in record
-                             and record["benchmark"]["errors"] != ""]
-        if len(records) == 0:
-            nbTestOk += 1
-    return nbTest, nbTestOk
-def format_Ping_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Ping test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Ping results for Dashboard'}]
-    # Graph 1: Test_Duration = f(time)
-    # ********************************
-    new_element = []
-    for data in results:
-        records = [record["benchmark"]["data"]["rtt"]
-                    for record in data['details']
-                        if "benchmark" in record]
-        avg_rtt = sum(records) / len(records)
-        new_element.append({'x': data['start_date'],
-                            'y': avg_rtt})
-    test_data.append({'name': "ping duration",
-                      'info': {'type': "graph",
-                               'xlabel': 'time',
-                               'ylabel': 'duration (s)'},
-                      'data_set': new_element})
-    # Graph 2: bar
-    # ************
-    nbTest, nbTestOk = _get_test_status_bar(results)
-    test_data.append({'name': "ping status",
-                      'info': {"type": "bar"},
-                      'data_set': [{'Nb tests': nbTest,
-                                    'Nb Success': nbTestOk}]})
-    return test_data
-def format_iperf_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Iperf test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Iperf results for Dashboard'}]
-    return test_data
-def format_netperf_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Netperf test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Netperf results for Dashboard'}]
-    return test_data
-def format_pktgen_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Pktgen test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Pktgen results for Dashboard'}]
-    return test_data
-def format_fio_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Fio test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Fio results for Dashboard'}]
-    return test_data
-def format_lmbench_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Lmbench test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Lmbench results for Dashboard'}]
-    return test_data
-def format_perf_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Perf test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Perf results for Dashboard'}]
-    return test_data
-def format_cyclictest_for_dashboard(results):
-    """
-    Post processing for the Cyclictest test case
-    """
-    test_data = [{'description': 'Cyclictest results for Dashboard'}]
-    return test_data
-############################  For local test  ################################
-import json
-import os
-import requests
-def _read_sample_output(filename):
-    curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    output = os.path.join(curr_path, filename)
-    with open(output) as f:
-        sample_output =
-    result = json.loads(sample_output)
-    return result
-# Copy form functest/testcases/Dashboard/
-# and did some minor modification for local test.
-def _get_results(db_url, test_criteria):
-    test_project = test_criteria["project"]
-    testcase = test_criteria["testcase"]
-    # Build headers
-    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
-    # build the request
-    # if criteria is all => remove criteria
-    url = db_url + "/results?project=" + test_project + "&case=" + testcase
-    # Send Request to Test DB
-    myData = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
-    # Get result as a json object
-    myNewData = json.loads(myData.text)
-    # Get results
-    myDataResults = myNewData['test_results']
-    return myDataResults
-def _test():
-    db_url = ""
-    result = _get_results(db_url,
-        {"project": "yardstick", "testcase": "Ping"})
-    print format_ping_for_dashboard(result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    _test()
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/resources/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index 303e8d164..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Orange
-# /
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-from tornado.web import HTTPError
-from opnfv_testapi.common.constants import HTTP_NOT_FOUND
-from opnfv_testapi.dashboard.dashboard_utils import \
-    check_dashboard_ready_project, check_dashboard_ready_case, \
-    get_dashboard_result, get_dashboard_projects
-from opnfv_testapi.resources.result_handlers import GenericResultHandler
-from opnfv_testapi.resources.result_models import TestResult
-from opnfv_testapi.tornado_swagger import swagger
-class GenericDashboardHandler(GenericResultHandler):
-    def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs):
-        super(GenericDashboardHandler, self).__init__(application,
-                                                      request,
-                                                      **kwargs)
-        self.table = self.db_results
-        self.table_cls = TestResult
-class DashboardHandler(GenericDashboardHandler):
-    @swagger.operation(nickname='query')
-    def get(self):
-        """
-            @description: Retrieve dashboard ready result(s)
-                          for a test project
-            @notes: Retrieve dashboard ready result(s) for a test project
-                Available filters for this request are :
-                 - project : project name
-                 - case : case name
-                 - pod : pod name
-                 - version : platform version (Arno-R1, ...)
-                 - installer (fuel, ...)
-                 - period : x (x last days)
-                GET /dashboard?project=functest&case=vPing&version=Colorado \
-                &pod=pod_name&period=15
-            @rtype: L{string}
-            @param pod: pod name
-            @type pod: L{string}
-            @in pod: query
-            @required pod: False
-            @param project: project name
-            @type project: L{string}
-            @in project: query
-            @required project: True
-            @param case: case name
-            @type case: L{string}
-            @in case: query
-            @required case: True
-            @param version: i.e. Colorado
-            @type version: L{string}
-            @in version: query
-            @required version: False
-            @param installer: fuel/apex/joid/compass
-            @type installer: L{string}
-            @in installer: query
-            @required installer: False
-            @param period: last days
-            @type period: L{string}
-            @in period: query
-            @required period: False
-            @return 200: test result exist
-            @raise 400: period is not in
-            @raise 404: project or case name missing,
-                        or project or case is not dashboard ready
-        """
-        project_arg = self.get_query_argument("project", None)
-        case_arg = self.get_query_argument("case", None)
-        # on /dashboard retrieve the list of projects and testcases
-        # ready for dashboard
-        if project_arg is None:
-            raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Project name missing")
-        if not check_dashboard_ready_project(project_arg):
-            raise HTTPError(HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
-                            'Project [{}] not dashboard ready'
-                            .format(project_arg))
-        if case_arg is None:
-            raise HTTPError(
-                HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
-                'Test case missing for project [{}]'.format(project_arg))
-        if not check_dashboard_ready_case(project_arg, case_arg):
-            raise HTTPError(
-                HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
-                'Test case [{}] not dashboard ready for project [{}]'
-                .format(case_arg, project_arg))
-        # special case of status for project
-        if case_arg == 'status':
-            self.finish_request(get_dashboard_result(project_arg, case_arg))
-        else:
-            def get_result(res, project, case):
-                return get_dashboard_result(project, case, res)
-            self._list(self.set_query(), get_result, project_arg, case_arg)
-class DashboardProjectsHandler(GenericDashboardHandler):
-    @swagger.operation(nickname='list')
-    def get(self):
-        """
-            @description: Retrieve dashboard ready project(s)
-            @rtype: L{list}
-            @return 200: return all dashboard ready project(s)
-        """
-        self.finish_request(get_dashboard_projects())
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/router/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/router/
index 695c27de1..eb648ecbb 100644
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/router/
+++ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/router/
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ from opnfv_testapi.resources.project_handlers import ProjectCLHandler, \
 from opnfv_testapi.resources.result_handlers import ResultsCLHandler, \
-from opnfv_testapi.resources.dashboard_handlers import DashboardHandler, \
-    DashboardProjectsHandler
 mappings = [
@@ -47,12 +45,4 @@ mappings = [
     # (project, case, and pod)
     (r"/api/v1/results", ResultsCLHandler),
     (r"/api/v1/results/([^/]+)", ResultsGURHandler),
-    # Method to manage Dashboard ready results
-    # GET /dashboard?project=functest&case=vPing&pod=opnfv-jump2
-    #  => get results in dasboard ready format
-    # get /dashboard
-    #  => get the list of project with dashboard ready results
-    (r"/dashboard/v1/results", DashboardHandler),
-    (r"/dashboard/v1/projects", DashboardProjectsHandler),
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 27ec76385..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 ZTE Corporation
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-import unittest
-from opnfv_testapi.common.constants import HTTP_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_OK
-from test_result import TestResultBase
-class TestDashboardBase(TestResultBase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestDashboardBase, self).setUp()
-        self.basePath = '/dashboard/v1/results'
-        self.create_help('/api/v1/results', self.req_d)
-        self.create_help('/api/v1/results', self.req_d)
-        self.list_res = None
-class TestDashboardQuery(TestDashboardBase):
-    def test_projectMissing(self):
-        code, body = self.query(self._set_query(project='missing'))
-        self.assertEqual(code, HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
-        self.assertIn('Project name missing', body)
-    def test_projectNotReady(self):
-        code, body = self.query(self._set_query(project='notReadyProject'))
-        self.assertEqual(code, HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
-        self.assertIn('Project [notReadyProject] not dashboard ready', body)
-    def test_testcaseMissing(self):
-        code, body = self.query(self._set_query(case='missing'))
-        self.assertEqual(code, HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
-        self.assertIn('Test case missing for project [{}]'
-                      .format(self.project),
-                      body)
-    def test_testcaseNotReady(self):
-        code, body = self.query(self._set_query(case='notReadyCase'))
-        self.assertEqual(code, HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
-        self.assertIn(
-            'Test case [notReadyCase] not dashboard ready for project [%s]'
-            % self.project,
-            body)
-    def test_success(self):
-        code, body = self.query(self._set_query())
-        self.assertEqual(code, HTTP_OK)
-        self.assertIn('{"description": "vPing results for Dashboard"}', body)
-    def test_caseIsStatus(self):
-        code, body = self.query(self._set_query(case='status'))
-        self.assertEqual(code, HTTP_OK)
-        self.assertIn('{"description": "Functest status"}', body)
-    def _set_query(self, project=None, case=None):
-        uri = ''
-        for k, v in list(locals().iteritems()):
-            if k == 'self' or k == 'uri':
-                continue
-            if v is None:
-                v = self.__getattribute__(k)
-            if v != 'missing':
-                uri += '{}={}&'.format(k, v)
-        uri += 'pod={}&'.format(self.pod)
-        uri += 'version={}&'.format(self.version)
-        uri += 'installer={}&'.format(self.installer)
-        uri += 'period={}&'.format(5)
-        return uri[0:-1]
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/ b/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/
deleted file mode 100644
index f9d2015be..000000000
--- a/utils/test/result_collection_api/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import json
-from opnfv_testapi.common.constants import HTTP_OK
-from test_base import TestBase
-class TestDashboardProjectBase(TestBase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestDashboardProjectBase, self).setUp()
-        self.basePath = '/dashboard/v1/projects'
-        self.list_res = None
-        self.projects = ['bottlenecks', 'doctor', 'functest',
-                         'promise', 'qtip', 'vsperf', 'yardstick']
-class TestDashboardProjectGet(TestDashboardProjectBase):
-    def test_list(self):
-        code, body = self.get()
-        self.assertEqual(code, HTTP_OK)
-        self.assertItemsEqual(self.projects, json.loads(body))
cgit 1.2.3-korg