From 8cf2d8c19c011cb6008f63c15564cb6112732a18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xudan <>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 00:02:00 -0400
Subject: Use Ipmi info provided with PDF

For one HA test case, it needs the ipmi info to shutdown controller node.
Use PDF to get the impi info.
1. For Apex, it runs on lf-pod1, currently there is no PDF about this pod.
2. For Compass, it runs on huawei-pod2, also there is no PDF about this pod.
3. For Fuel, it runs on ericsson-pod1 and lf-pod2, use their PDFs.

Change-Id: I7d3d0b4ed6b16840ca25093d3ea877da203f58f8
Signed-off-by: xudan <>
 jjb/dovetail/ | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

(limited to 'jjb/dovetail')

diff --git a/jjb/dovetail/ b/jjb/dovetail/
index df681dd59..b2a3c0cc4 100755
--- a/jjb/dovetail/
+++ b/jjb/dovetail/
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ releng_repo=${WORKSPACE}/releng
 [ -d ${releng_repo} ] && sudo rm -rf ${releng_repo}
 git clone ${releng_repo} >/dev/null
+[ -d ${pharos_repo} ] && sudo rm -rf ${pharos_repo}
+git clone ${pharos_repo} >/dev/null
 if [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} != 'joid' ]]; then
     echo "SUT branch is $SUT_BRANCH"
     echo "dovetail branch is $BRANCH"
@@ -93,10 +97,14 @@ if [[ ! "${SUT_BRANCH}" =~ "danube" && ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "fuel" ]]; then
 cat $OPENRC
+# These packages are used for parsing yaml files and decrypting ipmi user and password.
+sudo pip install shyaml
+sudo yum install -y rubygems || sudo apt-get install -y ruby
+sudo gem install hiera-eyaml
 if [[ ! "${SUT_BRANCH}" =~ "danube" && ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "compass" ]]; then
     git clone ${compass_repo} >/dev/null
-    sudo pip install shyaml
     ipmiIp=$(cat ${scenario_file} | shyaml get-value hosts.0.ipmiIp)
     ipmiPass=$(cat ${scenario_file} | shyaml get-value hosts.0.ipmiPass)
@@ -120,11 +128,26 @@ if [[ ! "${SUT_BRANCH}" =~ "danube" && ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == 'fuel' && ${DEPLOY_T
     fuel_ctl_ssh_options="${ssh_options} -i ${SSH_KEY}"
     fuel_ctl_ip=$(ssh 2>/dev/null ${fuel_ctl_ssh_options} "${ssh_user}@${INSTALLER_IP}" \
-            "sudo salt --out yaml 'ctl*' pillar.get _param:openstack_control_address | \
-                awk '{print \$2; exit}'") &> /dev/null
+            "sudo salt 'cfg*' pillar.get _param:openstack_control_address --out text| \
+                cut -f2 -d' '")
+    ipmi_index=$(ssh 2>/dev/null ${fuel_ctl_ssh_options} "${ssh_user}@${INSTALLER_IP}" \
+            "sudo salt 'ctl*' network.ip_addrs cidr=${fuel_ctl_ip} --out text | grep ${fuel_ctl_ip} | cut -c 5")
+    organization="$(cut -d'-' -f1 <<< "${NODE_NAME}")"
+    pod_name="$(cut -d'-' -f2 <<< "${NODE_NAME}")"
+    pdf_file=${pharos_repo}/labs/${organization}/${pod_name}.yaml
+    ipmiIp=$(cat ${pdf_file} | shyaml get-value nodes.$[ipmi_index-1].remote_management.address)
+    ipmiIp="$(cut -d'/' -f1 <<< "${ipmiIp}")"
+    ipmiPass=$(cat ${pdf_file} | shyaml get-value nodes.$[ipmi_index-1].remote_management.pass)
+    ipmiUser=$(cat ${pdf_file} | shyaml get-value nodes.$[ipmi_index-1].remote_management.user)
+    [[ $ipmiUser == ENC* ]] && ipmiUser=$(eyaml decrypt -s ${ipmiUser//[[:blank:]]/})
+    [[ $ipmiPass == ENC* ]] && ipmiPass=$(eyaml decrypt -s ${ipmiPass//[[:blank:]]/})
     cat << EOF >${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml
-- {ip: ${fuel_ctl_ip}, name: node1, key_filename: /home/opnfv/userconfig/pre_config/id_rsa, role: controller, user: ${ssh_user}}
+- {ip: ${INSTALLER_IP}, name: node0, key_filename: /home/opnfv/userconfig/pre_config/id_rsa,
+   role: Jumpserver, user: ${ssh_user}}
+- {ip: ${fuel_ctl_ip}, name: node1, key_filename: /home/opnfv/userconfig/pre_config/id_rsa,
+   role: controller, user: ${ssh_user}, ipmi_ip: ${ipmiIp}, ipmi_user: ${ipmiUser}, ipmi_password: ${ipmiPass}}