#!/bin/bash # SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## set -e export DEFAULT_XCI_TEST=${DEFAULT_XCI_TEST:-false} grep -q -i ^Y$ /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested || { echo "Nested virtualization is not enabled but it's needed for XCI to work"; exit 1; } usage() { echo """ $0 <distro> distro must be one of 'ubuntu', 'opensuse', 'centos' """ } [[ $# -ne 1 ]] && usage && exit 1 declare -r CPU=host declare -r NCPUS=24 declare -r MEMORY=49152 declare -r DISK=500 declare -r VM_NAME=${1}_xci_vm declare -r OS=${1} declare -r NETWORK="jenkins-test" declare -r BASE_PATH=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0) | sed "s@/xci/.*@@") echo "Preparing new virtual machine '${VM_NAME}'..." source /etc/os-release echo "Installing host (${ID,,}) dependencies..." # check we can run sudo if ! sudo -n "true"; then echo "" echo "passwordless sudo is needed for '$(id -nu)' user." echo "Please fix your /etc/sudoers file. You likely want an" echo "entry like the following one..." echo "" echo "$(id -nu) ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" exit 1 fi case ${ID,,} in *suse) sudo zypper -q -n in virt-manager qemu-kvm qemu-tools libvirt-daemon docker libvirt-client libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu iptables ebtables dnsmasq ;; centos) sudo yum install -q -y epel-release sudo yum install -q -y in virt-manager qemu-kvm qemu-kvm-tools qemu-img libvirt-daemon-kvm docker iptables ebtables dnsmasq ;; ubuntu) sudo apt-get install -y -q=3 virt-manager qemu-kvm libvirt-bin qemu-utils docker.io docker iptables ebtables dnsmasq ;; esac echo "Ensuring libvirt and docker services are running..." sudo systemctl -q start libvirtd sudo systemctl -q start docker echo "Building new ${OS} image..." _retries=20 while [[ $_retries -gt 0 ]]; do if pgrep -a docker | grep -q docker-dib-xci &> /dev/null; then echo "There is another dib process running... ($_retries retries left)" sleep 60 (( _retries = _retries - 1 )) else docker_cmd="sudo docker" # See if we can run docker as regular user. docker ps &> /dev/null && docker_cmd="docker" docker_name="docker_xci_builder_${OS}" # Destroy previous containers if eval $docker_cmd ps -a | grep -q ${docker_name} &>/dev/null; then echo "Destroying previous container..." eval $docker_cmd rm -f ${docker_name} fi # Prepare new working directory dib_workdir="$(pwd)/docker_dib_xci_workdir" [[ ! -d $dib_workdir ]] && mkdir $dib_workdir chmod 777 -R $dib_workdir uid=$(id -u) gid=$(id -g) # Get rid of stale files rm -rf $dib_workdir/*.qcow2 $dib_workdir/*.sha256.txt $dib_workdir/*.d echo "Getting the latest docker image..." eval $docker_cmd pull hwoarang/docker-dib-xci:latest echo "Initiating dib build..." eval $docker_cmd run --name ${docker_name} \ --rm --privileged=true -e ONE_DISTRO=${OS} \ -t -v $dib_workdir:$dib_workdir -w $dib_workdir \ hwoarang/docker-dib-xci '/usr/bin/do-build.sh' sudo chown $uid:$gid $dib_workdir/${OS}.qcow2 declare -r OS_IMAGE_FILE=$dib_workdir/${OS}.qcow2 break fi done [[ ! -e ${OS_IMAGE_FILE} ]] && echo "${OS_IMAGE_FILE} not found! This should never happen!" && exit 1 echo "Resizing disk image '${OS}' to ${DISK}G..." qemu-img resize ${OS_IMAGE_FILE} ${DISK}G echo "Creating new network '${NETWORK}' if it does not exist already..." if ! sudo virsh net-list --name --all | grep -q ${NETWORK}; then cat > /tmp/${NETWORK}.xml <<EOF <network> <name>${NETWORK}</name> <forward mode='nat'> <nat> <port start='1024' end='65535'/> </nat> </forward> <bridge name='jenkins_br0' std='off' delay='0'/> <ip address='' netmask=''> <dhcp> <range start='' end=''/> </dhcp> </ip> </network> EOF sudo virsh net-define /tmp/${NETWORK}.xml fi sudo virsh net-list --autostart | grep -q ${NETWORK} || sudo virsh net-autostart ${NETWORK} sudo virsh net-list --inactive | grep -q ${NETWORK} && sudo virsh net-start ${NETWORK} echo "Destroying previous instances if necessary..." sudo virsh destroy ${VM_NAME} || true sudo virsh undefine ${VM_NAME} || true echo "Installing virtual machine '${VM_NAME}'..." sudo virt-install -n ${VM_NAME} --memory ${MEMORY} --vcpus ${NCPUS} --cpu ${CPU} \ --import --disk=${OS_IMAGE_FILE},cache=unsafe --network network=${NETWORK} \ --graphics none --hvm --noautoconsole _retries=30 while [[ $_retries -ne 0 ]]; do _ip=$(sudo virsh domifaddr ${VM_NAME} | grep -o --colour=never 192.168.140.[[:digit:]]* | cat ) if [[ -z ${_ip} ]]; then echo "Waiting for '${VM_NAME}' virtual machine to boot ($_retries retries left)..." sleep 5 (( _retries = _retries - 1 )) else break fi done [[ -n $_ip ]] && echo "'${VM_NAME}' virtual machine is online at $_ip" [[ -z $_ip ]] && echo "'${VM_NAME}' virtual machine did not boot on time" && exit 1 # Fix up perms if needed to make ssh happy chmod 600 ${BASE_PATH}/xci/scripts/vm/id_rsa_for_dib* # Remove it from known_hosts ssh-keygen -R $_ip || true ssh-keygen -R ${VM_NAME} || true declare -r vm_ssh="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${BASE_PATH}/xci/scripts/vm/id_rsa_for_dib -l devuser" _retries=30 _ssh_exit=0 echo "Verifying operational status..." while [[ $_retries -ne 0 ]]; do if eval $vm_ssh $_ip "sudo cat /etc/os-release"; then _ssh_exit=$? break; else _ssh_exit=$? sleep 5 (( _retries = _retries - 1 )) fi done [[ $_ssh_exit != 0 ]] && echo "Failed to SSH to the virtual machine '${VM_NAME}'! This should never happen!" && exit 1 echo "Congratulations! Your shiny new '${VM_NAME}' virtual machine is fully operational! Enjoy!" echo "Adding ${VM_NAME}_xci_vm entry to /etc/hosts" sudo sed -i "/.*${VM_NAME}.*/d" /etc/hosts sudo bash -c "echo '${_ip} ${VM_NAME}' >> /etc/hosts" echo "Dropping a minimal .ssh/config file" cat > $HOME/.ssh/config<<EOF Host * StrictHostKeyChecking no ServerAliveInterval 60 ServerAliveCountMax 5 IdentityFile ${BASE_PATH}/xci/scripts/vm/id_rsa_for_dib Host *_xci_vm User devuser Host *_xci_vm_opnfv User root TCPKeepAlive yes StrictHostKeyChecking no ProxyCommand ssh -l devuser \$(echo %h | sed 's/_opnfv//') 'nc %p' EOF echo "Preparing test environment..." # *_xci_vm hostname is invalid. Letst just use distro name $vm_ssh $_ip "sudo hostname ${VM_NAME/_xci*}" # Start with good dns $vm_ssh $_ip 'sudo bash -c "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"' $vm_ssh $_ip 'sudo bash -c "echo nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf"' cat > ${BASE_PATH}/vm_hosts.txt <<EOF localhost ${VM_NAME/_xci*} ::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback fe00::0 ipv6-localnet fe00::1 ipv6-allnodes fe00::2 ipv6-allrouters ff00::3 ipv6-allhosts $_ip ${VM_NAME/_xci*} EOF # Need to copy releng-xci to the vm so we can execute stuff do_copy() { rsync -a \ --exclude "${VM_NAME}*" \ --exclude "${OS}*" \ --exclude "$dib_workdir*" \ --exclude "build.log" \ -e "$vm_ssh" ${BASE_PATH}/* $_ip:~/releng-xci/ } do_copy rm ${BASE_PATH}/vm_hosts.txt # Copy keypair $vm_ssh $_ip "cp --preserve=all ~/releng-xci/xci/scripts/vm/id_rsa_for_dib /home/devuser/.ssh/id_rsa" $vm_ssh $_ip "cp --preserve=all ~/releng-xci/xci/scripts/vm/id_rsa_for_dib.pub /home/devuser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" $vm_ssh $_ip "sudo mv /home/devuser/releng-xci/vm_hosts.txt /etc/hosts" set +e _has_test=true echo "Verifying test script exists..." $vm_ssh $_ip "bash -c 'stat ~/releng-xci/run_jenkins_test.sh'" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to find a 'run_jenkins_test.sh' script..." if ${DEFAULT_XCI_TEST}; then echo "Creating a default test case to run xci-deploy.sh" cat > ${BASE_PATH}/run_jenkins_test.sh <<EOF #!/bin/bash export XCI_FLAVOR=mini cd ~/releng-xci/xci ./xci-deploy.sh EOF # Copy again do_copy else _has_test=false fi fi if ${_has_test}; then echo "Running test..." $vm_ssh $_ip "bash ~/releng-xci/run_jenkins_test.sh" xci_error=$? else echo "No jenkins test was found. The virtual machine will remain idle!" xci_error=0 fi exit $xci_error