# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

# This script is used to pin the SHAs for the various roles in the
# ansible-role-requirements file. It will also update the SHAs for
# OSA and bifrost.

set -e

# NOTE(hwoarang) This could break if files are re-arranged in the future
releng_xci_base="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))/.."

usage() {
    echo """
    ${0} <openstack-ansible commit SHA> [<bifrost commit SHA>]
    exit 0

cleanup() {
    [[ -d $tempdir ]] && rm -rf $tempdir

printme() {
    echo "===> $1"

# Only need a single argument
[[ $# -lt 1 || $# -gt 2 ]] && echo "Invalid number of arguments!" && usage


tempdir="$(mktemp -d)"

trap cleanup EXIT

pushd $tempdir &> /dev/null

printme "Downloading the sources-branch-updater-lib.sh library"

printme "Cloning the openstack-ansible repository"
    git clone -q git://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible && cd openstack-ansible && git checkout -q $1

popd &> /dev/null

pushd $tempdir/openstack-ansible &> /dev/null
source scripts/sources-branch-updater-lib.sh
printme "Synchronize roles and packages"
update_ansible_role_requirements "${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION:-master}" "true" "true"

# Construct the ansible-role-requirements-file
echo """---
# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2017 Ericsson AB and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# these versions are based on the osa commit ${1} on $(git --no-pager log -1 --format=%cd --date=format:%Y-%m-%d $1)
# https://review.openstack.org/gitweb?p=openstack/openstack-ansible.git;a=commit;h=$1""" > $releng_xci_base/installer/osa/files/ansible-role-requirements.yml
cat $tempdir/openstack-ansible/ansible-role-requirements.yml >> $releng_xci_base/installer/osa/files/ansible-role-requirements.yml

# Update the pinned OSA version
sed -i -e "/^export OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION/s@:-\"[a-z0-9]*@:-\"${1}@" \
    -e "s@\(^# HEAD of osa \).*@\1\"${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION:-master}\" as of $(date +%d\.%m\.%Y)@" $releng_xci_base/config/pinned-versions

# Update the pinned bifrost version
if [[ -n ${2:-} ]]; then
  echo "Updating bifrost..."
  sed -i -e "/^export OPENSTACK_BIFROST_VERSION/s@:-\"[a-z0-9]*@:-\"${2}@" \
    -e "s/\(^# HEAD of bifrost \).*/\1\"${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION:-master}\" as of $(date +%d\.%m\.%Y)/" $releng_xci_base/config/pinned-versions
  # Get ironic shas
  for ironic in ironic_git_url ironic_client_git_url ironic_inspector_git_url ironic_inspector_client_git_url; do
    ironic_sha=$(git ls-remote ${!ironic} | grep "${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION:-master}" | awk '{print $1}')
    echo "... updating ${ironic}"
    sed -i -e "/^export BIFROST_${ironic^^}_VERSION/s@:-\"[a-z0-9]*@:-\"${ironic_sha}@" \
      -e "s/\(^# HEAD of ${ironic/_/-} \).*/\1\"${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION:-master}\" as of $(date +%d\.%m\.%Y)/" $releng_xci_base/config/pinned-versions

cp $tempdir/openstack-ansible/playbooks/defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml ${releng_xci_base}/installer/osa/files/.
cp $tempdir/openstack-ansible/global-requirement-pins.txt ${releng_xci_base}/installer/osa/files/.

popd &> /dev/null

printme ""
printme "======================= Report ============================"
printme ""
printme "The following files have been updated:"
printme "- $releng_xci_base/installer/osa/files/ansible-role-requirements.yml"
printme "- $releng_xci_base/installer/osa/files/global-requirement-pins.txt"
printme "- $releng_xci_base/installer/osa/files/openstack_services.yml"
printme "- $releng_xci_base/config/pinned-versions"
printme "Please make sure you test the end result before committing it!"
printme ""
printme "==========================================================="