create-nodes ================ This role creates the all nodes required for the XCI deployment. In a baremetal deployment, it creates the OPNFV VM and provisions the physical servers. In a non-baremetal deployment, it creates the OPNFV VM and the rest of VMs used to deploy scenarios. It is based on the bifrost role: It creates the VMs or provisions the physical servers based on the pdf and idf document which describes the characteristics of the VMs or physical servers. For more information check the spec: Flow ---- The script xci/infra/bifrost/scripts/ will call the playbook that starts executing the role: xci-setup-nodes.yaml Note that at this stage the pdf and the opnfv_pdf_vm.yml are loaded. Some distro specific tasks related to variables are done and then the prepare_libvirt playbook is run. This playbook, as the name says, gets everything ready to run libvirt. After that, the nodes_json_data dictionary is initialized. This will collect the data and finally dump it all into the baremetal_json_file which will be read by bifrost in the subsequent role. The opnfv vm and the rest of vms get created using the xml libvirt template, which gets filled with the pdf and opnfv_pdf_vm.yml variables. If there is a baremetal deployment, the nodes_json_data gets filled in the baremetalhoststojson.yml playbook which basically reads the pdf info. Finally nodes_json_data is dumped. Requirements ------------ The following packages are required and ensured to be present: - libvirt-bin - qemu-utils - qemu-kvm - sgabios Warning ------- - It is assumed that the opnfv VM characteristics are not described in the pdf but in a similar document called opnfv_pdf_vm.yml. There is also an idf document opnfv_idf_vm.yml - All references to csv from bifrost-create-vm-nodes were removed Role Variables -------------- baremetal_json_file: Defaults to '/tmp/baremetal.json'. It contains the required information for bifrost to configure the VMs appropriately vm_disk_cache: Disk cache mode to use by VMs disk. Defaults to shell variable 'VM_DISK_CACHE', or, if that is not set, to 'writeback'. node_names: Space-separated names for nodes to be created. It is taken from the hostnames variable in idf. If not set, VM names will be autogenerated. Note that independent on the number of names in this list, at most 'test_vm_num_nodes' VMs will be created. vm_network: Name of the libvirt network to create the nodes on. Defaults to shell variable 'VM_NET_BRIDGE', or, if that is not set, to 'default'. node_storage_pool: Name of the libvirt storage pool to create disks for VMs in. Defaults to shell variable 'LIBVIRT_STORAGE_POOL', or, if that is not set, to 'default'. If absent, this pool will be created. node_storage_pool_path: Path used by the libvirt storage pool 'node_storage_pool' if it has to be created. Defaults to "/var/lib/libvirt/images". node_logdir: Folder where to store VM logs. Defaults to "/var/log/libvirt/baremetal_logs". vm_emulator: Path to emulator executable used to define VMs in libvirt. Defaults to "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64". Generally users should not need to modify this setting, as it is OS-specific and is overwritten by os/distribution-specific defaults in this role when needed. vm_libvirt_uri: URI to connect to libvirt for networks, storage and VM related actions. Defaults to shell variable 'LIBVIRT_CONNECT_URI', or, if that is not set, to 'qemu:///system'. Note that currently connecting to remote libvirt is not tested and is unsupported. network_interface: Name of the bridge to create when creating 'vm_network' libvirt network. Defaults to "virbr0". Name and default of this option are chosen to be the same as in 'bifrost-ironic-install' role. opnfv_vm_network_ip: IP for the 'network_interface' bridge. Defaults to ''. This setting is applied only when 'vm_network' was absent and is created from scratch. node_network_netmask: Subnet mask for 'network_interface' bridge. Defaults to ''. This setting is applied only when 'vm_network' was absent and is created from scratch. Dependencies ------------ None at this time. Example Playbook ---------------- - hosts: localhost connection: local become: yes gather_facts: yes roles: - role: create-vm-nodes License ------- Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE Linux GmbH. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Author Information ------------------