# This file is aimed to be used by scenarios to plug into the XCI.
# Ideally, all they need to do at this point is to include their
# role using a statement like the following one
# - name: Include foobar role
#   include_role:
#     name: "foobar"
#   when: DEPLOY_SCENARIO == "foobar"

- name: Prepare everything to run the os-nosdn-nofeature scenario
    name: "os-nosdn-nofeature"
  when: DEPLOY_SCENARIO == 'os-nosdn-nofeature'
- name: Prepare everything to run the os-odl-nofeature scenario
    name: "os-odl-nofeature"
  when: DEPLOY_SCENARIO == 'os-odl-nofeature'
- name: Prepare everything to run the os-odl-sfc scenario
    name: "os-odl-sfc"
  when: DEPLOY_SCENARIO == 'os-odl-sfc'