--- # SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## - hosts: deployment_host name: "Bootstrap XCI hardware resources and prepare provisioning environment" gather_facts: yes vars_files: - "{{ xci_path }}/xci/var/pdf.yml" - "{{ xci_path }}/xci/var/opnfv_vm.yml" - "{{ xci_path }}/xci/var/opnfv.yml" pre_tasks: - name: Load distribution variables include_vars: file: "{{ xci_path }}/xci/var/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml" roles: - role: create-vm-nodes become: yes - role: clone-repository project: "opnfv/bifrost" repo: "{{ openstack_bifrost_git_url }}" dest: "{{ xci_cache }}/repos/bifrost" version: "{{ openstack_bifrost_version }}" tasks: - name: Wait for host to come back to life local_action: module: wait_for host: "{{ opnfv_vm_ip }}" delay: 15 state: started port: 22 connect_timeout: 10 timeout: 180 - name: Load distribution variables include_vars: file: "{{ xci_path }}/xci/var/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml" - name: Synchronize local development bifrost repository to XCI paths # command module is much faster than the copy module synchronize: src: "{{ openstack_bifrost_dev_path }}" dest: "{{ xci_cache }}/repos/bifrost" recursive: yes delete: yes when: - openstack_bifrost_dev_path != "" - name: combine opnfv/releng-xci and openstack/bifrost scripts/playbooks copy: src: "{{ xci_path}}/xci/infra/bifrost/" dest: "{{ xci_cache }}/repos/bifrost" - name: "Ensure /etc/hosts has good defaults" lineinfile: dest: "/etc/hosts" regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}.*({{ ansible_hostname }}|localhost).*" line: "{{ item.contents }}" become: yes with_items: - { regexp: '^127\.0\.0\.1', contents: ' {{ ansible_hostname }} {{ ansible_fqdn }} localhost' } - { regexp: '^::1', contents: '::1 {{ ansible_hostname }} {{ ansible_fqdn }} localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback' }