############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Ericsson AB and others. # Author: Jose Lausuch (jose.lausuch@ericsson.com) # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from abc import abstractmethod import os from opnfv.utils import opnfv_logger as logger from opnfv.utils import ssh_utils logger = logger.Logger(__name__).getLogger() class Deployment(object): def __init__(self, installer, installer_ip, scenario, pod, status, openstack_version, sdn_controller, nodes=[]): self.deployment_info = { 'installer': installer, 'installer_ip': installer_ip, 'scenario': scenario, 'pod': pod, 'status': status, 'openstack_version': openstack_version, 'sdn_controller': sdn_controller, 'nodes': nodes } def _get_openstack_release(self): ''' Translates an openstack version into the release name ''' os_versions = { '12': 'Liberty', '13': 'Mitaka', '14': 'Newton', '15': 'Ocata', '16': 'Pike', '17': 'Queens' } try: version = self.deployment_info['openstack_version'].split('.')[0] name = os_versions[version] return name except Exception: return 'Unknown release' def get_dict(self): ''' Returns a dictionary will all the attributes ''' return self.deployment_info def __str__(self): ''' Override of the str method ''' s = ''' INSTALLER: {installer} SCENARIO: {scenario} INSTALLER IP: {installer_ip} POD: {pod} STATUS: {status} OPENSTACK: {openstack_version} ({openstack_release}) SDN: {sdn_controller} NODES: '''.format(installer=self.deployment_info['installer'], scenario=self.deployment_info['scenario'], installer_ip=self.deployment_info['installer_ip'], pod=self.deployment_info['pod'], status=self.deployment_info['status'], openstack_version=self.deployment_info[ 'openstack_version'], openstack_release=self._get_openstack_release(), sdn_controller=self.deployment_info['sdn_controller']) for node in self.deployment_info['nodes']: s += '\t\t{node_object}\n'.format(node_object=node) return s class Node(object): STATUS_OK = 'active' STATUS_INACTIVE = 'inactive' STATUS_OFFLINE = 'offline' STATUS_FAILED = 'failed' def __init__(self, id, ip, name, status, roles, ssh_client, info={}): self.id = id self.ip = ip self.name = name self.status = status self.ssh_client = ssh_client self.roles = roles self.info = info def get_file(self, src, dest): ''' SCP file from a node ''' if self.status is not Node.STATUS_OK: logger.info("The node %s is not active" % self.ip) return 1 logger.info("Fetching %s from %s" % (src, self.ip)) get_file_result = ssh_utils.get_file(self.ssh_client, src, dest) if get_file_result is None: logger.error("SFTP failed to retrieve the file.") else: logger.info("Successfully copied %s:%s to %s" % (self.ip, src, dest)) return get_file_result def put_file(self, src, dest): ''' SCP file to a node ''' if self.status is not Node.STATUS_OK: logger.info("The node %s is not active" % self.ip) return 1 logger.info("Copying %s to %s" % (src, self.ip)) put_file_result = ssh_utils.put_file(self.ssh_client, src, dest) if put_file_result is None: logger.error("SFTP failed to retrieve the file.") else: logger.info("Successfully copied %s to %s:%s" % (src, dest, self.ip)) return put_file_result def run_cmd(self, cmd): ''' Run command remotely on a node ''' if self.status is not Node.STATUS_OK: logger.info("The node %s is not active" % self.ip) return 1 _, stdout, stderr = (self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)) error = stderr.readlines() if len(error) > 0: logger.error("error %s" % ''.join(error)) return error output = ''.join(stdout.readlines()).rstrip() return output def get_dict(self): ''' Returns a dictionary with all the attributes ''' return { 'id': self.id, 'ip': self.ip, 'name': self.name, 'status': self.status, 'roles': self.roles, 'info': self.info } def get_attribute(self, attribute): ''' Returns an attribute given the name ''' return self.get_dict()[attribute] def is_controller(self): ''' Returns if the node is a controller ''' if 'controller' in self.get_attribute('roles'): return True return False def is_compute(self): ''' Returns if the node is a compute ''' if 'compute' in self.get_attribute('roles'): return True return False def __str__(self): return str(self.get_dict()) class DeploymentHandler(object): EX_OK = os.EX_OK EX_ERROR = os.EX_SOFTWARE FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "Function not implemented by adapter!" def __init__(self, installer, installer_ip, installer_user, installer_pwd=None, pkey_file=None): self.installer = installer.lower() self.installer_ip = installer_ip self.installer_user = installer_user self.installer_pwd = installer_pwd self.pkey_file = pkey_file if pkey_file is not None and not os.path.isfile(pkey_file): raise Exception( 'The private key file %s does not exist!' % pkey_file) self.installer_connection = ssh_utils.get_ssh_client( hostname=self.installer_ip, username=self.installer_user, password=self.installer_pwd, pkey_file=self.pkey_file) if self.installer_connection: self.installer_node = Node(id='', ip=installer_ip, name=installer, status='active', ssh_client=self.installer_connection, roles='installer node') else: raise Exception( 'Cannot establish connection to the installer node!') self.nodes = self.nodes() @abstractmethod def get_openstack_version(self): ''' Returns a string of the openstack version (nova-compute) ''' raise Exception(DeploymentHandler.FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) @abstractmethod def get_sdn_version(self): ''' Returns a string of the sdn controller and its version, if exists ''' raise Exception(DeploymentHandler.FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) @abstractmethod def get_deployment_status(self): ''' Returns a string of the status of the deployment ''' raise Exception(DeploymentHandler.FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) @abstractmethod def nodes(self, options=None): ''' Generates a list of all the nodes in the deployment ''' raise Exception(DeploymentHandler.FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) def get_nodes(self, options=None): ''' Returns the list of Node objects ''' return self.nodes def get_installer_node(self): ''' Returns the installer node object ''' return self.installer_node def get_deployment_info(self): ''' Returns an object of type Deployment ''' return Deployment(installer=self.installer, installer_ip=self.installer_ip, scenario=os.getenv('DEPLOY_SCENARIO', 'Unknown'), status=self.get_deployment_status(), pod=os.getenv('NODE_NAME', 'Unknown'), openstack_version=self.get_openstack_version(), sdn_controller=self.get_sdn_version(), nodes=self.nodes)