/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('testapiApp') .controller('ScenarioController', ScenarioController); ScenarioController.$inject = [ '$scope', '$http', '$filter', '$state', '$window', '$uibModal', 'testapiApiUrl','raiseAlert', 'confirmModal' ]; /** * TestAPI Scenario Controller * This controller is for the '/Scenario/:name' page where a user can browse * through Scenario declared in TestAPI. */ function ScenarioController($scope, $http, $filter, $state, $window, $uibModal, testapiApiUrl, raiseAlert, confirmModal) { var ctrl = this; ctrl.name = $state.params['name']; ctrl.url = testapiApiUrl + '/scenarios?name=' + ctrl.name; ctrl.expandInstallers = expandInstallers; ctrl.expandInstaller = expandInstaller; ctrl.expandInstaller = ctrl.expandInstaller; ctrl.expandVersion = expandVersion; ctrl.expandVersions = expandVersions; ctrl.loadDetails = loadDetails; ctrl.expandProjects = expandProjects ctrl.expandProject = expandProject ctrl.expandTrustIndicator = expandTrustIndicator; ctrl.expandScore = expandScore; ctrl.expandCustom = expandCustom; ctrl.collapeVersion = []; ctrl.collapeVersions = []; ctrl.collapeProjects = []; ctrl.collapeProject = []; ctrl.collapeTrustIndicator = []; ctrl.collapeScore = []; ctrl.collapeCustom = []; ctrl.collapeInstaller = []; ctrl.addCustom = addCustom; ctrl.openAddCustomModal = openAddCustomModal; ctrl.openDeleteCustomModal = openDeleteCustomModal; ctrl.deleteCustom = deleteCustom; ctrl.addProject = addProject ctrl.openAddProjectModal = openAddProjectModal ctrl.openAddVersionModal = openAddVersionModal ctrl.addVersion = addVersion ctrl.openDeleteVersionModal = openDeleteVersionModal ctrl.deleteVersion = deleteVersion ctrl.openAddInstaller = openAddInstaller ctrl.addInstaller = addInstaller ctrl.openDeleteInstallerModal = openDeleteInstallerModal ctrl.deleteInstaller = deleteInstaller ctrl.openDeleteProjectModal = openDeleteProjectModal ctrl.deleteProject = deleteProject ctrl.buttonInstaller = true ctrl.buttonVersion = true ctrl.buttonProject = true /** * This will contact the TestAPI to get a listing of declared projects. */ function loadDetails() { ctrl.showError = false; ctrl.projectsRequest = $http.get(ctrl.url).success(function (data) { ctrl.data = data; }).catch(function (error) { ctrl.data = null; ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = error.statusText }); } function expandTrustIndicator(indexI, indexV, indexP){ if(ctrl.collapeTrustIndicator[indexI]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeTrustIndicator[indexI] = [] if(ctrl.collapeTrustIndicator[indexI][indexV]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeTrustIndicator[indexI][indexV] = [] } } if(ctrl.collapeTrustIndicator[indexI][indexV][indexP]){ ctrl.collapeTrustIndicator[indexI][indexV][indexP] = false; }else{ ctrl.collapeTrustIndicator[indexI][indexV][indexP] = true; } } function expandScore(indexI, indexV, indexP){ if(ctrl.collapeScore[indexI]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeScore[indexI] = [] if(ctrl.collapeScore[indexI][indexV]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeScore[indexI][indexV] = [] } } if(ctrl.collapeScore[indexI][indexV][indexP]){ ctrl.collapeScore[indexI][indexV][indexP] = false; }else{ ctrl.collapeScore[indexI][indexV][indexP] = true; } } function expandCustom(indexI, indexV, indexP){ if(ctrl.collapeCustom[indexI]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeCustom[indexI] = [] if(ctrl.collapeCustom[indexI][indexV]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeCustom[indexI][indexV] = [] } } if(ctrl.collapeCustom[indexI][indexV][indexP]){ ctrl.collapeCustom[indexI][indexV][indexP] = false; ctrl.buttonProject = true }else{ ctrl.collapeCustom[indexI][indexV][indexP] = true; ctrl.buttonProject = false } } function expandVersion(indexI, indexV){ if(ctrl.collapeVersion[indexI]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeVersion[indexI] = [] } if(ctrl.collapeVersion[indexI][indexV]){ ctrl.collapeVersion[indexI][indexV] = false; }else{ ctrl.collapeVersion[indexI][indexV] = true; } } function expandVersions(index){ if(ctrl.collapeVersions[index]){ ctrl.collapeVersions[index] = false; ctrl.buttonInstaller = true }else{ ctrl.collapeVersions[index] = true; ctrl.buttonInstaller = false } } function expandProjects(indexI, indexV){ if(ctrl.collapeProjects[indexI]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeProjects[indexI] = [] } if(ctrl.collapeProjects[indexI][indexV]){ ctrl.collapeProjects[indexI][indexV] = false; ctrl.buttonVersion = true } else{ ctrl.collapeProjects[indexI][indexV]= true; ctrl.buttonVersion = false } } function expandProject(indexI, indexV, indexP){ if(ctrl.collapeProject[indexI]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeProject[indexI] = [] if(ctrl.collapeProject[indexI][indexV]==undefined){ ctrl.collapeProject[indexI][indexV] = [] } } if(ctrl.collapeProject[indexI][indexV][indexP]){ ctrl.collapeProject[indexI][indexV][indexP] = false; } else{ ctrl.collapeProject[indexI][indexV][indexP]= true; } } function expandInstaller(index){ if(ctrl.collapeInstaller[index]){ ctrl.collapeInstaller[index] = false; } else{ ctrl.collapeInstaller[index]= true; } } function expandInstallers(){ if(ctrl.collapeInstallers){ ctrl.collapeInstallers= false }else{ ctrl.collapeInstallers= true } } function deleteInstaller(data){ ctrl.installerReqest = testapiApiUrl+ "/scenarios/"+ ctrl.name + "/installers" $http.delete(ctrl.installerReqest, {data: data.installers, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}).success(function (data){ ctrl.showSuccess = true ; ctrl.success = "Installer is successfully deleted." ctrl.loadDetails(); }) .catch(function (data) { ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = data.statusText; }); } function openDeleteInstallerModal(installer){ var installers = [] installers.push(installer) var data = { "installers": installers } confirmModal("Delete",ctrl.deleteInstaller,data); } function addInstaller(installer){ var installers = [] installers.push(installer) ctrl.installerReqest = testapiApiUrl+ "/scenarios/"+ ctrl.name + "/installers" $http.post(ctrl.installerReqest, installers).success(function (data){ ctrl.showSuccess = true ; ctrl.success = "Installers are successfully updated." ctrl.loadDetails(); }) .catch(function (data) { ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = data.statusText; }); } function openAddInstaller(){ $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: 'testapi-ui/components/scenarios/modals/installerModal.html', controller: 'installerModalCtrl as installerModalCtrl', size: 'md', resolve: { data: function () { return { text: "Add Installer", successHandler: ctrl.addInstaller }; } } }); } function addVersion(versions, installer){ ctrl.versionReqest = testapiApiUrl+ "/scenarios/"+ ctrl.name + "/versions?installer="+installer $http.post(ctrl.versionReqest, versions).success(function (data){ ctrl.showSuccess = true ; ctrl.success = "Versions are successfully updated." ctrl.loadDetails(); }) .catch(function (data) { ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = data.statusText; }); } function openDeleteVersionModal(version, installer){ var versions = [] versions.push(version) var data = { "version": versions, "installer": installer } confirmModal("Delete",ctrl.deleteVersion,data); } function deleteVersion(data){ ctrl.versionReqest = testapiApiUrl+ "/scenarios/"+ ctrl.name + "/versions?installer="+data.installer $http.delete(ctrl.versionReqest, {data: data.version, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}).success(function (data){ ctrl.showSuccess = true ; ctrl.success = "Versions are successfully deleted." ctrl.loadDetails(); }) .catch(function (data) { ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = data.statusText; }); } function openAddVersionModal(installer){ $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: 'testapi-ui/components/scenarios/modals/versionModal.html', controller: 'versionAddModalCtrl as versionModalCtrl', size: 'md', resolve: { data: function () { return { text: "Add Version", successHandler: ctrl.addVersion, installer: installer }; } } }); } function addProject(project, version, installer){ ctrl.projectReqest = testapiApiUrl+ "/scenarios/"+ ctrl.name + "/projects?installer="+installer+"&version="+version $http.post(ctrl.projectReqest, project).success(function (data){ ctrl.showSuccess = true ; ctrl.success = "Projects are successfully updated." ctrl.loadDetails(); }) .catch(function (data) { ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = data.statusText; }); } function openAddProjectModal(version, installer){ $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: 'testapi-ui/components/scenarios/modals/projectModal.html', controller: 'projectAddModalCtrl as projectModalCtrl', size: 'md', resolve: { data: function () { return { text: "Add Project", successHandler: ctrl.addProject, version: version, installer: installer }; } } }); } function addCustom(custom,project,version,installer){ ctrl.customReqest = testapiApiUrl+ "/scenarios/"+ ctrl.name + "/customs?installer="+installer+"&version="+version+"&project="+ project $http.post(ctrl.customReqest, custom).success(function (data){ ctrl.showSuccess = true ; ctrl.success = "Customs are successfully updated." ctrl.loadDetails(); }) .catch(function (data) { ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = data.statusText; }); } function openDeleteCustomModal(custom,project,version,installer){ var customs = [] customs.push(custom) var data = { "customs": customs, "project": project, "version": version, "installer": installer } confirmModal("Delete",ctrl.deleteCustom,data); } function deleteCustom(data){ ctrl.customReqest = testapiApiUrl+ "/scenarios/"+ ctrl.name + "/customs?installer="+data.installer+"&version="+data.version+"&project="+ data.project $http.delete(ctrl.customReqest, {data: data.customs, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}).success(function (data){ ctrl.showSuccess = true ; ctrl.success = "Customs are successfully deleted." ctrl.loadDetails(); }) .catch(function (data) { ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = data.statusText; }); } function openAddCustomModal(project,version,installer){ $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: 'testapi-ui/components/scenarios/modals/customModal.html', controller: 'customAddModalCtrl as customModalCtrl', size: 'md', resolve: { data: function () { return { text: "Add Custom", successHandler: ctrl.addCustom, project: project, version: version, installer: installer }; } } }); } function openDeleteProjectModal(project, version, installer){ var projects = [] projects.push(project.project) var data = { "projects": projects, "version": version, "installer": installer } confirmModal("Delete",ctrl.deleteProject,data); } function deleteProject(data){ ctrl.projectReqest = testapiApiUrl+ "/scenarios/"+ ctrl.name + "/projects?installer="+data.installer+"&version="+data.version $http.delete(ctrl.projectReqest, {data: data.projects, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}).success(function (data){ ctrl.showSuccess = true ; ctrl.success = "Projects are successfully Deleted." ctrl.loadDetails(); }) .catch(function (data) { ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = data.statusText; }); } ctrl.loadDetails(); } /** * TestAPI Project Modal Controller * This controller is for the create modal where a user can create * the project information and for the edit modal where user can * edit the project's details */ angular.module('testapiApp').controller('customAddModalCtrl', customAddModalCtrl); customAddModalCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'data']; function customAddModalCtrl($scope, $uibModalInstance, data) { var ctrl = this; ctrl.confirm = confirm; ctrl.cancel = cancel; ctrl.data = angular.copy(data); ctrl.open = open; ctrl.add = add; ctrl.remove = remove; ctrl.customs = []; function add() { var custom = ctrl.custom; if(custom!="" && custom!=undefined ){ ctrl.customs.push(custom); ctrl.custom = ""; } }; function remove(index) { // var name = ctrl.customs[index].Name; ctrl.customs.splice(index, 1); } /** * Initiate confirmation and call the success handler with the * inputs. */ function confirm() { var custom = ctrl.custom; if(custom!="" && custom!=undefined ){ ctrl.customs.push(custom); } ctrl.data.successHandler(ctrl.customs,ctrl.data.project,ctrl.data.version,ctrl.data.installer); $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } /** * Close the confirm modal without initiating changes. */ function cancel() { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } /** * TestAPI Project Modal Controller * This controller is for the create modal where a user can create * the project information and for the edit modal where user can * edit the project's details */ angular.module('testapiApp').controller('projectAddModalCtrl', projectAddModalCtrl); projectAddModalCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$uibModal', '$uibModalInstance', 'data']; function projectAddModalCtrl($scope, $uibModal, $uibModalInstance, data) { var ctrl = this; ctrl.confirm = confirm; ctrl.cancel = cancel; ctrl.data = angular.copy(data); ctrl.openCustomModal = openCustomModal; ctrl.handleModalCustom = handleModalCustom; ctrl.projects = [] ctrl.project = { "scores": [], "trust_indicators": [], "customs": [] } /** * Initiate confirmation and call the success handler with the * inputs. */ function confirm() { ctrl.projects.push(ctrl.project) ctrl.data.successHandler(ctrl.projects, ctrl.data.version, ctrl.data.installer); $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } /** * Close the confirm modal without initiating changes. */ function cancel() { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } function handleModalCustom(custom){ ctrl.project.customs.push(custom); } function openCustomModal(){ $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: 'testapi-ui/components/scenarios/modals/customModal.html', controller: 'customModalCtrl as customModalCtrl', size: 'md', resolve: { data: function () { return { text: "Custom", successHandler: ctrl.handleModalCustom }; } } }); } } /** * TestAPI Project Modal Controller * This controller is for the create modal where a user can create * the project information and for the edit modal where user can * edit the project's details */ angular.module('testapiApp').controller('versionAddModalCtrl', versionAddModalCtrl); versionAddModalCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$uibModal','$uibModalInstance', 'data']; function versionAddModalCtrl($scope, $uibModal, $uibModalInstance, data) { var ctrl = this; ctrl.confirm = confirm; ctrl.cancel = cancel; ctrl.data = angular.copy(data); ctrl.openProjectModal = openProjectModal; ctrl.handleModalData = handleModalData; ctrl.versions = [] ctrl.version = { "projects": [] } /** * Initiate confirmation and call the success handler with the * inputs. */ function confirm() { ctrl.versions.push(ctrl.version) ctrl.data.successHandler(ctrl.versions, ctrl.data.installer); $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } /** * Close the confirm modal without initiating changes. */ function cancel() { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } function handleModalData(project){ ctrl.version.projects.push(project) } function openProjectModal(){ $uibModal.open({ templateUrl: 'testapi-ui/components/scenarios/modals/projectModal.html', controller: 'projectModalCtrl as projectModalCtrl', size: 'md', resolve: { data: function () { return { text: "Project", successHandler: ctrl.handleModalData, }; } } }); } } })();