/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('testapiApp') .controller('DeployResultsController', DeployResultsController); DeployResultsController.$inject = [ '$scope', '$http', '$filter', '$state', 'testapiApiUrl','raiseAlert' ]; /** * TestAPI Deploy Results Controller * This controller is for the '/deployresults' page where a user can browse * a listing of community uploaded results. */ function DeployResultsController($scope, $http, $filter, $state, testapiApiUrl, raiseAlert) { var ctrl = this; ctrl.open = open; ctrl.clearFilters = clearFilters; ctrl.deleteTag = deleteTag; ctrl.filterList= filterList; ctrl.testFilter = testFilter ctrl.filter = "pod" ctrl.filterValue = "pod_name" ctrl.encodeFilter = encodeFilter ctrl.viewDeployResult = viewDeployResult ctrl.tagArray = {} ctrl.filterOption=[] /** Initial page to be on. */ ctrl.currentPage = 1; /** * How many results should display on each page. Since pagination * is server-side implemented, this value should match the * 'results_per_page' configuration of the TestAPI server which * defaults to 20. */ ctrl.itemsPerPage = 20; /** * How many page buttons should be displayed at max before adding * the '...' button. */ ctrl.maxSize = 5; /** The upload date lower limit to be used in filtering results. */ ctrl.startDate = ''; /** The upload date upper limit to be used in filtering results. */ ctrl.endDate = ''; /** The date format for the date picker. */ ctrl.format = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; ctrl.pageHeader = "Deploy Results" ctrl.pageParagraph = 'Your most recently uploaded deploy results are listed here.' ctrl.isPublic = false; function encodeFilter(){ ctrl.filterText = '' ctrl.filterOption=[] if(ctrl.filter=="pod" || ctrl.filter=="scenario"){ var reqURL = testapiApiUrl +"/" + ctrl.filter + "s" ctrl.datasRequest = $http.get(reqURL).success(function (data) { ctrl.filterData = data; for(var index in ctrl.filterData[ctrl.filter + "s"]){ if( ctrl.filterOption.indexOf(ctrl.filterData[ctrl.filter + "s"][index]["name"]) < 0){ ctrl.filterOption.push(ctrl.filterData[ctrl.filter + "s"][index]["name"]) } } }).catch(function (data) { ctrl.data = null; ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = data.statusText; }); } } function deleteTag(index){ delete ctrl.tagArray[index]; ctrl.filterList(); } function testFilter(text){ for (var filter in ctrl.tagArray){ if(text==filter){ return true; } } return false; } function viewDeployResult(_id){ $state.go('deployresult', {'_id':_id}, {reload: true}); } /** * This will contact the TestAPI API to get a listing of deploy * results. */ function filterList(){ if(ctrl.filter && ctrl.filterText!="" && ctrl.filterText!=undefined){ ctrl.tagArray[ctrl.filter] = ctrl.filterText; } ctrl.showError = false; var content_url = testapiApiUrl + '/deployresults' + '?page=' + ctrl.currentPage; for(var key in ctrl.tagArray){ if(key=="start_date"){ var start = $filter('date')(ctrl.tagArray[key], 'yyyy-MM-dd'); if (start) { content_url = content_url + '&from=' + start + ' 00:00:00'; } } else if(key=="end_date"){ var end = $filter('date')(ctrl.tagArray[key], 'yyyy-MM-dd'); if (end) { content_url = content_url + '&to=' + end + ' 23:59:59'; } } else{ content_url = content_url + "&" + key + "=" + ctrl.tagArray[key] } if (ctrl.isUserResults) { content_url = content_url + '&signed'; } } ctrl.resultsRequest = $http.get(content_url).success(function (data) { ctrl.data = data; ctrl.totalItems = ctrl.data.pagination.total_pages * ctrl.itemsPerPage; ctrl.currentPage = ctrl.data.pagination.current_page; ctrl.encodeFilter(); }).catch(function (error) { ctrl.data = null; ctrl.totalItems = 0; ctrl.showError = true; ctrl.error = error.statusText }); ctrl.filterText = '' } ctrl.filterList(); /** * This is called when the date filter calendar is opened. It * does some event handling, and sets a scope variable so the UI * knows which calendar was opened. * @param {Object} $event - The Event object * @param {String} openVar - Tells which calendar was opened */ function open($event, openVar) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); ctrl[openVar] = true; } /** * This function will clear all filters and update the results * listing. */ function clearFilters() { ctrl.tagArray = {} ctrl.filter = undefined ctrl.filterList(); } } })();