'use strict'; var mock = require('protractor-http-mock'); var baseURL = "http://localhost:8000" describe('testing the home page for anonymous user', function () { it( 'should navigate to pods link ', function() { browser.get(baseURL); var signOut = element(by.linkText('Sign In / Sign Up')) expect(signOut.isDisplayed()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('testing the home page for user', function () { beforeEach(function(){ mock([{ request: { path: '/api/v1/pods', method: 'GET' }, response: { data: { pods: [{role: "community-ci", name: "test", owner: "testUser", details: "DemoDetails", mode: "metal", _id: "59f02f099a07c84bfc5c7aed", creation_date: "2017-10-25 11:58:25.926168"}] } } }, { request: { path: '/api/v1/profile', method: 'GET' }, response: { data: { "fullname": "Test User", "_id": "79f82eey9a00c84bfhc7aed", "user": "testUser", "groups": ["opnfv-testapi-users", "opnfv-gerrit-functest-submitters"], "email": "testuser@test.com" } } }]) }); afterEach(function(){ mock.teardown(); }); it( 'should show the profile page', function() { browser.get(baseURL); var profile = element(by.linkText('Profile')) expect(profile.isDisplayed()).toBe(true); profile.click() var EC = browser.ExpectedConditions; browser.wait(EC.urlContains(baseURL+ '/#/profile'), 10000); }); });