.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) 2017 ZTE Corp. ===================== TestAPI client import ===================== **Python module to communicate with the TestAPI Server** This project aims to provide a python module which can communicate with the TestAPI Server. The user can use this client to fetch/post/modify the resources on the TestAPI Server. Usage ----- Pod ^^^ GET """ User will get the json Pod objects with the get request. .. code-block:: shell from testapiclient.client import pods pod_client = pods.PodsClient() pod_client.get() User can use search parameters to get pods .. code-block:: shell from testapiclient.client import pods pod_client = pods.PodsClient() pod_client.get(name='pod1') GET ONE """"""" User will get the json Pod objects with the get request. .. code-block:: shell from testapiclient.client import pods pod_client = pods.PodsClient() pod_client.get_one('name') CREATE """""" User has to authenticate before running the function. .. code-block:: shell from testapiclient.client import pods pod_client = pods.PodsClient(user='test', password='pass') pod_client.create({'name': 'test-api', 'mode':'metal', 'role':'community_ci', 'details':''}