#! /usr/bin/env python import logging import argparse import shared_utils import json import urlparse import uuid import os import subprocess import datetime logger = logging.getLogger('mongo_to_elasticsearch') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler = logging.FileHandler('/var/log/{}.log'.format(__name__)) file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(file_handler) def _get_dicts_from_list(testcase, dict_list, keys): dicts = [] for dictionary in dict_list: # iterate over dictionaries in input list if not isinstance(dictionary, dict): logger.info("Skipping non-dict details testcase [{}]".format(testcase)) continue if keys == set(dictionary.keys()): # check the dictionary structure dicts.append(dictionary) return dicts def _get_results_from_list_of_dicts(list_of_dict_statuses, dict_indexes, expected_results=None): test_results = {} for test_status in list_of_dict_statuses: status = test_status for index in dict_indexes: status = status[index] if status in test_results: test_results[status] += 1 else: test_results[status] = 1 if expected_results is not None: for expected_result in expected_results: if expected_result not in test_results: test_results[expected_result] = 0 return test_results def _convert_duration(duration): if (isinstance(duration, str) or isinstance(duration, unicode)) and ':' in duration: hours, minutes, seconds = duration.split(":") int_duration = 3600 * int(hours) + 60 * int(minutes) + float(seconds) else: int_duration = duration return int_duration def modify_functest_tempest(testcase): if modify_default_entry(testcase): testcase_details = testcase['details'] testcase_tests = float(testcase_details['tests']) testcase_failures = float(testcase_details['failures']) if testcase_tests != 0: testcase_details['success_percentage'] = 100 * (testcase_tests - testcase_failures) / testcase_tests else: testcase_details['success_percentage'] = 0 return True else: return False def modify_functest_vims(testcase): """ Structure: details.sig_test.result.[{result}] details.sig_test.duration details.vIMS.duration details.orchestrator.duration Find data for these fields -> details.sig_test.duration -> details.sig_test.tests -> details.sig_test.failures -> details.sig_test.passed -> details.sig_test.skipped -> details.vIMS.duration -> details.orchestrator.duration """ testcase_details = testcase['details'] sig_test_results = _get_dicts_from_list(testcase, testcase_details['sig_test']['result'], {'duration', 'result', 'name', 'error'}) if len(sig_test_results) < 1: logger.info("No 'result' from 'sig_test' found in vIMS details, skipping") return False else: test_results = _get_results_from_list_of_dicts(sig_test_results, ('result',), ('Passed', 'Skipped', 'Failed')) passed = test_results['Passed'] skipped = test_results['Skipped'] failures = test_results['Failed'] all_tests = passed + skipped + failures testcase['details'] = { 'sig_test': { 'duration': testcase_details['sig_test']['duration'], 'tests': all_tests, 'failures': failures, 'passed': passed, 'skipped': skipped }, 'vIMS': { 'duration': testcase_details['vIMS']['duration'] }, 'orchestrator': { 'duration': testcase_details['orchestrator']['duration'] } } return True def modify_functest_onos(testcase): """ Structure: details.FUNCvirNet.duration details.FUNCvirNet.status.[{Case result}] details.FUNCvirNetL3.duration details.FUNCvirNetL3.status.[{Case result}] Find data for these fields -> details.FUNCvirNet.duration -> details.FUNCvirNet.tests -> details.FUNCvirNet.failures -> details.FUNCvirNetL3.duration -> details.FUNCvirNetL3.tests -> details.FUNCvirNetL3.failures """ testcase_details = testcase['details'] funcvirnet_details = testcase_details['FUNCvirNet']['status'] funcvirnet_statuses = _get_dicts_from_list(testcase, funcvirnet_details, {'Case result', 'Case name:'}) funcvirnetl3_details = testcase_details['FUNCvirNetL3']['status'] funcvirnetl3_statuses = _get_dicts_from_list(testcase, funcvirnetl3_details, {'Case result', 'Case name:'}) if len(funcvirnet_statuses) < 0: logger.info("No results found in 'FUNCvirNet' part of ONOS results") return False elif len(funcvirnetl3_statuses) < 0: logger.info("No results found in 'FUNCvirNetL3' part of ONOS results") return False else: funcvirnet_results = _get_results_from_list_of_dicts(funcvirnet_statuses, ('Case result',), ('PASS', 'FAIL')) funcvirnetl3_results = _get_results_from_list_of_dicts(funcvirnetl3_statuses, ('Case result',), ('PASS', 'FAIL')) funcvirnet_passed = funcvirnet_results['PASS'] funcvirnet_failed = funcvirnet_results['FAIL'] funcvirnet_all = funcvirnet_passed + funcvirnet_failed funcvirnetl3_passed = funcvirnetl3_results['PASS'] funcvirnetl3_failed = funcvirnetl3_results['FAIL'] funcvirnetl3_all = funcvirnetl3_passed + funcvirnetl3_failed testcase_details['FUNCvirNet'] = { 'duration': _convert_duration(testcase_details['FUNCvirNet']['duration']), 'tests': funcvirnet_all, 'failures': funcvirnet_failed } testcase_details['FUNCvirNetL3'] = { 'duration': _convert_duration(testcase_details['FUNCvirNetL3']['duration']), 'tests': funcvirnetl3_all, 'failures': funcvirnetl3_failed } return True def modify_functest_rally(testcase): """ Structure: details.[{summary.duration}] details.[{summary.nb success}] details.[{summary.nb tests}] Find data for these fields -> details.duration -> details.tests -> details.success_percentage """ summaries = _get_dicts_from_list(testcase, testcase['details'], {'summary'}) if len(summaries) != 1: logger.info("Found zero or more than one 'summaries' in Rally details, skipping") return False else: summary = summaries[0]['summary'] testcase['details'] = { 'duration': summary['duration'], 'tests': summary['nb tests'], 'success_percentage': summary['nb success'] } return True def modify_functest_odl(testcase): """ Structure: details.details.[{test_status.@status}] Find data for these fields -> details.tests -> details.failures -> details.success_percentage? """ test_statuses = _get_dicts_from_list(testcase, testcase['details']['details'], {'test_status', 'test_doc', 'test_name'}) if len(test_statuses) < 1: logger.info("No 'test_status' found in ODL details, skipping") return False else: test_results = _get_results_from_list_of_dicts(test_statuses, ('test_status', '@status'), ('PASS', 'FAIL')) passed_tests = test_results['PASS'] failed_tests = test_results['FAIL'] all_tests = passed_tests + failed_tests testcase['details'] = { 'tests': all_tests, 'failures': failed_tests, 'success_percentage': 100 * passed_tests / float(all_tests) } return True def modify_default_entry(testcase): """ Look for these and leave any of those: details.duration details.tests details.failures If none are present, then return False """ found = False testcase_details = testcase['details'] fields = ['duration', 'tests', 'failures'] if isinstance(testcase_details, dict): for key, value in testcase_details.items(): if key in fields: found = True if key == 'duration': testcase_details[key] = _convert_duration(value) else: del testcase_details[key] return found def _fix_date(date_string): if isinstance(date_string, dict): return date_string['$date'] else: return date_string[:-3].replace(' ', 'T') + 'Z' def verify_mongo_entry(testcase): """ Mandatory fields: installer pod_name version case_name date project details these fields must be present and must NOT be None Optional fields: description these fields will be preserved if the are NOT None """ mandatory_fields = ['installer', 'pod_name', 'version', 'case_name', 'project_name', 'details'] mandatory_fields_to_modify = {'creation_date': _fix_date} if '_id' in testcase: mongo_id = testcase['_id'] else: mongo_id = None optional_fields = ['description'] for key, value in testcase.items(): if key in mandatory_fields: if value is None: # empty mandatory field, invalid input logger.info("Skipping testcase with mongo _id '{}' because the testcase was missing value" " for mandatory field '{}'".format(mongo_id, key)) return False else: mandatory_fields.remove(key) elif key in mandatory_fields_to_modify: if value is None: # empty mandatory field, invalid input logger.info("Skipping testcase with mongo _id '{}' because the testcase was missing value" " for mandatory field '{}'".format(mongo_id, key)) return False else: testcase[key] = mandatory_fields_to_modify[key](value) del mandatory_fields_to_modify[key] elif key in optional_fields: if value is None: # empty optional field, remove del testcase[key] optional_fields.remove(key) else: # unknown field del testcase[key] if len(mandatory_fields) > 0: # some mandatory fields are missing logger.info("Skipping testcase with mongo _id '{}' because the testcase was missing" " mandatory field(s) '{}'".format(mongo_id, mandatory_fields)) return False else: return True def modify_mongo_entry(testcase): # 1. verify and identify the testcase # 2. if modification is implemented, then use that # 3. if not, try to use default # 4. if 2 or 3 is successful, return True, otherwise return False if verify_mongo_entry(testcase): project = testcase['project_name'] case_name = testcase['case_name'] if project == 'functest': if case_name == 'Rally': return modify_functest_rally(testcase) elif case_name == 'ODL': return modify_functest_odl(testcase) elif case_name == 'ONOS': return modify_functest_onos(testcase) elif case_name == 'vIMS': return modify_functest_vims(testcase) elif case_name == 'Tempest': return modify_functest_tempest(testcase) return modify_default_entry(testcase) else: return False def publish_mongo_data(output_destination): tmp_filename = 'mongo-{}.log'.format(uuid.uuid4()) try: subprocess.check_call(['mongoexport', '--db', 'test_results_collection', '-c', 'test_results', '--out', tmp_filename]) with open(tmp_filename) as fobj: for mongo_json_line in fobj: test_result = json.loads(mongo_json_line) if modify_mongo_entry(test_result): shared_utils.publish_json(test_result, output_destination, es_user, es_passwd) finally: if os.path.exists(tmp_filename): os.remove(tmp_filename) def get_mongo_data(days): past_time = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=days) mongo_json_lines = subprocess.check_output(['mongoexport', '--db', 'test_results_collection', '-c', 'test_results', '--query', '{{"creation_date":{{$gt:"{}"}}}}' .format(past_time)]).splitlines() mongo_data = [] for mongo_json_line in mongo_json_lines: test_result = json.loads(mongo_json_line) if modify_mongo_entry(test_result): # if the modification could be applied, append the modified result mongo_data.append(test_result) return mongo_data def publish_difference(mongo_data, elastic_data, output_destination, es_user, es_passwd): for elastic_entry in elastic_data: if elastic_entry in mongo_data: mongo_data.remove(elastic_entry) logger.info('number of parsed test results: {}'.format(len(mongo_data))) for parsed_test_result in mongo_data: shared_utils.publish_json(parsed_test_result, es_user, es_passwd, output_destination) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Modify and filter mongo json data for elasticsearch') parser.add_argument('-od', '--output-destination', default='elasticsearch', choices=('elasticsearch', 'stdout'), help='defaults to elasticsearch') parser.add_argument('-ml', '--merge-latest', default=0, type=int, metavar='N', help='get entries old at most N days from mongodb and' ' parse those that are not already in elasticsearch.' ' If not present, will get everything from mongodb, which is the default') parser.add_argument('-e', '--elasticsearch-url', default='http://localhost:9200', help='the url of elasticsearch, defaults to http://localhost:9200') parser.add_argument('-u', '--elasticsearch-username', help='the username for elasticsearch') parser.add_argument('-p', '--elasticsearch-password', help='the password for elasticsearch') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mongodb-url', default='http://localhost:8082', help='the url of mongodb, defaults to http://localhost:8082') args = parser.parse_args() base_elastic_url = urlparse.urljoin(args.elasticsearch_url, '/test_results/mongo2elastic') output_destination = args.output_destination days = args.merge_latest es_user = args.elasticsearch_username es_passwd = args.elasticsearch_password if output_destination == 'elasticsearch': output_destination = base_elastic_url # parsed_test_results will be printed/sent to elasticsearch if days == 0: # TODO get everything from mongo publish_mongo_data(output_destination) elif days > 0: body = '''{{ "query" : {{ "range" : {{ "creation_date" : {{ "gte" : "now-{}d" }} }} }} }}'''.format(days) elastic_data = shared_utils.get_elastic_data(base_elastic_url, es_user, es_passwd, body) logger.info('number of hits in elasticsearch for now-{}d: {}'.format(days, len(elastic_data))) mongo_data = get_mongo_data(days) publish_difference(mongo_data, elastic_data, output_destination, es_user, es_passwd) else: raise Exception('Update must be non-negative')