############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Orange # guyrodrigue.koffi@orange.com / koffirodrigue@gmail.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## from datetime import datetime, timedelta from bson.objectid import ObjectId from tornado.web import HTTPError from opnfv_testapi.common.constants import HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_NOT_FOUND from opnfv_testapi.resources.handlers import GenericApiHandler from opnfv_testapi.resources.result_models import TestResult from opnfv_testapi.tornado_swagger import swagger class GenericResultHandler(GenericApiHandler): def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): super(GenericResultHandler, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) self.table = self.db_results self.table_cls = TestResult def set_query(self): query = dict() for k in self.request.query_arguments.keys(): v = self.get_query_argument(k) if k == 'project' or k == 'pod' or k == 'case': query[k + '_name'] = v elif k == 'period': try: v = int(v) except: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'period must be int') if v > 0: period = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=v) obj = {"$gte": str(period)} query['start_date'] = obj elif k == 'trust_indicator': query[k] = float(v) elif k != 'last': query[k] = v return query class ResultsCLHandler(GenericResultHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname="list-all") def get(self): """ @description: Retrieve result(s) for a test project on a specific pod. @notes: Retrieve result(s) for a test project on a specific pod. Available filters for this request are : - project : project name - case : case name - pod : pod name - version : platform version (Arno-R1, ...) - installer (fuel, ...) - build_tag : Jenkins build tag name - period : x (x last days) - scenario : the test scenario (previously version) - criteria : the global criteria status passed or failed - trust_indicator : evaluate the stability of the test case to avoid running systematically long and stable test case GET /results/project=functest&case=vPing&version=Arno-R1 \ &pod=pod_name&period=15 @return 200: all test results consist with query, empty list if no result is found @rtype: L{TestResults} @param pod: pod name @type pod: L{string} @in pod: query @required pod: False @param project: project name @type project: L{string} @in project: query @required project: False @param case: case name @type case: L{string} @in case: query @required case: False @param version: i.e. Colorado @type version: L{string} @in version: query @required version: False @param installer: fuel/apex/joid/compass @type installer: L{string} @in installer: query @required installer: False @param build_tag: i.e. v3.0 @type build_tag: L{string} @in build_tag: query @required build_tag: False @param scenario: i.e. odl @type scenario: L{string} @in scenario: query @required scenario: False @param criteria: i.e. passed @type criteria: L{string} @in criteria: query @required criteria: False @param period: last days @type period: L{string} @in period: query @required period: False @param last: last days @type last: L{string} @in last: query @required last: False @param trust_indicator: must be int/long/float @type trust_indicator: L{string} @in trust_indicator: query @required trust_indicator: False """ last = self.get_query_argument('last', 0) if last is not None: try: last = int(last) except: raise HTTPError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'last must be int') self._list(self.set_query(), sort=[{'start_date', -1}], last=last) @swagger.operation(nickname="create") def post(self): """ @description: create a test result @param body: result to be created @type body: L{ResultCreateRequest} @in body: body @rtype: L{TestResult} @return 200: result is created. @raise 404: pod/project/testcase not exist @raise 400: body/pod_name/project_name/case_name not provided """ def pod_query(data): return {'name': data.pod_name} def pod_error(data): message = 'Could not find pod [{}]'.format(data.pod_name) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message def project_query(data): return {'name': data.project_name} def project_error(data): message = 'Could not find project [{}]'.format(data.project_name) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message def testcase_query(data): return {'project_name': data.project_name, 'name': data.case_name} def testcase_error(data): message = 'Could not find testcase [{}] in project [{}]'\ .format(data.case_name, data.project_name) return HTTP_NOT_FOUND, message miss_checks = ['pod_name', 'project_name', 'case_name'] db_checks = [('pods', True, pod_query, pod_error), ('projects', True, project_query, project_error), ('testcases', True, testcase_query, testcase_error)] self._create(miss_checks, db_checks) class ResultsGURHandler(GenericResultHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname='get-one') def get(self, result_id): """ @description: get a single result by result_id @rtype: L{TestResult} @return 200: test result exist @raise 404: test result not exist """ query = dict() query["_id"] = ObjectId(result_id) self._get_one(query)