#!/usr/bin/python # # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import os import datetime import logging from itertools import ifilter import jinja2 from reporting.utils import reporting_utils from reporting.utils.scenarioResult import ScenarioResult LOG = reporting_utils.getLogger("Vsperf-Status") LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) HISTORY_FILE = "./display/{}/vsperf/scenario_history.txt" TEMPLATE_FILE = "./reporting/vsperf/template/index-status-tmpl.html" TARGET_FILE = "./display/{}/vsperf/reporting.html" def _get_version_data(data): version_data = {} for ele in data: try: version = ele['build_tag'].split('-')[-2] except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError): continue if version not in version_data: version_data[version] = [] version_data[version].append(ele) return version_data def _get_case_data(data): case_data = {} for ele in data: case_name = ele['case_name'] if case_name not in case_data: case_data[case_name] = [] case_data[case_name].append(ele) return case_data def _get_score(data): count = len(list(ifilter(lambda r: r['criteria'] == 'PASS', data))) total = len(data) return count, total def _get_result_obj(version, case, data): fifty_pass, fifty_total = _get_score(data) four_pass, four_total = _get_score(data[:4]) status = (four_pass * 100) / four_total four_score = '{}/{}'.format(four_pass, four_total) fifty_score = '{}/{}'.format(fifty_pass, fifty_total) percent = str(status) url = reporting_utils.getJenkinsUrl(data[-1]['build_tag']) LOG.debug('Last four score: %s', four_score) LOG.debug('Fifty days score: %s', fifty_score) LOG.debug('Last Four percent: %s', percent) _write_history_file(version, case, fifty_score, percent) return ScenarioResult(status, four_score, fifty_score, percent, url) def _write_history_file(version, case, fifty_score, percent): file_path = HISTORY_FILE.format(version) if not os.path.exists(file_path): with open(file_path, 'w') as f: info = 'date,case,details,score\n' f.write(info) date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") with open(file_path, "a") as f: info = '{},{},{},{}\n'.format(date, case, fifty_score, percent) f.write(info) def _do_generate(version, case_result): templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(".") templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader, autoescape=True) template = templateEnv.get_template(TEMPLATE_FILE) date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") outputText = template.render(case_result=case_result, period=50, version=version, date=date) with open(TARGET_FILE.format(version), 'wb') as f: f.write(outputText) def _generate_reporting(version, data): case_result = {} case_data = _get_case_data(data) for case, value in case_data.items(): LOG.debug('version: %s, case: %s', version, case) case_result[case] = _get_result_obj(version, case, value) _do_generate(version, case_result) def main(): LOG.info("*******************************************") LOG.info("* Generating vsperf reporting status *") LOG.info("* Data retention = 50 days *") LOG.info("* *") LOG.info("*******************************************") data = reporting_utils.getScenarios("vsperf", None, "fuel", None, period=50) version_data = _get_version_data(data['vsperf']) for version in {'master', 'fraser', 'gambia'}: _generate_reporting(version, version_data.get(version, [])) LOG.info("End") if __name__ == '__main__': main()