'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc function * @name opnfvdashBoardAngularApp.controller:testVisualController * @description * # TableController * Controller of the opnfvdashBoardAngularApp */ angular.module('opnfvApp') .controller('testVisualController', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'TableFactory', 'ngDialog', '$http', '$loading', function($scope, $state, $stateParams, TableFactory, ngDialog, $http, $loading) { $scope.dovet = "59,222,156,317"; $scope.functest = "203,163,334,365"; $scope.yardstick = "398,161,513,384"; $scope.vsperf = "567,163,673,350"; $scope.stor = "686,165,789,341"; $scope.qtip = "802,164,905,341"; $scope.bootleneck = "917,161,1022,338"; $scope.noPopArea1 = "30,11,1243,146"; $scope.noPopArea2 = "1041,157,1250,561"; $scope.noPopArea3 = "15,392,1027,561"; init(); $scope.showSelectValue = 0; $scope.scenarioList = ["os_nosdn_kvm_noha", "os_nosdn_kvm_no", "os_nosdn_kvm_"]; function init() { $scope.myTrigger = myTrigger; $scope.openTestDetail = openTestDetail; $scope.pop = pop; $scope.getDetail = getDetail; getUrl(); } function myTrigger(name) { $loading.start('Key'); $scope.tableData = null; $scope.modalName = name; var url = PROJECT_URL + '/projects/' + name + '/cases'; var config = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8;' } } $http.get(url, config).then(function(response) { if (response.status == 200) { $scope.tableData = response.data; $loading.finish('Key'); } }) } function getDetail(casename) { TableFactory.getProjectTestCaseDetail().get({ 'project': $scope.modalName, 'testcase': casename }).$promise.then(function(response) { if (response != null) { $scope.project_name_modal = response.project_name; $scope.description_modal = response.description; openTestDetail(); } }) } function openTestDetail() { ngDialog.open({ template: 'views/modal/testcasedetail.html', className: 'ngdialog-theme-default', scope: $scope, showClose: false }) } function getUrl() { TableFactory.getProjectUrl().get({ }).$promise.then(function(response) { if (response != null) { $scope.functesturl = response.functest; $scope.yardstickurl = response.yardstick; $scope.vsperfurl = response.vsperf; $scope.storperfurl = response.storperf; $scope.qtipurl = response.qtip; $scope.bottlenecksurl = response.bottlenecks; $scope.doveturl = null; } }) } } ]);