# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys from invoke import task, run docs_dir = 'docs' build_dir = os.path.join(docs_dir, '_build') @task def test(): run('python setup.py test', pty=True) @task def clean(): run("rm -rf build") run("rm -rf dist") run("rm -rf anteater.egg-info") clean_docs() print("Cleaned up.") @task def clean_docs(): run("rm -rf %s" % build_dir) @task def browse_docs(): run("open %s" % os.path.join(build_dir, 'index.html')) @task def build_docs(clean=False, browse=False): if clean: clean_docs() run("sphinx-build %s %s" % (docs_dir, build_dir), pty=True) if browse: browse_docs() @task def readme(browse=False): run('rst2html.py README.rst > README.html') @task def publish(test=False): """Publish to the cheeseshop.""" if test: run('python setup.py register -r test sdist upload -r test') else: run("python setup.py register sdist upload")